Reviews from

in the past

You cheated not only the game, but yourself. You didn't grow. You didn't improve. You took a shortcut and gained nothing. You experienced a hollow victory. Nothing was risked and nothing was gained. It's sad that you don't know the difference.

It's still good, and I liked how they upped the replayability gimmick a few notches and made the game a bit more open, but I feel HE really dropped the ball on the map design. While the original game had lots of intersections and packed screens, this one has lots of empty corridors. I joke that they went the AAA route of increasing scale and not substance.

This is a pretty good step up from the first game. It's not as heavy on the backtracking and starts to delve more into the mystery elements that the series would eventually have as the focus. Only real problem is some runs can have you doing very little when getting the items you need. That doesn't sound bad, until you realize that means a good amount of screens in the game are just barren and characters have nothing to say to you since they're not needed for the path you got.

This one is just okay. Freddi Fish is for sure a hit or miss series, same with Putt Putt. It's fun, don't get me wrong, but not one that I find myself always going back to like Pajama Sam or Spy Fox

The Humongus games are ones I have fond memories of. I didn't play all of them, but I played most, and Freddi Fish was a notable entry. This one with the haunted school was really cute, I remember the shark characters. It's a very cosy and relaxing game which I will probably say for most of them. I actually was never too huge on Freddi and Luther as characters: I liked Pajama Sam and Putt Putt more. But there isn't anything wrong with them persay.

It's been many years since I've played it but I actually do remember it and the twist it had. So that counts for something.

Not my favorite humongous game, but a solid one.

Definitely a lot more interesting than the first game. A lot more fun things to do and gags to giggle at.

playing through the entire freddi fish series bc why not

freddi and luther are fish and many other characters

the disc for this game exploded and ruined the inside of my old family desktop. other than that good game.

Like the first game, the atmosphere felt a bit off. The setting, however, made it a unique entry.