Reviews from

in the past

Extremely fun! Would more than likely play again!

Excellent game.

Very nice to see the beginning of the series before it was bloated and they just handed you supercars left and right. Progressing slowly through the car ranks was very fun!

Docked a point because the world wasn't that exciting. Colorado is probably my least favorite locale they've used.

Very fun if I do say so myself

Takes the best parts about other racing games of its time. Forza's upgrades and customization, PGR's Kudos system, and Midnight Club's open world. Also, that soundtrack has hits upon hits and certainly screams 2012 in the best way possible.

İlk oynadığım forza oyunudur. Grafikler xbox 360 için harika. Sürüş zevkli, arabalar güzel. Realistik araba sürüşü olarak forza oyunları zaten hep en iyisidir. Üstüne bir hikayesi olması falan tatlı eklentiler. Drift etmek falanda tatlı. İkinci oyunda niyeyse yok. Yani forza bu abi. Hemde ilk forza deneyimim o yüzden bi 3,5 yıldız hakediyor bence.

Gameplay - 8
Trilha Sonora - 8
Gráficos - 10
História/Campanha - 7

Nota - 8.25

Still peak. The festival vibe is unmatched even by its sequels and the shorter but focused single player offering is satisfying and rewarding. Soundtrack slaps hard too like oh my fucking god

This was the first Forza Horizon game I ever played.

This is a game that I play occasionally to rewind back to a couple of years ago when I first played this game. I'm really surprised that Playground Games didn't include the use of a fully implemented story in their newer games, as the story in this game is the biggest highlight. Another part that I love is the overall ambience of the world, from the ecstatic horizon festival, to empty but relaxing Red Rock, this game is so fun.

in colorado + arctic monkeys on soundtrack = goat

My ten year old brain was blown by the fact it was an open world racing game

only horizon i can tolerate thanks to piss filter and colorado
not being bombarded with new age propaganda every second is also a bonus

Absolutely phenomenal game. Great driving model, great atmosphere, great soundtrack, great gameplay. Just a masterclass of a racing game that capitalizes on and develops every idea it presents. Graphics hold up superbly even a decade later, as does the gameplay, which I haven't seen equalled in any game I've played as of yet. Looking forward to playing the rest of the franchise if this is an indicator of what it's founded upon.

life is a highway I am gonna ride it all night long - Cars 2006

esse jogo não tinha nenhuma obrigação de ser tão bom assim

SIMPLY THE BEST! i love this one so much, the soundtrack the game, everything is amazing i got excited every time i played it

My first Forza Horizon game and it was revolutionary to me when it came out. Never quite got into it but the vastness of the game amazed me at the time.

The graphics of the game haven't aged as well as some other games, but I think the fact that it started the Horizon series means that it is an amazing game. My issues with it is the fact that it is less open and more restricted to just the roads, unlike in the new games where you can drive anywhere you want to. But I enjoyed exploring Colorado and finding all the signs to get free upgrades. The graphics may not be as good, but some of the shots are still beautiful. I didn't do everything, but I did a lot of the races and loved driving around the highway at full speed.

como isso roda no xbox 360? esse jogo eu joguei com uns 9 anos e ainda jogo hj em dia e quase tudo nesse jogo é perfeito só tive alguns problemas com bugs , o sistema de rivais são bons e n sei pq nos outros jogos n tem rivais , o mundo aberto n tem muita coisa pra se explorar mas é lindo e tem carro abandonados q vc pode achar e ficar pra vc , as corridas são simples mas tem poucas corridas contra aviões , helicopteros e etc e então o jogo é bom mas com um mapa mais denso e menos bugs o jogo seria perfeito.

I think the map is just ok and the physics are kinda boring compared to later entries but the progression is a lot more fun and it has more personality


Played this a lot when I first got my Xbox. Great racing game, that checks off most boxes for a free roam racing game

Still looks good. Really wish Microsoft made it available for purchase on their store instead of having to break out the 360 disc to play. Better yet, put it on Steam please so I can make it look even more pretty on an ultra wide monitor.

ambientação impecável. os novos aprenderam absolutamente nada com esse jogo, Horizon 1 será pra sempre único.