Reviews from

in the past

Playing League when there’s Dota is like going to Fogo De Chão and choosing the salad bar.

started playing some days ago! i really like this champ called garen! i wonder whats a pentakrill because the announcer said i got one! what a weird game!

The world was better when this didn't exist.

1200+ hours in this game over the course of 7-8 years and the only thing i can say about it is how much i hate it

dont play it, 3000+ hours gone forever

people like to sneer at League and feel smug and smart, but it is a good game. The community is toxic, sure, and I prefer DotA for a lot of reasons, but it is a well-made game with some good characterization.

My biggest issue is actually its business model, which single-handedly pushed me away from the game for nearly a decade. I hate the F2P model it has, and it won't even let me change my username without coughing up cash or playing for a stunning amount of time.

Rating: 8.4/10

Boundless skill ceiling. Massive cast that allows everyone to find their niche. Gameplay loop that is consistently satisfying. Perfect platform for self-improvement through deliberate practice. Beautiful. E-sports scene is incredibly entertaining.

Everyone giving this a low rating are the people in steam reviews saying a game sucks but they've played 400 hours.

Season 1-3 League is like a 4, beyond that it fluctuates in quality too much to give it a concrete good or bad score.

Ok, eu admito, eu amo League of Legends.

Eu também o odeio, odeio muito, mas não tem como.
Sempre que deixo de jogar por uns meses, a vontade de jogar sempre volta. Assim eu percebo que há realmente algo de valor aqui pra mim, amo a parte "xadrez" do jogo.

Acho que é um 5/10. Eu o amo muito, e também o odeio muito.

Really good when you don't play it 100hrs a week grinding ranked to try to actually get good at the game, at that point it's really just mental torture. A lot of the time I just hated it, but that is obviously because of the way i played it. I wouldn't play a game for 3500hrs if I didn't think it was good lmao

Queria dar mais mas lembrei do client

I hate the toxic community, I hate the overly complicated item system, I hate having to deal with rune pages, I hate the thousands of smurf accounts. But I've also never felt complicated teamwork like this before

I'm not giving it more than half a star until they remove Janna from the game.

Huge lore and interesting characters, the gameplay is deep and its the face of esports scene. Gameplay balance issues and client bug issues prevent it from the full score.


fun gameplay i think
a shame about the text chat though


I've spend more hours in this game that that I would like to admit... Yet I can't deny that it's an amazing game, had so much fun playing it.

lots of split second decision making, and a ton of stuff can go wrong you wont understand why for a while, pretty frustrating to make bad decisions in game deciding moments, and some games can be ruined while you have no agency over it, learning how to cope with every possible situation can take a ton of time (hundreds to thoughsands of hours) but other than that its extremely satisfying to kill people and exectute your gameplan successfully.

How can you even design a team game where you can hate your team "by design"?!?!?!?!?!