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Not a lot of people seem to like this remake but I think that outside of some scuffed sprites it’s strictly better. The framerate is buttery smooth and the backgrounds are downright gorgeous. It’s one of the best looking games on the 3DS and it looks better than most Switch games do to be frank.

Disregarding the remaster’s changes and improvements though Superstar Saga is a wonderful game. The pacing is just perfect and the combat intertwines with overworld exploration and movement in such a genius way. Gaining new abilities is super exciting, way more fun than in most games. Not only does it let you get to new places in the overworld but it also means you’ll get a new attack to try out in battle and an upgraded version later on that doesn’t invalidate the original move.

Combat is very simple but incredibly satisfying, the bros attacks are really fun to pull off and never feel like they’re breaking the pace. You have a lot of options at your disposal too, and it feels nice to take advantage of enemy weaknesses as you gain new ways to attack.

The game’s characters and story are super charming but I think it’s best to just go in without spoiling any of that, it’s never really the emphasis of the game anyways.

I used to resent the game because of all the praise it got compared to later Mario and Luigi games. I do still think the later games deserve way more credit than they receive but this game is so beloved for a reason, it’s impressive just how well this game got it right on the first go.

the remake takes away the charm from the gba sprites

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While this game did Butcher a lot of the sprites of the original, it made some vast improvements over it. For example, The game has a fast forward button from Paper jam, letting you speed up cutscenes, The 3Ds touchscreen makes it a lot easier to pick which moves you need as well as display the map, so you won't get lost as easily as like the original. But if you prefer the original way, you can use the 3DS's shoulder buttons to switch between moves like the original. As far as the combat goes, it pretty much the same as Paper jam, but without Paper Mario. Bros attacks also have a slight change, now instead of a spark that appear when you're suppose to press a button, its a circle that's suppose to represent the time window of when you're suppose to press the button. Although, some moves have had a slight change like how you can't spam Advanced knockout bros. anymore and that it can target multiple enemies instead of just one, or Fire bros. now having you spam rapidly to create one huge fireball to throw at Luigi instead of multiple. These changes can be jarring for some, but their adaptable.

Then there's the side mode Minion quest. While it did help explain what happen to Bowser and his crew during the events of Superstar saga, the gameplay is just awful. Basically you create a squad to fight a bunch of different squads which sounds cool on paper but the overall execution is done horribly, as the entirety of the mode. You just sit there and watch what happens with the occasional button press. It doesn't matter if you have a squadron with you're opponents weaknesses, the fight is completely luck based.
I say if you want to play this game, you should only play it for the main mode(unless you want to see the side story).

Some of gimmicks were a little annoying to deal with but the game and characters were overall a treat.

Todos los juegos de esta saga son geniales aaaa

Wonderful game. I played the original on the Game Boy Advance when I was very little and never got very far. Got the remake for my birthday the year it came out because of how cool it is that one of my childhood games got remade but never got around to finishing it.

I got around to the spot where you fight that mud guy in the desert and just gave up. Fast forward about five years and I had some time to spare so I knocked this game out, start to finish, in about ten hours lol.

So glad to revisit this game, it's an absolute classic. I remember playing through the first two areas or so and just getting lost in the world-- even though the world is very linear I still got lost, I have a lot of nostalgia for the early parts of the game.

It's very fun and very easy now that I'm playing it as an adult. All of the characters are extremely charming, and the world is colorful and cute. Prince Peasly and Fawful are my favorite characters, because their dialogue is so funny. When they interact in the final stretch of the game it's a real treat.

I'm so glad to have relived this wonderful game and to have finally beaten it after all these years.

Note that I am ranking this and Bowser Jr's Journey based on how much they needed to exist as both function almost identically to the originals.

One of the prettiest lit games on the 3ds.

Niektórzy gracze dzielą się na dwa obozy -- jedni wolą serię Paper Mario (to ja), a drudzy Mario & Luigi. Oczywiście wiele osób lubi obie serie, bo czemu nie, ale taki podział mi się rzucił w oczy kilka razy czytając różne wątki na Reddicie. No i ja mam tak samo. Paper Mario 64 jest najlepszą grą w jaką zagrałem w tym roku i jedną z najlepszych w jakie grałem w ogóle. M&L było jednym z "system sellerów" 3DSa dla mnie. Zupełnie mi nie podeszło. Może pierwsza godzina była ok dopóki nie zobaczyłem trochę więcej.

Nie podoba mi się styl graficzny remaku. Mam wrażenie, że fabularnie to jest misz-masz spisany na kolanie, byle coś na szybko wypchnąć. Niby księżniczka Piczka straciła głos, Mario (oraz fajtłapa Luigi niejako przypadkiem przy okazji) wyrusza gdzieś tam, aby ten głos odzyskać -- samo zawiązanie akcji ok jak na grę o Marianie. W szczegółach jednak się to rozłazi, bo umyka mi ciąg przyczynowo-skutkowy i wydaje mi się, że autorzy rzucają mnie z miejsca na miejsce bez jasnego celu, natomiast raczej po to, żeby zaliczyć nową planszę. Brakuje mi ciekawych wyrazistych NPCów, nie mam poczucia celu w tym co robię, gra mnie niemożebnie nudzi. System walki jest ok, ale osobiście preferuję bardziej taktyczny z serii PM, a mniej zręcznościowy z serii M&L. Podoba mi się muzyka, zwłaszcza podkład do potyczek, a Mario i Luigi fajnie tańczą w rytm muzyki. :)

Postanowiłem się jednak pożegnać z tą grą, bo ziewałem nieustannie. Nie siadło, trudno. Może jeszcze sprawdzę kolejną odsłonę, tylko na podstawie opinii innych graczy pierwsza jest chyba najlepsza, co nie wróży dobrze.

Me ha gustado porque siempre me encanta el gameplay de estos juegos, pero en comparación a los que he jugado de NDS me parece el más flojo. Creo que es el juego que asentaría las bases para unas entregas fenomenales.

This game has a great sense of humor. The mechanics are all really clever and used to their fullest potential. I am still trying to place exactly why I like Paper Mario a lot more. Even Mario RPG I would consider better, but that has way less mechanical charm. Maybe the new characters aren't as strong, all the beans and chuckles and hoo hoos or whatever just aren't as interesting as the cast in other Mario RPGs.

The battle system while very good also gave me some trouble. The battles can drag on too long due to the fact that every enemy has to telegraph every attack. It is fun but adds a lot of time. I learned far too late to just never use the regular attacks, the BROS moves are the only ones that get you anywhere. So you better be ready to do the same QTEs hundreds of times.

Great remake for an amazing game! Couldn't put my 3DS dowm at all playing it (until it was dying).

I have a few little nitpicks of the game, but they're not enough for me to say this isn't a great remake. Definitely worth your time with all the QoL improvements.

Completely ignored Bowser's Minions. Just watch the cutscenes on Youtube.

The main game mode is great. Not touching the side mode with a 25 foot stick.

I didn't play the original but I liked this game. Bowser's Minions was also fun too, nice time.

Honestly, I like the pixel graphics much more; they give the characters so much character and it just looks weird in the 3ds. The Bowser's Minions mode is fun, but kind of unnecessary.

sadly, unlike modern mario & luigi games, it lacked of an arena mode, but bowser's minions was fun

3rd best in the series and a great start!

yo this game looks good as fuck and its fun

2nd best M&L game its really really fun and full of alot of personality
Great remake too

It's kinda crazy how much personality there is crammed on this adventure. The writing is still great after all these years.

I also was constantly surprised how varied it was on the gameplay side. They really weren't afraid of trying new things.

The remake itself is fine, some decent quality of life additions. The new artstyle is different, not better or worse necessary. Bowser's Minions is kinda bad tho.

Looks extremely good and plays just like the original, and while Bowser's Minions really is extremely short and nothing that special, I love that they even thought about adding something like that.

This was my first foray into the Mario & Luigi series, and I was quite surprised by how much fun it was. The combat system pretty unique and the bros attacks were pretty fun to try to pull off. I thought the writing was pretty funny throughout, too. I eventually played through several other Mario and Luigi games after this, but this still was one of my favorites when all was said and done.

Enjoyed the art style and music as usual but unfortunately got bored and never finished.

Still good, but the remaster sands away a lot of the charm of the original. Didn't play a second of Bowser's Minions but I'm sure that's for the best.

Near perfect remake, with lots of good quality of life improvements. Still tough as nails in the final segments, and Cackletta's Soul is still really challenging. Overall, great remake!