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in the past

Although largely unoriginal, Huntdown effectively expands on the classic run and gun titles it is so clearly inspired by. This is most evident through vibrant animation and fantastic boss battles, which, despite occasionally unreliable mechanics, are enough to make this outing a must play for any fans of the genre.

A great old school game, unfortunately short and not very challenging, but making up for it in the variety of mobs and weapons, plus fantastic boss battles.

Decent Contra-like game, long enough to not outstay its welcome

The first game of a small Swedish dev and what an incredible gem of a game this is. The presentation is just unbelievably good with beautiful aesthetics, there's a fantastic sense of detail and tight controls. Most importantly it's truly fun to play. A fantastic synthwave soundtrack and energetic voice acting are the icing on the cake. I played the whole game as Anna Conda, but I will absolutely return to this game with the other characters and try the unlocked hardest difficulty. Hope they release some added content in the future! It took me about 6 hours to reach the credits.

Huntdown puede parecer otro clon de contra espectacularmente visual a simple vista , pero no es asi.

Primero que nada, no podemos disparar en 8 direcciones como tantisimos otros run and gun que probe, ha decir verdad, al unico que recuerdo que no me deje apuntar es el megaman y ese juego es muy distinto a este.

Huntdown va de cubrirse y disparar, es un juego que encontró la manera perfecta de simularlo en 2 dimensiones, va de esperar a que el enemigo termine su "turno" al disparar y hacerlo nosotros, por eso solo podemos disparar en una dirrecion, si queremos dispararle hay que ponerse enfrente de el y encontrar el momento perfecto para darle un tiro, esquivamos y damos, hay que arriesgarnos al caminar frente al, cubriendonos justo a tiempo y usando las armas correctas.

Es un juego de tiempos, por eso deslizarse tiene un "tiempo de recarga", por eso cubrise y dar, aqui tambien hay que saber cuando parar de disparar , los enemigos no mueren de un tiro. algunso tendran escudo, otros tambien se esconderan, y otros se nos cargaran sin "esperar su turno" y podemos golpearlos si estamos muy cerca, pero un golpe no los matara, los empujara para dispararle mientras es empujado o aprovechar en escapar, y si somos habiles podremos mandarlos a abismos o lanzarlos a bombas.

Pareciese que el juego canzaria en futuro, y a decir verdad, en ciertos momentos lo hace, pero sabe innovarse, aqui cada arma importa, la metralleta hace mucho daño pero tarda en disparar (como el heavy de tf2), la escopeta puede cubrir varios enemigos e incluso matarlos de un tiro pero hay que ponerse cara a cara frente a el, los fusiles no son iguales a las ametralladores, los laceres tiene poca municion y el lanzallamas se agota rapido.

Los puntos mas altos del juego los alcanza en el penultimo mundo, los miziles nos perseguiran pese a la cobertura asi que hay que moverse o dispararle antes que se acerque, hay enemigos voladores que incluso vencidos se lanzaran cual kamikaze y un francotirador al cual debremos de soportar hasta llegar a el.

Al final puede resultar un poco cansador por que es cubrirse-disparar, pero el juego sabe posicionar enemigos .

Ya por ultimo, algo que destaca es el modo multijugador, a diferencia de otros, los enemigos vienen y disparan de muy lejos, si uno se aleja demasiado el otro no podra verlos por la camara, y uno siempre esta diciendole a el o ella, ven aca, toma esto, atras de ti, vamos que se disfruta.

Voy por mi tercera run, vaya juegazo

Huntdown is a throwback action game in the vain of Contra and Mega Man, set to a backdrop of gorgeous sci-fi cyberpunk visuals. It's goofy and campy, but it manages to be one of the most solid examples of a modern action game in its style.

In Huntdown, you play as one of three bounty hunters taking on contracts to eliminate targets and anyone else who gets in your way. This means mowing down thousands of goons armed with a war room's worth of guns, swords, explosives, and artillery. The gunplay itself is the game's strongest element, and no weapon felt useless or unable to get the job done. Ripping through crowds of violent aggressors with an automatic shotgun, or throwing a perfectly placed grenade gives the game a wide range, and you are constantly encouraged to pick up something new, as you can only hold one additional gun at a time. You are always equipped with a boomerang and a gun with infinite ammo, ensuring you won't run out of options if ammo gets tight, but you also have a kick move which is invaluable when taking on the more hostile enemies.

There are 20 main levels in Huntdown, broken up into 4 areas controlled by the different gangs in the city. The criminals have their own distinct set of weaponry and attacks, from one that uses a lot of vehicles for combat, to one that employs samurai. The enemy variety on top of the foundation of guns ensures that no moment feels repetitive. The lead up to each boss fight is snappy, and checkpoints allow for quick drop-ins back to the shooting. The level design is top notch, with a perfect amount of light platforming and some hidden secrets and passageways to get better items and hidden "stash" collectibles. Each level is capped off with a boss, which each have a lot of personality and have a suprising amount of depth amongst themselves. The game's best ideas come from these fights, and they don't budge easily. This game is moderately difficult otherwise, but the boss fights demand pattern recognition, smart use of ammo, and good timing. There are a few more than frustrating fights, but the game's presentation and core gameplay never held me in that frustration for too long, and I came away with a rush of dopamine everytime you take down one of the baddies.

The game adopts a retro pixel-art style, but Easy Trigger Games really knocked this direction out of the park. Every detail in this game is perfectly crafted, there are so many tiny things you can pick up on, and the backgrounds and set design are drop-dead gorgeous. If nothing else, the game is worth playing to see the massive amount of effort put into the visuals here; it's just that good. The music also is especially fitting, and becomes an excellent backbeat to the thump of the shotguns. Overall, even if you aren't a fan of sidescrolling action games, any fan of retro style games will love what's here.

Other than some needlessly difficult encounters, the game could probably do for some more objective variation. Every level challenges you to collect the 3 collectible stashes, kill every enemy, and complete it without dying. While the first two are relatively achievable most times, the latter is only for the masochists and the dedicated, so I wish there was some other more unique objective for each stage that gave a reason to go back other than the scorechasing nature. I don't have a huge pull to return to this game unless I find myself in the mood.

By its conclusion, Huntdown is a satisfying adventure. Depending on your experience with the genre, this may be a shorter or longer game for you. For me, it clocked in around 9 hours just completing every level and that seems like a perfect length for my enjoyment of this product. Easy Trigger Games made a really impressive package that is challenging, eye-catching, and all types of 80s camp. Give this one a try if any of that sounds like it works for you.

This is the best run n' gun that I've played in years, with detailed artwork, variety and number of boss fights, a pulsing, synth-driven soundtrack, and a large and enjoyable arsenal. The VA is good, but lines can get a little repetitive with the length of some of the more challenging fights. There could be more to the level design, too. It might overly nostalgic in some ways, but I love the incorporation of everything from The Warriors to The Last Dragon. All it was missing, really, is a "kiss my converse" line.

Usually with these kind of retro throwback games something is always off aesthetically but not in Huntdown.
The developers recreated both the old-school cyberpunk atmosphere and the retro-arcade style presentation beautifully. And made the game a fun to play as well.
I really liked the idea of bounty-hunting, and the gangs. Man, I love when games do that - the gangs that have unique styles, names and logos and bosses. It was one of the highlights of Manhunt for me as well.
I would love a sequel to Huntdown with more gangs, more psycho bastards to hunt and maybe more gameplay variety between the bounties.

a real gem. classic side scrolling shooter gameplay with great pixel art and music.

Excellent gameplay, but suffers from this stupid craze of making the game "hardcore" by making it's bosses frustratingly hard by inflating their health to dummy levels. And it's on top of throwing adds at the player, difficult to avoid boss attacks, and giving us little ammo.
The difference in difficulty between regular levels and boss fights was honestly baffling. And you can't even change the difficulty mid-playthrough ffs. Why?
I suffered through until the final boss, died like 20 times without even getting to the second stage, gave up, and watched the ending on YT.
I guess I kinda am proud of making it to the final boss, but I'd be proud of not dying of colon cancer too. Doesn't mean I'd enjoy having it.

Cool game, make more retro style like this👍

It's definitely retreading old ground, but just by changing the pace to something slower and more deliberate than the usual run and gun games, it manages to find a different mode of play that works really well.

cover gimmick is a miss and any contra game ever made is at least twice as fun, but this is the one and only example in the history of indie games of a developer understanding and pulling off this otherwise hackneyed futuristic punk pixel aesthetic. impressive, just not much fun.

The cheese and 80's action movies brings you into a violent side scroller

Huntdown manages to be something of a love letter to old cheesy action flicks and cyberpunk that really brings a lot of humor and violence to the table and manages to be a chaotic and surprisingly difficult good time.

The overall pixel art is amazing here and provides a surprisingly amount of interactivity with the environment from moving parts in the background to the signs in game spinning when you shoot at them and producing a detail based on your own interactions. Well there isn't much of a story here, the premise and backdrop for going on these "bounty hunts" are good enough with some campy voice acting during boss encounters that really bring the cheese action movie vibes this game is going for. The gameplay is pretty good but definitely has a curve to fully utilize the cover system since especially in a co-op experience where so much can happen that it can be hard to keep track of everything at once. Weapon variety is excellent here with new weapons in almost every level that never made the gameplay itself feel stale. Bosses were surprisingly difficult on normal difficulty but it never took an egregious long time to beat but that might be account to the negatives I have with the game itself. Music and sound design is pretty great here with weapons sounding great, the soundtrack matching the atmosphere of the experience and the sound of enemies dying in gratuitous ways at times.

Huntdown does a lot right but I feel like it actually hampers the co-op experience a bit which is honestly a huge shame. As of the writing of this review, there is no official online co-op experience here which required me and my friend to use the Remote Play Together feature on Steam to be able to play the game together which sadly does provide some input lag and the inability for someone to get achievements if they beat the game with said friend. Another thing I wish that wasn't here is friendly fire during co-op considering all the carnage that happens on screen that it actually is hard to keep track of it all. Sadly all of these negatives stem from trying to have a co-op experience with a friend far away and I can imagine this still being the preferred way to go during these times.

Huntdown is honestly a really cool game on paper and in motion but I really wish it did some things that didn't hamper the co-op experience a fair bit here. It was a great experience just playing through a comedic cyberpunk action film together and that's what you really get here nonetheless.

Huge shoutout to ExSoldier on backloggd for being my co-op partner for this and the general idea for playing this game. Not to mention putting up with the bad input lag I was getting that got us killed a few times.

This game is a blast. Loved the atmosphere and style. The humor really worked for me too. On top of that though the gameplay is a lot of fun. Lots of weapons that feel good and have use with some tight controls. Lots of intereting bosses and themed stages. I think the difficulty is perfectly balanced on normal. The collectibles can be really hard to find though, really hard. I wish there was something more to the game after I beat it. The is a hard mode but its a cheap effort at one just the regular game with only one hit point which is no fun.

Really gorgeous shooter with incredible details, pixel art, voice acting, the whole presentation package. Fun to play around with and challenging to a good degree for the most part.
My main gripe with it though is that the later bosses didn't really feel cool to play against, they were just boss designs similar to the earlier ones. but more bullet sponge-like. This lead me to not really want to fight them and therefore not finish the game.

Overall, it's worth playing with you like arcade shooters and explosive action. Just keep in mind that it's challenging, so while casual players like me can enjoy the game, there's not much reason to dedicate to finishing the game or doing side objectives.

The short time in which it was an Epic exclusive probably made a lot of people forget about this gem. Fun run and gun shooter, wish there were more like it.

Как будто играю в сегу, только лучше.

Pure retro game love. Gameplay is smooth and fun. It's hard at times, but fair and easy to get better at it.

Huntdown is quite a fun love letter to those 80s movie street punks and the vigilantes that bring them down. The art stands out, particularly the loading screens which reminds me of those big, bold Amiga title and loading screens. Some of the weapons, quips and various references to its influences can be quite fun. Lots of RoboCop and Warriors vibes.

The gameplay requires a bit of strategy, using cover and various weapon pick ups to your advantage. Each level gets gradually tougher, with a different boss fight at the end of each one. They all have their own patterns and styles, all quite unique. But unique doesn't quite mean good. Some were fun, some were frustrating and took a lot of perseverance.

The level design was ok overall. It does get very rinse repeat as you start making your way to the final few stages. That's where I ended my play through. I've only got a few levels to go, but I've hit a wall with one of the bosses in the final gang area which just seems to throw the kitchen sink at you. I've put up with some shite bosses in this, but the guy I gave up on was something else.

I might come back and try it on a lower difficulty, but you cannot change it once you've started, so it would require playing through almost the entire game again, which might be fun, but that's a job for future me.

Joguin chique e bonito, tu é um caçador de recompensa e precisa matar um monte de criminoso. Tem várias armas e o estilo de arte cyberpunk muito bom.

Excellent coop game!
Gorgeous pixel art, fun levels and bosses, and it's very challenging.
100% recommended to play with a friend for when you want some no-bullshit-no-grinding pure action.

Un buen ejemplo de retromoderno. Tienes todo lo que te ofrecían los juegos de antes con muchas cosas que son propias del diseño de videojuegos más actual.