Reviews from

in the past

Too much of a good thing. Dilutes the delicious simplicity of GW1 & 2 to explore different arena designs and an excess of particle effects. A step back from galaxy brain arcade design.

fun to dick around in but gets annoyingly difficult at points

a pure exploration of everything a twin stick shmup can be. alternates between brutally challenging and mindlessly relaxing. it's generally fair, but in certain stages the RNG can make or break your run. the visuals are crisp and satisfying; the chaos can be overwhelming, but your eyes will adjust. the music fits the vibe just right. this game pulls me into flowstate faster than anything else i know.

Geometry Wars 3: Dimensions Evolved is the attempted marriage of nostalgic twin-stick shooter gameplay with 3D environments by developer Lucid Games and publisher Activision. While the game does bring the classic twin-stick shooter formula to the PlayStation Vita and other newer consoles with a vibrant and mesmerizing twist, it falls a tad short of its potential and can be somewhat forgotten among the other twin-stick shooters available in the PlayStation Vita's library.

As previously stated, Geometry Wars 3 is a twin-stick shooter that builds on the foundations of its predecessors. The game offers a simple yet addictive premise: you control a ship in a geometric arena, tasked with destroying wave after wave of neon enemies. The real innovation here is the introduction of 3D, multidimensional arenas that change the way you approach each level. These dimensions range from classic 2D grids to complex 3D shapes, adding depth and variety to the otherwise stale genre of gameplay. These multidimensional arenas, while an intriguing and novel concept, pose their own issues. It is quite easy to lose your ship in these large areas crowded with enemies, and the influx of shapes, effects, colors, and sounds can make the entire experience a tad disorienting. While this doesn’t take away from the joy of blasting your way through countless enemies, it can become increasingly annoying as the difficulty of each level ramps up.

Thanks to the Vita’s dual analog sticks, the controls are responsive, allowing for precise movement and shooting. Enemy variety is unfortunately non-existent unless you consider differing shapes and colors to be true “variety.” As previously stated the level designs are interesting, keep a player engaged, and require constant attention to ensure you don’t meet an untimely death or simply lose track of your ship during the chaos of battle. The inclusion of power-ups adds a much needed layer of depth to the gameplay, but variety in combat beyond those power-ups is sparse.

On a visual and auditory front, Geometry Wars 3 excels. The game is truly both a feast for the eyes and ears as the neon-soaked, colorful environments, vibrant explosions, and particle effects fill the screen in the heat of battle while a pulse pounding electronic soundtrack immerses players in the game’s fast-paced action. The game's graphics likely push the limits of the Vita’s dated hardware, but never fails to deliver a smooth and consistent experience. Overall, the visuals are constantly impressive, and the audio design is solid, creating an atmosphere that is both engaging and enjoyable for hours of gameplay.

The game offers a decent amount of content with multiple game modes, including Adventure, Classic, Ultimate, and Multiplayer. The Adventure mode provides a structured progression system with different levels, goals, and boss battles. Classic mode allows you to experience the traditional, grid-based gameplay that fans of the series love. Ultimate mode presents a challenging, endless battle for high scores. Multiplayer, though not as robust as the home console versions, still offers local cooperative and competitive play. There is never a lack of something to do in Geometry Wars 3 as long as you are content with the repetitive gameplay loop and enjoy blasting waves and waves of enemies with no end. This repetitiveness really eats into the game's replay value, as the only reason to re-experience any of the game's several modes of play is in the pursuit of a new high score. While this pursuit may drive some gamers, it is not my personal motivator.

Geometry Wars 3: Dimensions Evolved is a game that shows promise but ultimately falls short of delivering a consistently satisfying experience. While it offers visually pleasing graphics and a pumping soundtrack, the gameplay can be a mixed bag. The introduction of multi-dimensional arenas adds complexity that may not be to everyone's liking, and the lack of a compelling narrative or progression in Adventure mode can leave players who want more than having their name enshrined on a high score leaderboard wanting.

For fans of the twin-stick shooter genre and those who enjoy chasing high scores, Geometry Wars 3: Dimensions Evolved may still offer some fun. However, it's not a game that will appeal to everyone. I agree with many that Geometry Wars 3 deserves a place in any Playstation Vita owner’s library, but there are better twin-stick shooters on the platform that offer an overall better experience.

Really solid shmup with tons of level variety and a little customization. Would've liked a few more powerups or perks but I guess that would probably throw off the level balance a bit. Great game!

This isn't a terrible game, but it's just too arcadey for me.

This game is so disappointing because what we really needed was a solid PC port of Geometry Wars 2, but given this is after the untimely demise of prior series developer Bizarre Creations, we're left with this pale imitation of the once-great series. Great job Activision.

Technically it was a PSTV not exactly a PS Vita. Love this game tho <33

Plusy: świetny gameplay, fantastyczna muzyka, arcadowa grafika, mnóstwo zawartości
Minusy: brak

A very enjoyable schmup. Nothing overly special or memorable, but just addictive and satisfying enough to keep you playing.

One of those sequels that gives you mixed feelings because it takes the premise as far as possible and also completely invalidates the existence of its predecessors by including every single game mode from them totally in tact and way way more.

One of the best twin stick shooters out there. Blowing up abstract shapes has never been better.