Reviews from

in the past

A really low budget FPS game set on Vietnam war where you play as regular U.S marine who is tasked to hunt down savage viet cong leader.

the game comes with really stiff animation, weird sound choices in all aspect of the game, and awful ending.

Play Men of Valor instead.

Despite a huge amount of nostalgia I have for this game, I still did not enjoy revisiting it.

This game has a strange fascination with turret-sections. You start with a lengthy one, but then even after that every couple of minutes you are asked demanded to mount your machine gun on some rock for another turret section. You only have a limited amount of time to do that too, and if you don't, you'll just have a heart attack and die.

Regarding the rest of the gameplay, you run very slowly through linear levels with dumb AI. There's very little feedback from guns, but not to an intolerable degree. You can refill your health and ammo by interacting with your AI companions, which I thought was a cool idea. Also you can reload your gun even without firing a bullet, and your guy just throws a full clip out. That's basically all I can say about the gameplay, there's not much to it.

Graphically the game is about 3 years behind, but honestly it didn't bother me. Because, despite the lower technical level, it still feels like there was some effort put into creating a cohesive visual design.

There is also a story, and it's just horrendous. The game greets you with one of the worst written pieces of dialogue I've ever seen in a game, and it doesn't really get better from that point on. I do like though how every character has a thousand-yard stare, but I'm not sure whether this is intentional or the character models, textures and animations just lack enough detail to feel "alive".

Despite all the flaws though, this game does not feel like a cashgrab to me. I feel like this is like one of those "so bad it's good" movies, like The Room, where the creators had a lot of passion but were grossly incompetent. I think some people might enjoy this game on that level, if only because of the cutscenes.