Reviews from

in the past

This was less a game and more an experience with a community, from the whacky early internet era names of varying slurs to the Star N***ers to who'd get Top 3 and just how much fun it was all around. It's truly a shame that the magic is gone and so many people missed out, because try as some may to keep it alive no one, not even Nintendo themselves, could recreate this magic.

Because there's nothing more fitting for Nintendo to celebrate the anniversary of it's most classic and iconic IP than to DMCA a small passionate youtuber to steal their ideas later on in an attempt to make something "for the community".

Fue anterior a Super Mario Bros. 35 y encima era mejor. Era gratuito, máximo de 99 jugadores, no hacía falta comprar un hardware específico (se podía jugar desde navegador tanto en pc como móvil), no había que pagar una suscripción y no tenía una fecha de caducidad de un año desde su salida. De las peores cosas que hizo Nintendo haciendo un cese y desista a esta gente.

The best Battle royale ever made.

Sadly, it only lasted 2 weeks. Blame Nintendo.