Reviews from

in the past

Can't believe I plugged in a controller for this.

You're a guy whose motorcycle is his life support and he's got to gripper his way out of some digital nonsense. Your name is "None", by the way, so maybe saving your stupid parents is a bad idea.
I kind of like what Gripper was going for but this execution needed a lot more work. It's cool on paper but man, is it rough to actually play. Check the Steam reviews and you'll see people who got it for free tell you not to bother. Ouch.

The obstacle tunnels are annoying and adding in more variety of button prompts makes every new level even worse. I guess it's similar to the arcade game Ballistics but not nearly as fast or cool and now with QTEs! No thank you.
Once that's beaten, you're on to the boss fights. I'd say it fails to imitate is inspired by Furi but without the polish: your motorcycle doesn't have the tightest turning radius and without the boost you're doing "walking" speeds. When you're stuck on a motorcycle, you shouldn't be thinking "slow" and "clunky", yet you will be. You'll learn to get used to it, eventually, but you'll never come to enjoy it.
Adding "quests" to the boss battles after beating them for repeated playing is a smart way to get more mileage out of less gameplay, and I'd admire it if I actually enjoyed any of the boss fights. Plus, these had their own issues, like one of the quests is to "Stun the boss 9 times" but beating the boss only requires stunning it (then GRIPPERING!) 3 times. So, "Make the boss battle take 3 times as long as it should while the boss continually repeats herself and the song forever loops" is not a good quest, I'd say, but I'm just some guy. I also wish they'd show you your progress on the quests, it's kind of insane they don't. Did she break 16 pillars yet? Is it even tracking these? Please murder me.

I gave this a chance and I guess I'm glad I tried it, but it's a dud. I was able to beat Depression (wait... it didn't work!) before giving up on it, which according to what I've seen means I got halfway. That's very short and too reliant on those stupid quests I mentioned.

You will be chipper if you skipper the Gripper.

The art is cool but the gameplay is not it. Reminds me to that annoying tunnel minigame in Jak 3.