Reviews from

in the past

If you haven't played this game, you simply cannot consider yourself a real gamer. Hoshi wo Miru Hito earned the title of "densetsu no kusoge" which translates to "Legendary shitty game". This game is an agglomeration of the worst things that plagued the old era of games, cryptic level design (the villages aren't shown on the map, you have to guess it yourself), invisible dungeons that are random which boots you up back to the beginning of the game if you go out of them and to top it all, it re-randomizes all of the dungeons so if you step on one of them again and your current objective was 10 miles away, tough luck buddy! Oh yeah, the game will sometime decide to make you fight level 100 demon gods at the beginning of the game when you're just level 1. Like your first encounter can be against a giant dragon of death which deals 1.000.000 damages, is invincible and you can't even flee from the fight because those developers forgot to add that ability for battles that are lost in advance.
Terrible game, recommend it if you wanna laugh at some of the worst design decisions ever made.

Transcendental kusoge RPG