Reviews from

in the past

I WAS NIN E WWhen tihs game came out i think and. fuck its not really THAT good but i love yuo

Mega Man Star Force 2 is a divisive title, because is loved by some, and is hated by others, me, being one who hates it
SF2 improves in some ways compared to the original SF1 (more if you don't count the DX patch) as it has some gameplay changes to the game, being like the Wave World is handled different now, more cards and enemies to fight, and being a step up in terms of difficulty compared with SF1, the problem I have with this game, isn't about the gameplay in battles mostly, as this one even evolved considering Mega Man has more than just 1 transformation, and these ones do cool things, is about the story and the gameplay between battles
One thing I really liked about Star Force 1, was his story, yeah, it had some flaws sometimes, but it was pretty enjoyable to me, and the thing with Star Force 2 is, it has a straight messy story, one that isn't exciting as the first one, taking a more, villain of the week, with new characters who are kinda lame (Geo and his friends are alright), especially the villains, there's 0 villains that I liked from SF2, and getting a bit away about the themes of Stars and commets, yeah, it isn't bad to put a new setting, something to focus, that weren't about space, but the new, ancient setting, wasn't well excuted, and I actually think a bit of the lore here would be so much better if it was replaced with something else instead
And that wasn't even the last of my problems, I said the battles are fine, they are actually great, but the game has so much padding/filler than the first one, because aside of having more dumb missions to advance the story, there's the high encounter rate, one that some people don't care, but I do, and considering I used a mod/hack that lowered these, but even then I felt it was a bit high after some hours into the game, I don't want to imagine how would be if I played it without that hack, it's probably painful, and for the worst I think this Star Force has the worst dungeons out of the three, majority of them suck (the ice one if pretty fun tho)
And the ending, the ending, is just, at best okay, but dude, at that point I was already tired of this game, the unique reason I say the ending is ok, is because it has probably one of the best final bosses out from the Star Force trilogy
I just think SF2 was a good game that evolved the SF2 gameplay, but it devolved in the rest, making it for me, a kinda eh game, if you want harder battles, and you don't care that much about how the story is, because is just a bit boring, then you cuold probably enjoy SF2, much better than I did when I played it, but for now, just gonna say, I didn't like it, and that's it

Este juego es una basura, no lo jueguen.

megaman star force 2 was a pretty alright game that had some significant improvements on the core gameplay of the first, but with some significant downsides to go with it.

firstly, is the story. the story feels way less connected than the first one, at least in terms of theming and the boss characters themselves. the plot feels less like the natural progression of things and more like "hey we have like 5 different concepts for bosses but idk how to string em together so things are sorta just going to happen." the game alternates between being quite emotionally intelligent and meaningful, and then having the whole joke of an area be "haha! our friend sure eats a lot! look how much he just looves this meat!"
there are some standout enjoyable side jokes though, such as a table that urges you to put things on it to the discomfort of the main character.

the gameplay is good, with some cool new mechanics, especially regarding how you move around the world. the environments are more interesting because you can now walk around on the ground even when in wave form, so you aren't only walking around on meaningless orange platforms above the interesting scenery. the new enemies and battle cards are cool, and i like the boss fights themselves. bonus points to the final boss for being very cool and engaging.

i hate random enemy encounters, and in the most populous area in the game, there is a random enemy encounter literally every 3-4 seconds of walking. it's absurd

also like holy shit the economy in this game is just kinda literally some black mirror shit. "link power," which basically just correlates to the number of friends you have, earns people in world free rewards and essentially better treatment from everyone, while people with lower link power aren't treated as well. for a game series that frequently has the theme of "friendship is stronger than anything!!!" this is very funny to me.

geo stelar is a tool of capitalism.


A lil less focused and a lil less personal than Star Force 1 - but lets be real: this was Rogues story and Geo Stellar is just an extra in it. Rogues the best Lone Wolf Bad Boy the franchise has ever produced.