Reviews from

in the past

played oct 28th for rpgmaker october

i was trying to avoid gamemaker bc while it does have some links to rpgmaker scenes & games made from it that arent too far off from something made in rpgmaker, i think its too flexible of an engine to be in the spirit of playing games made under a similar set of constraints. i made this exception bc its made by vgperson, a legend who translated MANY rpgmaker/wolf rpg games, including 3 that were on my list! i figured it would be fitting to give a shot out of props

but i didnt like it :( i liked the use of the textbox (v clear why she went for gm over rpgm considering that mechanic) but i feel like much of the game is putting things in that mightve sounded clever on their own but dont contribute much in the grand scheme. for example the use of puns n wordplay that game goes v hard on, since the game is all abt words n such, never leaves the realm of "thats a little bit cute" at best, like its not utilized for anything to seriously talk abt. and i just dont care for the themes here in general idk. ig if nothing else i got a better idea of what vgpersons style is that she brings to her translations thru it. not in a good OR bad way even, just that she has a voice she brings to these games, which is easy to forget when we play these translations and just think of them as getting transcribed mechanically to be legible in english, or something like that. it does give some appreciation for just how much she contributed for english speakers' experience w rpgmaker 

vgperson undoubtedly knows a lot about RPG Maker horror, and it's clear that they've drawn on a lot that works here. The tension is great, the story is touching, and it's a game that speaks to me in a way almost nothing else does.

I started playing this ready to open this review with a guilty "it's not for me" or a dismal "I didn't mesh with this", but the finale and conclusion was so special and important to me; moreso following reading vghime's own afterword and breakdown.

Experienced over a late evening, gripping me halfway through. It's just about hitting 2.30 in the morning and I'm disappointed I had not heard of this sooner despite closely following vghime's online translation career for many years. Yes, it's true I personally wasn't particularly fond of the BGM, and yes, I did find a few of the deaths cheap especially towards the start of the game when I was learning the ropes. But it was all so surface level compared to the impact this had on me, really. I liked this game.