Reviews from

in the past

Adrenaline shot straight to the heart

Nothing will ever compare to the experience of 6+ player LAN deathmatch in Quake III. Shouting across the house at family and friends, blowing each other up with rocket launchers and railguns; even my mom would join in the hour-long frag-fests.

there's nothing that comes close to the rush of quake matches with your homies and shit talking each other

The game to me has the best movement system ever developed - whatever it's intentional elements or accidental (like overbounce). And if played without it - sure, one could say Unreal Tournament can be better... but once you get deeper into scenes like Defrag or CPMA - there really isn't any competition anymore.

It's nice to occasionally play this game every now and then for quick death match.

Con amigos es fantásico. El gunplay es bastante bueno y los mapas son full agresivos

I initially did not like the concept of a game solely devoted to deathmatches. Quake always held appeal for having a solid single-player campaign and a separate multiplayer component. And then I devoted hours of my childhood to playing this game over and over again. It has a bunch of really great maps with cool tricks and traps, and the arsenal of weapons is diverse and effective at blasting away your foes. Whether playing against the bots or other players, it's a really fun FPS experience.

Played just because i wanted to play the whole franchise, and have no idea how good this was with multiplayer.

That's where cool kids settled their differences, when I was a kid.

I don't like FPS Arena games, but this was just too much fun for me!

I was way too young to play this. But f*** yeah! Quake!

I went into Quake 3 not expecting to like it much because of it not having actual campaign levels to play through since that was more or less what I came to Quake 1 and 2 for, and the only time I ever really got into the multiplayer side of an FPS was Halo when I was growing up. Now, imagine my surprise when it suddenly clicked for me that Halo just lifted its entire style from arena shooters like this.

Playing through the "story" mode and then hopping online with friends was a surreal experience for me because I was feeling nostalgia for a game I had never played while playing it, or rather I was feeling nostalgia for a type of game that I haven't really seen around as of late. I have to say, massively fun time for me getting to experience this. Its not perfect by any means, a lot of the maps aren't designed around smaller player counts so that makes the singleplayer stuff not always feel like the game is putting its best foot forward/makes playing with only three other people kinda limited in what maps are best for that. Not to mention actually getting into a game with friends is a nightmare in the modern day, but none of that matters a ton to me because once I actually got in a game it was just pure fun with my friends. At the end of the day, thats all that really matters to me with a multiplayer game really.


was fun to jump around and shot the dudes but i missed the cool story and coop stuff from the previous quake games. you can mod in anyone too if you want so you CAN be an anime girl in this game