Reviews from

in the past

I stumbled upon this game on accident while I was looking into the Terranigma composer's other works. Unfortunately it wasn't very fun to play at all. However, as bad as it is, I've got to give credit where credit is due; it's not without its one, singular merit! The framerate may often top out at a crisp 10 FPS, and the controls might feel like performing surgery in molasses while suffering from Parkinson's disease, but at least the music is some genuinely great stuff!

I'm going to take a page out of the "Persona 5 fan" book, and go as far as to say that this game is best experienced by NEVER EVER booting it up, and instead listening to the soundtrack here:

Just trust me on this one.

Some of the coolest fucking aesthetics i've seen on a racing game, the ost, the menu, the ships. It reminded me of 90s/early thousand mecha/space anime, with it's blue skies and angular ships. The logo even looks like something out of evangelion or martian successor ndesco or something.

But yeah, the game itself, is very laggy and juddery, it's not completely broken or anything, but it's very noticable. I got this for 1 british pound. So i consider that a worthy price for the vibes alone.

Had the misfortune of purchasing this for cheap a while back before COVID reared it's ugly head and the whole lockdown shenanigans began. I would have been happy to have just called this a fairly generic and unremarkable racer that doesn't do much to stand out from the crowd but what really pushes this from being poor into nigh on horse shite is the framerate.

Jesus Christ riding a motorcycle, is this one of the worst frame rates I've encountered for ANY PS2 game period! It essentially makes the whole game unplayable. I've heard the original Japanese version is worse with it but it's already bad enough here that it'd make that look like 60 FPS.

That and the controls aren't good and the game doesn't look all that great either.

It really does feel like no one at Gust gave a crap and it shows. Garbage racer, do not pick it up even it was for free.