Reviews from

in the past

Rob Wiethoff as John Marston should go down as one of the finest acting in any game; he pretty much carries the entire experience.

This game reminded me that it's okay to love a game and not 100% it, because man oh man, I sure did hate those mini games.

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marston is the goat and the world is very engaging but getting through this was a little bit of a slog considering every mission is ride somewhere and have a shootout. the gunplay and story were not as good as rdr2 for me so i couldn't forgive the tedious game design as much as i could there.

i played this when i was a little too young and i had heard there was a sex scene in one of the cutscenes and i was so scared that my mom would walk in during that part i just skipped every cutscene to be safe. to this day i could not tell you anything about the plot of this game

I love a good narrative, when the gameplay and the game design can follow up. My problem with Rockstar games is that the gameplay and the game design are really basics. It's not a problem for RDR, but it will be in RDR2...

Here, I love the Sergio Leone vibe. It's almost like playing The Good, The Bad and The Ugly or One Upon in America. The influence of those movies is everywhere, and it's just great. You travel through a changing far-west, land of violence, and your mission is to capture one the last gang leader. In the direction, everything goes in the direction of modernity. You arrive by train, you help a revolution, you put an end to a life of crime, and Rockstar knows it's cinematography well.

RDR let's you explore with pretty good things to lead you, just like the treasure maps. No marker on the map, it's just you and your memory, and it feels great when you fing a chest. It's the same when you find some easter eggs or just little details in the world.

But with the gameplay, it's basic. Point and shoot, there is an auto-aim anyway. I don't feel powerful when I just need too press X to be a badass cowboy, and that is the big fault here. I can look away in this game, but not in the following ones...

When Rockstar ports this to PC

The open world, story-driven action game GTA WISHES it could be.

I still cry to this day when Deadman Gun's plays. An amazing story that I'll remember to this day

One of the best Rockstar Games along with GTASA and Bully: not because it's unique in its shooting, it's a shooter as common as it gets; it's great because it's unique in every other aspect of its world and the way it simulates the life of a law breaking gunslinger in the old wild west. It also has a banger of a soundtrack

Feel like this masterpiece has been overshadowed by other Rockstar games but this truly is goated. Mental how it's not even the best Red Dead game either

+ Amazing story and characters
+ Great atmosphere
+ Dead eye is a very fun mechanic
+ One of the best endings for games
~ Controls can often be confusing
~ Music isn't consistently present
- A lot of the missions start the same
- Lighting is constantly a problem
- RNG can screw you often

A classic, a favorite. Can't sing enough praises about this game.

Uau a ambientação desse jogo Uau...

cool i'm a cowboy i can't wait to do random errands for 40 hours

John Marston you are a legend.

I adore the story of this game, had issues with the gameplay. I'm surprised why John Marston isn't brought up as often when discussing best VG dads.

Played it after 2, it's fine.

If this game was on PC I would have given it 5 stars.

I didn't play much as I got bored early on. Boring setting and uninteresting from the off.

Incredible western epic. Gameplay and the environment really informs the feel of the story and allows the player to build their own sense of John Marston's character to fit around the man shown in cutscenes.

Shows what Rockstar could do when they're not designing GTA games with such insightful satire as "Fat Idiot Zombie Phone Company."

hope you like pressing the A button literally one billion times just to make your slow idiot character move at a pace above a saunter. also its racist and badly written and boring.

The best game ever made.. before Red Dead Redemption II was released :)

One of the best rockstar games. Although the story is a little slow at first and at points a little unfocused it’s still amazing and John Marston is a great character. The gameplay is a little clunky, and if you try going from red dead 2 to this you’ll have a difficult time getting used to the controls, but the open world and characters are great and it’s still well worth playing if you don’t mind getting used to older controls and aren’t stupid enough to care that the graphics aren’t as great as they are today.

I’m not an open-world game fan, nor a western fan, but this one I could get into. And I’ll always remember how it ends.