Reviews from

in the past

It's not great but it is a guilty pleasure of mine. Some of the original characters are weird enough to be interesting but the aesthetic is SO tryhard edgy, the story is complete nonsense and the gameplay is PAINFULLY unbalanced. It's a good time to play with friends though...

Forgot I played this. Feels like a fever dream.

I didn't like the aesthethic but played the sh*t out of it anyways 'cause, you know, kids...

Heavily underrated game, deserved more love and could've been greater. If a game company decided to revisit this concept and polish it it could truly be what it was supposed to

What if Injustice but Marvel and not as good. The original characters were pretty dumb and I remember thinking the story was waaaay too dark when I played it as a kid.

Juegos que jugué en su momento y les tengo cariño pero seguro estaban culeros.

I'll never get Thing in a MvC game please let me just have and enjoy this

there’s really no other marvel game out there like this one, for better or worse.
some of the late game campaign mode shit is agonizing but it’s pretty fun with a friend

Fun fighting game. Kind of like a new marvel event comic storyline

Pelo que eu lembro era bem cria ainda vou rejogar

I like playing as a giant rock monster and throwing cans of gasoline at wolverine, all while fighting tooth and nail for control over the camera (which is now clipped into a wall)

By far one of the jankiest Marvel games I have played.
The camera does everything in its power to make you rage, the campaign if we can call it that is far from compelling and honestly the only redeeming quality is the animation of well known Marvel characters (having played the PSP version the animations were surprisingly smooth), other than that, just terrible.

This may be the best example of an amazing demo that turns into an absolute shit game

The shittiest Marvel game I've ever played. Terrible art style, boring levels and absolutely frustrating bosses.

Why don't most people like this game? The graphics are good for the time and the combat is insanely fun, his story mode is very good and well done so ... what's the problem? 👁👁

Fun gameplay. Not really too deep of an experience.

underrated game that deserves more attention, really interesting concepts and fun gameplay. someone resurrect this game from its' coffin.

50% of my life was spent in this game Vs mode,not as good as i remembered but still a good game

Why is everyone covered in a layer of oil?

Also, best use of slow-mo in any game, hands down.

Imagine getting the rights to a Marvel fighting game and stacking the roster with your OCs

Não é um game perfeito mas lembro de adorar jogar ele na época que ganhei meu PS2.

bok gibi oyundu ama çocukken deli eğlendirdi beni

You may look at gameplay of Marvel Nemesis and say “hey, it doesn’t look that bad. There’s various Marvel characters, it’s animated fairly well, and it has a unique aesthetic for a comic book game even though the graphics are mid. How bad could it be?”

Well, where do I start?

The combat is dull and unbalanced. Marvel Nemesis is a beat ‘em up with seemingly no depth. There’s a block, regular attack string, and a grab. Each character has a superpower they can activate but it’s either a projectile or makes their regular string more powerful. There’s also objects around the stages you can throw and they are far too powerful. They one shot every base enemy without getting up close.

When actually attack enemies you’ll notice how unresponsive the game is. Its not because of an input delay or slowdown issue, it’s because there’s so many frames of delay at the end of everything you do. You can’t cancel anything except attacks into grab. If an enemy blocks your attack, you’re stuck in place for 2 seconds while projectile enemies rain down missiles that ricochet you into other explosives. Getting knock over results in so much downtime for the player, and you can easily be knock over right away as soon as you get up. Barrels and cars just fly everywhere from offscreen. It’s such an unbalanced mess. You’ll beat some levels with no issues barely getting hit, and others will be a roadblock for no discernible reason. It’s an unbalanced unresponsive mess.

The level design is as bad as possible. Marvel Nemesis has bland environments that are reused CONSTANTLY. Levels play more like bonus challenges you’d unlock more than well thought out coherent structures. No puzzles, no platforming, no creative objectives. It’s always something dull such as “defeat 20 enemies!” Or “destroy the objects!”. These stages last about 2-5 minutes. Every time you finish one, you’ll feel a huge relief that you’re closer to the end of this catastrophe.

The boss fights are horrendous and there’s so many of them. There’s usually a boss fight after every two “beat ‘em up” levels. Multiple explosives going off at once stack so you can easily kill bosses in less than 20 seconds if they ricochet off of them. However, the opposite is also true. You can get absolutely steamrolled by these bosses because of these stacking explosives. Battles are more so a competition to who can throw more stuff at the opponent than a clash between unique super-powered heroes. I also had FOUR bosses kill themselves by flying off the edge.

This game is also strangely disrespectful to the source material. I’m more of a DC guy, but having these new generic characters known as “The Imperfects” kill multiple prominent Marvel heroes is silly. It’s trying to be dark and edgy, but it comes off as the develops saying that “our new characters are better”.

I’d like to also mention the PlayStation 2 version. Apparently, it has a game breaking bug that makes the first level unable to be completed. You have to enter a cheat code to bypass it. If you are considering playing this game (I don’t recommend it) I’d avoid the PS2 version. If you must play this frustrating miserable game, I’d recommend the Xbox version.

It’s a significant testament to a games’ quality if you find yourself running past enemies just to get it over with. With Marvel Nemesis, I did this nearly every level I could. Unbalanced unresponsive, unpolished, Rise of the Imperfects is a tedious and often frustrating experience that you wouldn’t wish on your worst enemies.


Até hoje lembro do toque da música do menu desse aqui

O subtítulo o define perfeitamente.

Homem aranha verde e preto, irado