Reviews from

in the past

The shooting is trash and the puzzles suck.

Pretty fast refund for me on this one. Killing Floor has all the foundations of a great VR game, but instead of following the standard wave based shooting of the mainline games, they make this weird shooter with locomotion and puzzles. What were they thinking?

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It's... fine, I guess? This is pretty much a short horror take on Killing Floor, not a fully fledged version of the regular game.

It's pretty old so VR wise it's definitely not on the level of more recent titles, but the gameplay was nice overall. Shooting felt good and so did the melee weapons. The sniper rifle was also a cool gimmick at first but it got tedious pretty fast, especially on the final section of the level, there were too many husks. Also using the inventory was a pain most of the time, thank god for weapons teleporting back in their slots when you fail to put them back yourself.

The meat of the game is the story mode, and it's okay I guess? I'm not into KF lore but it was cool to get a bit of characterization for Foster. The levels looked good, although I did notice a bunch of textures and model LODs popping, some of it was pretty jarring. I really like what they did horror wise, stuff like leaving you in the dark or the sound of machinery preventing you from hearing the sounds of zeds approaching you while you're busy spinning a valve.

The Holdout mode plays more like regular Killing Floor but it kind of sucks. No trader, no boss, no waves... It got boring pretty fast, there's not much to say about it. I didn't play it in coop so who knows, maybe it's more fun this way?

Fucking game softlocked when I was doing the last mission and I didnt feel like giving it another go. Probably was solid in 2017 but dont bother with it now. Especially not for the price they ask

Incursion is very tech-demoey and simply isn't worth it now better VR shooters are on the market. With a short, lacking story and minimal mechanics, it won't last you long.

Wanted to like it so badly, but the PSVR tracking is really bad at some parts, (the sniper section...) and the story was short. At least I got it at a discount.
