Reviews from

in the past

this is the only rance game i finished it was funny the gameplay kinda stinky but it was fun just watching the game do its thing

Quite possibly the most miserable experience I've ever had with a video game. The soundtrack bangs tho

They should put that shit in the item shop

This "game" is living rent free in my head. There's no way they were trying to make a good video game, they had to have intentionally made this "game" with the goal of trying to make the worst "video game" ever. It is actually impressive how awful this is. I am writing this review months after playing it, that's how angry it still makes me holy shit.

I want to fuck Rizna Lanfbitt while Japanese Beat is playing the background till I pass out

This game broke me.
It is genuinely, UNIRONICALLY, the worst game I have ever played a reasonable amount of that isn't a Sonic game.
More power to you if you actually enjoy this game but I am adamant on saying that it is a dumpster-fire through and through. What a fucking trainwreck.

Gameplay baseado em RNG, onde cada ação se baseia na sua sorte, o que é péssimo pra progressão de um RPG. Não vou terminar essa bomba.

"I began to get a feeling... of being the only sane man in a nut house. It doesn't make you feel superior but depressed and scared, because there is no one you can contact."
— Will Dennison, And the Hippos Were Boiled in Their Tanks, by William S. Burroughs

Hilariously stupid gampeplay, at least it's short.

Playing this game is what being a uni student feels like

Install Rance 5D.
Open Rance 5D.
Close Rance 5D.

Honestly, not that bad. Is this game an unending RNG spam simulator? Yes, very much so. But given a bit of perseverance and possibly some outside help it's not really painful in any way; it's a brisk game with a short runtime that keeps the gears in your head turning, and the RNG acts more as a spice than a wall or a serious obstacle for the most part. If you want an epic traditional RPG then yeah, you're better off playing Rance VI, but if you're okay with a game that pushes the envelope and tries for more experimental design, this is a thoroughly entertaining time.

i can't think of a single thing that's not RNG in this game, even moving to different areas is RNG cause fuck if you know where what you're supposed to do is gonna show up. Thank you Windows ME also thank god Trns Beat? is a banger

LET'S GO RNGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGggggggg also Rizna is too cute and good for this world


How do you go from kichikuou to this

As far as Rance games go, its on the lower end in terms of quality, but i still enjoyed it! The RNG is what breaks the game for many, but I found it to be really interesting and pretty fun overall. The story was pretty good too and it was pretty funny.

Rance 5D goat ?! thousands of storylines ?! unlimited characters ?! so much customization !?!?

I will hear its soundtrack in all my fever dreams for now on

Fuck this gameplay even worse experience than 4.2 holy fuck



i was too harsh on this game its not the worst thing ever

Purely random, but the fact how abusable it is makes up for it, making the gameplay loop engaging in it's own strange way. It's a dumb game, but it's also a fun dumb game.
Also, you get to cuck Bird again, so what's not to love about it?

This is just dumb fun with a fantastic soundtrack. Not much to say.

rizna cute also just get lucky idiots

Honestly, I think this game gets a bit of a bad rap, but it still leaves a lot to be desired. Due to an extremely rocky production cycle, the scope of this game was cut significantly. The gameplay ultimately boils down to a shitload of RNG that you have some influence over. Autosaves are pretty generous, so you shouldn't have trouble beating the game.

The saving grace is the always-hilarious writing of this series. That alone makes this game worth playing. Rance will never not be entertaining.

For a more detailed critique, watch this video -