Reviews from

in the past

This one-man job is a great, and free, first-person physics puzzle game. It will please the fans of Portal, QUBE, Quantum Conundrum and the like, despite being uniquely different in that it's based around using simple DOS commands to hack computers and unlock doors, operate lifts, disable cameras and so on. If you've always felt that hacking in videogames was just holding down a button or playing some abstract minigame, and that proper hacking simulations are too complex, this game strikes the balance you are looking for.

It's not all about hacking either: you'll be required to shoot turrets and robots or sneak past them, stack crates, find ways to smash windows, crawl into vents with night vision goggles, pick locks, turn off gas leaks or use them against enemies, etc. There is plenty to do here.

It's highly replayable too, since each level can be completed a number of ways to achieve a 100% rating and see the true ending.

If anything's wrong with it is that some of the DOS commands aren't very well explained or too specific, requiring some googling, which will direct you to a guide by the developer himself. For instance, cameras require you typing "set off" to shut them down, when "turn off" or "disable" would have been more intuitive.

Small quibbles aside, this is a fine game that any fan of the genre should play.

Let me start by saying this game could easily be like 5-10 euro and still be worth every penny.

This was first immersive sim game i've played and i must say it was a very pleasant. The dev himself said this game is a test project for a full High Entropy title and it definetely shows (not in a bad way of course).

It is a fun and short experience that both immersive sim veterans and beginners can enjoy. The achievments are also great and force you to explore the levels and find different solutions to finishing a level.

Neat little immersive sim puzzler.

this is game 22/71 of my backlog.

What a great, FREE, indie game! it makes me sort of sad that it never got the complete version made, or perhaps it's just still in development, considering how much polish this version has already, i wouldn't put it past the dev to spend most of his time simply making the full game as polished as possible.

i heard someone call this a "immersive-sim", i'm not sure what that means though. either way, it's very cool. even though it uses basic textures, the ambiance is still really good, it has tasteful usage of some post processing that i really fuck with. gameplay-wise, the first half is just sorta okay, you usually only really have two routes and it doesn't really feel like the game gives as much freedom to you as it is implying, but the second half gives you a TON of options as to how to approach your problems, very good game.