Reviews from

in the past

SAX carries this game despite the hardware limitations.

Maioritariamente linear mas nos 2 ou 3 momentos em que decide ser obscuro é-lo a um nível absurdo. O elemento de terror está muito interessante.

El que mas he disfrutado, que sea mas lineal es perfecto para mi, y la variedad de enemigos y bosses es la mas alta por el momento. Ya solo falta Zero Mission y estaria.

Despite the long story bits and the linear adventure till the final part, this is still my favorite Metroid so far. Loved everything about this game : the tension, the atmosphere, the soundtrack, the gameplay... it's a perfect for me.

Transgressive in name only, yet wholly committed to its game design. I like it.

Played through this in a single 4 hour sitting and really enjoyed it. A lot more linear than I expected but still a good time.

Fun game. I liked the part where she fused.

Fusion traz quase tudo que há de bom na série Metroid, com novas localidades e mecânicas. Apesar disso, há uma breve sensação de mais do mesmo, sobretudo pra quem jogou Zero Mission.

É um excelente jogo, entretanto, e um dos melhores do GBA.

Great game tho I played half the game with no audio

J'ai joué qu'à 2 jeux Metroid donc je ne peux pas vraiment juger de la qualité de celui-là par rapport aux autres, mais honnêtement j'ai vraiment du mal à lui trouver des défauts.

Exciting, beautiful, horror-esc, and mechanically fluid Metroid game that will continue to act as a reference point for future Metroid games. Only hinderance is an abundance of non-skippable dialogue that breaks the pacing and just a dash of hand-holding.

There's an argument to be made that Metroid Fusion isn't actually a metroidvania, with the narrative driving the game ever forwards whilst the powers that be order you from one place to the next. The purpose of all this, at least in part, is to allow for the presence of tightly scripted encounters with the SA-X, a seemingly unstoppable force that recalls Alien, as you try to not alert this creature to your presence by hiding just out of its sight or are brought to entering rooms knowing the SA-X will see you and hoping you can outwit it and escape just-barely-alive. These encounters are absolutely the highlight of the game, are often thrilling, and add to the game's brooding atmosphere.

There are certainly things I don't love about this game, most notably it's just impossible for me to suspend my disbelief as to a space station actually being built like this, and so much of the secret hunting comes down to just unloading Power Bombs in every single room which in turn makes it not feel like I was the one discovering them. That all said Metroid Fusion is kind of just a blast, its relentless pacing not letting up for its tight sub-five hour runtime as you tear through all manner of environments and try and figure out exactly what is going on here whilst knowing the next encounter with the SA-X could be just around the very next corner.

The amount of excitement and fear this game fills you with is great! Absolutely thrilling and I like playing through it again

Was a wee little kid when I played this but I honestly think this game has shaped me and my preferences into what it is today.

anyone who critiques this game by saying it's "too linear" is a fake gamer

Probably the game i have replayed the most. Excellent game, flawed only by being a followup to a perfect ending. I do not care even one bit about it being "too linear" as imo i just play the games one single way every single time so it doesn't matter to me

Don't go in expecting more Super Metroid and you'll love it.

Breakneck pacing through linear design cleverly made to feel open, combined with the themes of lost agency and the powers one serves betraying them, which juxtaposes excellently by finally facing off with the pinnacle of power Samus used to be - now a horrific weapon to be feared and avoided. I love how naked it all makes you feel, Samus has her powers literally surgically removed from her body, your superiors withhold upgrades from you and lord complete command of your exploration, the new Fusion Suit follows a very bare, muscular system aesthetic, and that's the point.
Your adversary is the SA-X, a fully suited and booted walking sun, it practically glides through the station like a hot knife through butter - but despite inferior firepower and four layers of Federation protocol to sieve through, you've got the one thing it lacks. Wits.

If I could change one thing, it'd be for the opening act to be far less verbose and slow. If I could change a second thing, it'd be to make power bombs actually useful against bosses.

This is Metroid 4, the sequel to Super Metroid. It fucks.

The game is the scariest and most challenging metroid game. The developers had a clear idea of what they wanted to make you experience, and they achieved it perfectly. Don't be put off by the game's linearity. However, progression in this game can be incredibly obtuse, requiring you to bomb random walls and floors.

Metroid has always been my favourite Nintendo franchise and Fusion is one of the absolute best in the series. The GBA is a perfect platform for a 2D Metroid game, with some really impressive sprites and animations, haunting ambient music and really satisfying controls. It's very linear, which can be seen as a negative for a Metroid game, but what it loses there it more than makes up for with its pacing and atmosphere. This is the closest Metroid has gotten to pure horror and I don't know if it would have been as effective with full exploration. The linear nature allows the developers to properly pace your journey and create a much more palpable level of tension. I also think because of this more guided approach it would make a great introduction for newcomers. I honestly think this should be held in the same regard as Super Metroid and Metroid Prime, it's my favourite game on the GBA and one of my favourite games of all time.

The best Metroid game, with an overbearing air of dread and some excellent tense moments. Man the game boy advance had some excellent exclusives.

the sa-x virus can get it

A strong entry to the Metroid series. It's tense in all the right ways, and controls very well.

Fusion asks "what if Metroid wore its Alien inspiration on its sleeve?" The answer is that it'd be really linear and not quite as good, but still a lot of fun. Also, the difficulty's all over the place. For instance, Nightmare's a great fight that I died to several times, but Neo-Ridley's piss easy. I dunno. I had a good time, but won't replay any time soon.

I was amazed at how good this was. I've played a lot of metroid games and enjoyed them but this is actually the first I've ever beaten. Despite the stripped down kind of metriod experience i think this is pretty great.