Reviews from

in the past

Man, ce jeu est de la BOMBE! Le gameplay est ultra frénétique et satisfaisant qu'il pardonne le fait qu'il est si court (j'ai fini une run après 2 essais)

Un must pour n'importe quel fan de jeu d'action et de Roguelite!

movement was lots of fun, looks good, generally just felt really good. a bit easy though! i beat my very first run, and it doesn't seem like there's a ton of replayability beyond just wanting to do some more runs for fun. which is fine, it's fun enough to do that a bit but i wish there was a bit more variety in the locations/bosses.

Go Mecha Ball's gamefeel is so delicious it should be used to teach classes on character controllers.

It's an instant game of the year contender.
It's a love letter to screenshake.
It's a PhD-level dissertation on "juice".
It's the best core loop I've ever felt in a roguelite.

it's so incredibly frustrating to see a game with a cool movement system and some interesting ideas around combos and counters just absolutely give up on encounter design and a difficulty curve because a roguelike is a common design pattern.

This game was okay. A rougelite introducing pinball elements to freshen up gameplay. Unfortunately the levels are quite samey with flat enemies excluding the bosses. After one completed run I was certain I saw all the game had to offer.

Só joguei por estar no game pass, mas uma diversão bem leve (tudo bem que só fiz 1 run mas zerei fds)

Bons gráficos, sem muita inovação com o passar das runs, jogo bem fácil também (zerei na primeira run).

Vale se você for um iniciante nos roguelikes e quiser um jogo mais simples, mas que é bem divertido com as mecânicas de pinball.

Um jogo bem divertido, fator replay meio tanto faz, nn me motivou tanto para continua jogando após zera, mas tudo eh bem gostosinho, toda temática e sons de pinball é muito bem encaixado, e eh extremamente frenético, oq me divertiu bastante

Não sou muito de jogar roguelike, mas até que curti esse aqui. Fui até o final duas vezes e não achei o jogo cansativo, é divertido. Os desafios e progressão são bons e conseguem te prender pra chegar até o final. Quem tem gamepass vale a pena curtir umas horinhas com esse game

Pinball meets Twin Stick Shooter in a shallow indie rogue like.
Go Mecha Ball is an overwhelming blur that does everything in it power to hurt your senses. Firstly if you are considering playing this game I highly recommend turning down the music, turning off motion blur and disabling screen shake screen. Not only are all these thing obnoxious and overwhelming the colour palet and texture design is god awful too.
Now for gameplay, it's actually not all terrible. I particularly like the class that focuses on being a pinball as there's something quiet satisfying about bouncing enemy's off the map. There is a fair bit of enemy variety which is nice, however I can't say the same for the boss fights. In total there are 4 main bosses (possibly a 5th if you 100%) that are very unrewarding and painfully easy.
Overall the rogue mechanics are quiet dull and with the game play thats average at best I wouldn't recommend.

Eh, this game isn't really bad but I found myself getting bored of it quick. Maybe I suck, but the moment to moment gameplay of rolling around, dodging, shooting, and ramming enemies does not flow as well as it should imo. Weapons that I experienced weren't too interesting, neither were the abilities. Bosses existed. Not a fan of returning to the menu to change my character when there's a hub but whatever. Some of the music was cool tho, that shop track goes.

é divertidinho!! acho que falta alguns pontos pra ser muito bom mas ainda sim é divertidinho.

Um jogo que no começo é divertido, mas jogando muito tempo acaba ficando enjoativo, um roguelike que vale apena dar uma chance em alguma promoção ou no gamepass

Zoom around in a ball shooting strange robots; it really is as good as its central idea sounds! I wish each combat room had a little more variety and took a little less time to complete. Maybe I'm just bad, but after the first world the level pacing never felt like it matched the inherent speed of the game. I also wish the upgrades offered a bit more in terms of flashyness and had less of a focus on just pumping up the numbers.

I haven't finished the final world and boss, but I'm shelving it (for now) just because my pc gamepass subscription will lapse in a week or two and this isn't going to be a focus of mine to finish up before then. Really hope to return to it at some point and get all of the achievements.

Curto, porém bem divertido. A ideia de misturar mecânicas de pinball com tiro de hordas funciona muito bem. Não é difícil, mas dá vontade de jogar mais só pela gameplay e pra ir destravando as armas e personagens novos.

What a delightful little game. The movement and core mechanics are super fun and polished, and I could see this leading to a really active score-chasing/speedrunning scene. Love discovering lil gems like this on Game Pass!

très cool, manque un peu d'aspect roque lite

Eu demorei pra me adaptar e para entender. Mas depois que entendi. Fluiu muito bem. Vale muito pros fãs de jogos arcade, especialmente se gostar de jogos frenéticos.

It took me a while to adapt and to understand. But after I did, it flowed nicely It's really worth it for fans of arcade games, especially if you like frantic games.

Rogue Like não é um dos gêneros que eu gosto, mas esse aqui parece ser um dos que eu jogaria, a gemplay é bem dinâmica e divertida.

Really want to like this, and 2* might be a little harsh, but there's so much unrealised promise here. A shame.

A game about speed that feels miles better than most Sonic games. Is a twin stick shooter though, so different thing all together. Looks great, music is really frenetic, and has a pretty good progression.

Sempre quis ser main wrencking ball no overwatch e definitivamente tive meus desejos realizados. Ótimo jogo, divertido pra passar o tempo. A arte é bonita, as fases são legais. Foda.

-Balls -
Tiene un gameplay bastante rápido, pero siento que deacae demasiado en la monotonia, en parte por su poca cantidad de armas y habs, como tal es un roguelite decente. Se queda corto por lo dicho.
Y graficamente es bonito, su historia es "Meh"

Neat concept but the execution is lacking and it's visually... too polished and smooth, if that makes sense?

I will never understand using the 'in-run' money to unlock characters instead of the blue coins you use for other progression related items.

Pretty basic rogue lite to slap on and play now and then

A decent action rougelike with a unique pinball/rolling mechanic but lacking the depth crucial to the genre.

The best thing about the game is definitely how good the movement feels. Zipping around taking out enemies while switching between rolling, shooting and abilities without taking any damage is satisfying.

Unfortunately, after finishing one run you have pretty much seen everything the game has to offer. There are other characters, upgrades, abilities and guns to unlock but they don't really change the way you play that much. The levels are fairly simple and don't differ much from each other.

The soundtrack is absolutely terrible and the worst I have ever heard in a game. I can only really describe it as noise. This combined with the sound effects and bad audio mixing make it very grating to listen to.

I had some fun in my short amount of time with it but I don't feel motivated to continue playing and unlocking everything.

Game is pretty fun but it can get old quick. I waited to see how I felt about the other characters before I gathered my thoughts, but seeing that they don't really offer much of a change in gameplay is kinda disappointing,
A gripe I have is having to go back to the menu to switch characters when the game offers me a hub.

Pinball mixed with a chaotic top down shooting in a rouge-lite format sounds like it could be a really cool thing, but the lack of variety with the levels and enemies really makes the game feel way too repetitive. I could just be complain' about nothing.

Also I think the music kind of sucks lol. The shop track hits though

GMB is a very special game. It might look like a roguelike/lite but it’s really more of an arcade game with light roguelike elements. Being dropped in levels with random enemies, weapons, abilities and upgrades is all part of the game. But it’s more focused on keeping your combo max (for better currency and passive activation), efficiency, dancing around enemies and being able to do it with all the difficulty levels (there are 5 total). Finishing the game the first time is just the beginning. And doing it with 4 distinct characters along with the way they react to weapons/abilities/upgrades adds to the variety. They might look similar at first but you’ll soon find out otherwise. The game has 4 worlds with 3 levels and one boss each. Each level comes with 3 waves of enemies. The higher difficulties don’t just add more health and damage but more mechanics are also introduced such as the enemies being able to drop mines or heal others.

So let’s get to the positives. Firstly the gameplay is brilliant and something I haven’t seen before. Being a mix of pinball movement with twin stick shooting works incredibly well. It’s a delight and the reason why I remained engaged the entire 25 hours to 100% the game. The graphics are gorgeous and the animations are on point too. The bosses are fun and there are lots of different enemies with their own moves etc. The achievements are reasonable even with the hardest difficulty and clearing the game within 30 minutes. It’s the kind of game that doesn’t have a high difficulty curve. You can get good at it fairly quickly the more time you invest in it.

As for cons, I can mainly think of three. The music doesn’t match the visuals and gameplay. Or there is something weird going on with the mixing that doesn’t make the music shine as much. Other people noted that the levels look too similar and therefore add to the repetitiveness. I can understand this but it didn’t affect me as much because I was so focused on the gameplay. Not all the characters are created equally. Sprout’s speciality is abilities and the first one is unlocked after the first level, assuming it’s a good ability you want. Sprout also has low health. So you start very weak until you get some decent abilities while the other characters are just stronger and better right from the get go. Sprout needs some balancing. There are a few very minor bugs that aren’t really worth mentioning to be honest. And lastly, the next points are more of a feedback to make the game better. Having some sort of control over what weapons, abilities or upgrades you get would be nice. Think of re-roll or banishing stuff. Being able to see the stats that come with upgrades and having an overall stats menu for the character would be cool too. Right now you can only see the stats for your weapons.

GMB is one of those games that are rare. They don’t come very often. The mix of originality that works so well to the point that it feels natural. It’s the kind of game I question why we haven’t had something like it before. Not everyone is going to like it as much or care about what it’s trying to do. It’s not trying to be a roguelike/lite, it’s trying to be its own thing and it’s wonderful for it. I paid over €16 and think it’s worth it. I can’t guarantee that everyone is going to like the game but if you’re one of those who do, you’re going to LOVE IT and want more.

Nada melhor do que um jogo que se garante pelo gameplay, né?

É um enorme prazer ir melhorando a movimentação, conseguindo sustentar os combos e utilizando todo o potencial das armas e habilidades. Como um JOGO, Go Mecha Ball é uma aula de polimento e estrutura.

Difícil pesar se minha crítica ao RNG, que seria minha única reclamação, é simplesmente por eu não ser um jogador de múltiplos estilos de jogo ou se realmente uma build voltada pra HP e sustain acabam desbalanceando.

Você pode acabar triturando uns dos Bosses em 10 segundos mas simplesmente não conseguir finalizar a run por falta de HP/Cura...

Enfim jogão!
Fiz questão de platinar.

Loved, loved, loved the concept on this. Worked better than it originally seemed. Very tough on my wrists though, lol. Super smooth and great gameplay.