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in the past

Has the decency to fix the horrendous 'ending' of Fallout 3 and allow the plot to continue. Unfortunately the new ending isn't much better. Most of the new enemies are decent and provide some challenge but the Albino Radscorpions are extremely annoying.

It's good they overwrote Fallout 3s dogshit ending but Broken Steel doesnt over much good sadly. Quests are pretty linear and filled with obnoxious enemies (fuck the reavers) and there's just not much good for the perks that are offered (besides almost perfect but thats level 30 so at that point why does it even matter). Pretty dissapointing DLC to play through.

It's just so boring. The linear enclave quests are boring, the added water quests are nothing. The perks they added after level 30 all suck.

The main story of this DLC is mostly boring as a I don't give a fuck about more Brotherhood of Steel/Enclave stuff. It's still a must though, simply for everything else it added in terms of enemies and the level cap.

Absolute garbage. A continuation of a story that nobody cared about, and the end result is a boring, annoying DLC that has absolutely no value in terms of story and even pure fun. Terrible.

Now that the third (but most certainly not final) DLC is out we get the best of the bunch. Broken Steel adds an extremely hard quest, a level 30 cap raise, new powerful foes, and one mean Tesla Cannon. I also highly recommend, if you haven’t bought any DLC yet, buy BS first because it picks up two weeks after the “Project Purity” quest when the game initially ended.

This quest, of course, is for the Brotherhood of Steel, and you must help cut off the rest of the Enclave forces by blowing up a radio control tower that they are using at the Air Force Base which is a whole new location. Before you do this, however, you must steal a Tesla Coil for the Scribes (they are scavenging Enclave tech after all) and you get a brand new AWESOME Tesla Cannon that is probably the most powerful weapon in the game now. This thing will kill almost anything in one to a few hits and after impact, the electricity keeps eating away health. This thing will also take out Vertibirds in one fell swoop…YES!!! Thankfully it uses EC cells and not a special ammo so there’s is plenty of it.

Walking around these two new locations is actually extremely tough and just make sure you’re at least level 25-30 before even attempting it because you have Hellfire Enclave and new Ghouls that take forever to kill. Make sure you take a good 30-50 stimpaks with you because you’re going to get hammered with probably the most enemy populated area in the game. When Bethesda said harder quests and enemies they meant it. Now, this doesn’t mean the DLC is impossible to beat, it’s just extremely challenging.

There is also one other side quest they through in there called “Aqua Pura” and this is located at the Ghoul hideout in the Museum of History for those of you who want to know. Now there’s no interesting unique atmosphere like The Pitt so it’s just like what’s on the disc except with new locations. I highly recommend players to pick up Broken Steel especially for the level cap raise and the new Perks. The only problem is this DLC is STILL too short with about 4-6 hours of play, but the level cap raise makes up for it.

A special case in-which a game's ending was so awful it had to be retconned from canon.

Worthwhile only because it fixes the thematically fitting but experientially frustrating ending of the main game. Everything else here feels hastily cobbled together and disparate, as if Bethesda hadn't planned this content in advance but realized their decision to lock off exploring the Capitol Wasteland post-game was a dire one that needed a solution pronto without really considering what would best serve that experience. You need it to make Fallout 3 feel whole, but it's certainly not great standalone.

i think making a game so bad that you had to make dlc to retcon the ending is incredibly funny

Playtime: 4 Hours
Score: 6/10

An okay DLC. So this DLC is required in order to continue playing after the main story ends and it raises the level cap to 30. In terms of the story its just a continuation of Brotherhood of Steel vs the Enclave and you destroying them once and for all. It adds a couple of new locations to the main map but you don't go to a new area or anything which was disappointing. Story wise its okay but theres not much really other then just doing mission after mission until the end. The final mission was also annoying to play through as your constantly being assaulted by Sentry bots and Enclave soldiers which wasn't really fun. Plus at one point I encountered an unkillable Ghoul that was glitching out and wouldn't die, so I eventually just ran past it.

They do give you a choice at the end where to send the orbital strike with you being able to betray the Brotherhood or destroy Rivet City or Megaton, but there's no real moral greyness to it, its just either be the good guy or be a bad guy. Overall, its fun enough but one of the more above average DLCs for me.

cool quests but nothing else, like, they didn't even add another character to begin with.
average dlc imo.
plus they killed [HIM]... heartbreaking

Its alright, should've really been added to the base game but for what it is its nothing too crazy, the weapons and armor additions are appreciated though.

Solid few missions, but totally feels like this should have been the original ending, and it probably was. Nothing particularly unique in the DLC, but it does feel like a necessary addition.

more of the main story equals more sleep inducing writing and corridor shooting damage sponges

"Hey so you know how our game has pretty bad combat"


"What if we made a DLC devoted to really hard encounters that were mostly damage sponge enemies"

"Hmm, I dunno about that, I'm not sure that'll sell well"

"What if we bundle it with the patch to fix the ending that everyone hates"


This is really post-game DLC. 10 extra levels, some new side quests, and a new main story quest line. What's there is decent, and allows you to continue playing indefinitely.

Kinda tedious and linear but at least it retcons that absolutely shitass ending.

Uma DLC forçada que tenta prolongar uma historia maçante feitas na coxas, com novos inimigos que são esponja de dano.

Vamos por partes... A história principal de Fallout 3 é tosca e a Broken Steel prolonga isso, trazendo um novo final tão ruim quanto o original. É impressionante como a BOS continua a de sempre, patética, fraca e ignorante. Literalmente o Tristan meteu um "você vai pegar um rifle, ficar quieto e deixar o Liberty Prime fazer o resto". Ele trata quem simplesmente salvou a Capital como se fosse um merda e coloca tudo nas costas de um robô Deus Ex Machina e admito, ver esse merda vindo pedir minha ajuda após o Liberty morrer, #RIPBozo.

Após isso, vamos para o Metro Presidencial que é... Chato, enfrentar aqueles Ghoul novo da DLC é um saco, eles tem muita vida e viram esponjas de dano. A M.A.R.Go.T. é legalzinha.

Depois disso vamos para Adams e... Continua genérico, pelo menos aqui ganhamos o Tesla Cannon e meu amigo, que arma bela, linda, maravilhosa, foi gostoso de explodir todos com ela.

Mais missões genéricas e tals, explodimos a base e... A Lyons resgata a gente com o Vertibird e... Fim. Que DLC patética cara.

Ela é que nem Anchorage, Nota 2, porém há algo bom que torna Nota 3, nesse caso é o Tesla Cannon.

As missões secundarias da Aqua Pura eu não fiz ainda e sinceramente, acho desnecessárias, mas enfim. Esse é meu veredito.

When your ending is so bad, you try to make another one, and it's still bad. The new missions are simply waves and waves of enemies mindlessly thrown at you, making for an even duller experience than the main game -- an incredible achievement.

The first quest is fun, the Tesla Cannon is awesome, and it lets you keep playing the game indefinitely, but like, Broken Steel is barely a suitable ending to the game's story. It's a mega-rushed final scrap between the Enclave and the Brotherhood, so rushed that it's only three missions long and when the third mission comes along, the Brotherhood's like "oh yeah this is the final battle btw, I know we literally just got that Tesla Coil, but I guess we're ready to whoop the Enclave's asses now".

Honestly, I was starting to feel bad for the Enclave after three straight missions of kicking their ass. They aren't even a threat anymore, just a bunch of guys running away from you with their tails between their legs. They're in disarray and they've been broken down into splinter cells, so like, it honestly feels like you and the Brotherhood are just bullying the Enclave in this DLC. Sure, the Enclave may shoot at you on sight, but it's understandable, they're like a threatened, frightened animal biting you on impulse. Kinda wanted to throw the Enclave a bone at the end of it all, y'know? I know they're a bunch of genocidal elitist pricks, but they're also the genocidal elitist underdogs in Broken Steel, so it's really cute how the game likes to think they're a pressing threat when, in reality, the Brotherhood already has all the advantages. "Broken Steel" my ass, the only thing they lost was their already-overpowered patriot robot.

(I'm aware you can blow up the Brotherhood's Citadel at the end, but like, what good is that gonna do for the maybe six people still left in the Enclave by the end of the game? Not like it changes anything, it's just another randomly evil choice for the sake of it.)

Other than that, there is nothing to talk about with Broken Steel beyond the fact that its' title is hilariously mismatched with the Brotherhood-steamroll narrative. Its three missions are repetitive shlock and new characters are carelessly introduced and discarded (like these random Ghoul survivors at Old Olney or Stiggs, a guy indebted to the Enclave that could have been cool but instead has no screentime to speak of). But it does have the Tesla Cannon, so. 2.5 / 5.

i forgot this one existed tee bee h

"we're super sowwy the ending sucked so much.... pwease dont hate us anymore.... we made the ending different now....!!"

Not as good as the main game but still underrated.

An odd epilogue to the main quest, plus some changes to the ending. It's not that interesting as it's really just "and here's a few more things the Lone Wanderer did."

It's okay, but I cannot stand the boring perks, like Almost Perfect and Nuclear Anomaly.

o final de fallout 3 pode ter sido bem estúpido, mas pelo menos ele tava divertido. isso aqui é tão maçante e idiota que quando eu percebi que eu gastei mais tempo aqui do que na dlc da anchorage (outra dlc ridiculamente ruim do jogo) eu desisti. ganha uma estrela por eu ter visto o lendário metrô de fallout 3 (que é só um carinha com cara de metrô)

An epilogue to the main story that should've been in the original release to begin with. Not terrible, but pretty repetitive and ultimately an exhausting stretch of gameplay. I hope you like fighting tons of deathclaws and armored Enclave bastards. By the time I was done with the questline I just wanted to move on from Fallout 3 despite having more DLCs to play.

More fallout 3 and the ability to keep playing fallout three all for an extra £7. Fuck off and die