Reviews from

in the past

it's a better zelda game than some of the zelda games I've played so that was neat

I was right before the final boss and stopped. Didn't like this game nearly as much as the first. The move to 3D must have been really difficult or something. But, most of my problems have been addressed in Ittle Dew 2+ so maybe I should stop bellyaching and try it.

Everything that an indie game should be. This game is criminally underrated. The difficulty curve is gentle at first but it does not stop going up. The environments are well-designed and exploration is always rewarded - the secrets just keep on coming. Combat is a huge step up from the first game, and puzzles are more numerous and diverse. Dungeon order is nonlinear. Controls are satisfying. The music is great and unique. Humor is on point and the game can manage being any mix of light-hearted and serious with equal authenticity. Every aspect of the first game has been significantly improved. This isn't the kind of 5 star game that is an artistic masterpiece or a genre inventor - it's just excellently executed and full of charm.

I found this game on a whim, and thought that the art looked fun enough to give a try. What I got... It's hard to describe. It's like if Link's Awakening was made by LOL random humor or 2013 Tumblr. That's not a bad thing, per se. However, I found that it's nondirect approach at story telling a bit difficult to understand. As a result, I was constantly lost and confused on what exactly I was trying to accomplish. It was quirky and fun.. but the lack of clarity made me lose enjoyment quickly.