Reviews from

in the past

looking back i wish i got pegasus but it doesn't matter because i lost my copy anyway :(

this is how i felt when i was a young lad and played this with no inherent interest in megaman.

if i played this now, i probably wouldnt give it this score

Lo amo, historia muy bonita sobre la depresión, la soledad y la importancia de los lazos, con un desarrollo de personaje muy bueno


Andromeda es un jefazo

Cuando un JRPG de DS trata el tema de la depresión de una mucho mejor manera que cualquier RPG indie mid inspirado en Earthbound

Just finishing this one as well. It's my first game in this series (haven't even beaten any of the battle network games) but WOW, did this pack a punch.
At one point I was laughing at how corny the storyline could be, and at others I was downright crying (no shame). Without spoiling anything, it tells a powerful story of loneliness.

It was a little easy, which I don't mind. The encounter rate was a little too high for my taste, but from what I've played that just seems like a Battle Network/Star Force staple. One last nitpick: the save system. It was probably my fault, but sometimes I would get game overs, after not saving for a while, so I would lose a lot of progress. Make sure, if you play this, to save as often as you can.

Other than these minor nitpicks, this was a genuinely fun and engrossing experience, one that surprisingly affected me. I will definitely try the rest of the games in this series, as well as Battle Network.

(My save file reads 14 hours and 37 minutes, not accounting for time lost from game overs.)

OP: To be the first, it is a very good game, it has a very good story and the music is great..
Bad: Some runs are very tedious and some missions are bad
Good: The story, the characters and the protagonist and Mega, the music is also good.

One of the most criminally underrated JRPGs ever holy shit. It slaps so much.

Es mas rapido y tal pero me pone triste porque es una secuela espiritual de battle network muy simplon

Huge banger on all aspects. Addictive and ages like wine. Just wish it didn't look like a GBA game in 2006.

Never finished it looked cool tho

yo de pequeño cuando me encontraba una piedra to guapa en el suelo (ahora tambien).