Reviews from

in the past

This was my favourite DLC. The mechs are just so much fun and they fit perfectly with the just cause formula. You can practically pick up anything with it and I can't get enough of it. This DLC is a little bit longer than the sky fortress DLC as well which is nice.

If you aren't willing to spend

I loved the main game and played it many times so I was hoping that the DLC would add on to this experience but it has some shortcomings. Just like the other DLC, instead of animated cutscenes they show art and pictures to tell the story which I don't like.

It feels very different from the main game, however, this is definitely better compared to the sky ship DLC. This time there is actually a somewhat decent story that takes a while and there are less bugs and the new content that they added like the mechs are actual fun additions to the game.
The DLC is not a must have but it's not disappointing either like the other DLC.

It's not really a mech, it's more of tank with extra steps.

os mechas são legais, mas a gameplay deles enjoa bem rápido, de resto são apenas duas missões genéricas e a obrigação de liberar uma tonelada de bases

This is a cautionary tale of why you do NOT arm your officers in a prison with dangerous weapons since there's every chance that the prisoner will steal them and use them against you!

You spend much of your time freeing prisoners (Who may or may not have committed war crimes, but who cares they're on your side and this game about taking down a dictator isn't political at all!) to join the resistance and you even get a really cool summon later with one of these mechs along with summoning it as a vehicle for yourself.

In true prisoner fashion, you can also remove the core from one of these mechs to use as a extremely powerful rifle, though very unstable too! You also have a mech arena that I think I did just for the upgrades and the GRIP is essentially a super-sized Grav-gun from Half-life, but you're hurling huge buildings and vehicles all over the place and causing absolute chaos for the completely unprepared and under-armed soldiers that get in your way.

THIS is how a Just Cause DLC should be made.

It's got a whole new mini-island with a bunch of settlements to liberate (They even have new Chaos Objects!), new vehicles that yes, are OP, but also really fun. It's got an actual story this time around with some new characters and it's just a great DLC overall.