Reviews from

in the past

Esa sensación cuando sabes que un juego no es la gran cosa, pero aún así lo disfrutas, esta plagado de bugs y es muyrepetitivo, pero creo que tiene una base solida y buena intención.

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Where did this game go wrong? I'll tell you. The Story is that a group of survivors have to get their supplies back from a rival group called the family, well also taking theirs to benefit your people, this story is basic, which would be fine if it wasn't trying to have a story, just plot, but they don't, they try to have a campaign like story, and that wasn't even done right, because after doing what I said the story is and defending you camp from Walkers sent by the family, you attack them, but discover they were wiped out (except for the leader)by another enemy you have to fight you have to fight them at the Lincoln Memorial and that's it, a simple attack 2 enemies story and ends on a cliffhanger where Hurst is only a Lieutenant, and the REAL leader is not even there, this story is garbage. The Characters are nothing outside of what the story needs them to be, only the 4 main characters have any personality, their good. The Graphics are really bad, which is shame since the style of the game works well, the worst effect is fire, IT'S EXTREMELY FAKE. The Gameplay is a multiplayer campaign, you and others online complete campaign missions where you hold buttons down to barricade the camp, and use supplies to improve it including setting up traps, well avoiding walkers, rival survivors and traps to alert them well scavenging, and to make it better, there is a horde bar at the top of the screen, where the more noise that is made the more walkers will appear around the map and even save and recruit survivors. These great and interesting ideas, and could be very fun to play, but the creators didn't do it well, first off because settings are so similar that some are of the same type of place, the exploration becomes repetitive, also recruiting survivors isn't that interesting because unlike Survival Instinct where you do see their personality through a cutscene to get to kind of know what that person is like, here there's none of that, the survivors you can save and recruit are bland and don't come back after the level you save them on apart from the camp preparations screen telling you how many survivors you have, that is lazy and makes one of the most interesting things in apocalypse games BORING, and since Heather dies early on, (offscreen of course) you can't play as her during later missions for story purposes, despite the fact that every player can play as the same character and the story isn't affected by that, so all I can say is that IS SUCKS. The combat isn't terrible, you can shoot or assault them, if they grab you, you can shove them or attack them with a click of a button, so it's not bad, but it's not executed eve near enough to survive the repetition. Music is actually really good, I listened to it during this review to remind myself what it's like and it's very good and feels finished and doesn't need any changes. Sounds are bad though, no impact from them makes noises satisfying in anyway, and some don't even sound like what they should be (Sniper shots). Overkill's the walking dead is a badly unfinished, boring survival multiplayer game, and can only be fun, if you don't mind all the things I said.