Reviews from

in the past

the cowboy game of cowboy games

Very fun game with a plot revolving around the end of the Wild West. A lot more game-y and similar to GTA than you may think, but the dead eye targeting and little things in the environment like the various bars in towns, cottages out in the middle of nowhere, scenic views, and the wildlife and hunting aspect gives it a charm of its own. I haven't played any other game in the series, but the Red Dead series is probably the closest you can get to a cowboy game. I really enjoyed the Undead Nightmare DLC in this game because it kind of flipped the established gameplay on its head to a certain extent.

PS3 version runs like ass, but awesome game anyways.

Need a remaster or a port to pc

Um grande jogo recomendo a todos que jogaram o 2 que joguem ele depois ja que se passa depois do segundo jogo afinal de contas caso comece por ele vc ja vai saber como termina mais ou menos o segundo

Un gran juego que disfruté un montón y su final me voló la cabeza con ese plot twist. Había probado con varios juegos de PS3 antes de éste, pero ninguno había logrado engancharme.

El RDR me dio ese gusto por andar a caballo y encontrarme con randoms por el mapa mientras hacías misiones o desafios.

Gran jueguito y espero algún poder jugar el 2.

A día de hoy, este juego se sigue sintiendo como el día de su salida. Red Dead Redemption es un juegazo a todos los niveles: la ambientación western está tan conseguida que consigue transportarte a esa época; la narrativa es muy buena, con personajes e historias secundarias realmente interesantes; los personajes son muy carismáticos y profundos; el mundo abierto tiene muchas cosas por hacer; la música es simplemente sublime e inmejorable; y los gráficos siguen manteniendo el tipo a día de hoy y no se siente anticuado (a pesar de algún que otro bajón de fps en PS3). Como puntos negativos: algunas misiones secundarias son de recadero (ir y volver) y quizá se nota algo anticuado en este apartado actualmente por las mecánicas algo simples y escasas. A pesar de ello, personalmente Red Dead Redemption me ha conseguido transmitir con su historia y su argumento una empatía hacía diversos personajes, algo que no consigue cualquier juego. Recomiendo esta obra maestra a cualquiera que quiera vivir una experiencia inolvidable. 9,5/10

Eu sou um dos loucos que prefere esse ao 2. Pacing é fantástico, gameplay é boa o suficiente e o final corta o coração. Um thriller acompanhado de um ótimo mundo aberto.

i like that you can play either game in either order, and the story of this game is much more appreciated after playing RDR2 i think.

graphics hold up very well for 2010.

While it's noticable that it is indeed a 2010 game the character writing and humor honestly hold it up incredibly well

One of the most downright depressing games I've ever played. There's a vicious nihilistic streak running through RDR and I wonder if someone on the writing team was going through some dark shit during the whole creative process. This is a game where very few people get a happy ending. Even most of the side quests are tragic and generally feel bad in nature. None of this is criticism by the way. It's just that, when I reflect back on my time with RDR (which was a long time ago now), my most vivid memories are how affected I was by it all. Especially, ESPECIALLY, the absolute gut punch that is the ending.

I don't know if I could ever play through it all again, knowing what's to come.

the game that made me love open world

Would be a perfect game if you didn't have to herd cows for like 3 hours at the beginning.

é o jogo que me mais traz nostalgia
pela época feliz da minha vida (apesar do bullying na escola), pelo fato de eu ser burra e não saber como salvava o progresso, os mistérios, jogar com meus primos, procurar um cavalo maldito que ficava em Tall Trees (hoje em dia voltei pra procurar e não achei nem por um caralho, desconfio que talvez era esquizofrenia)

got stuck on the tutorial because I'm brain damaged, therefore its bad

I wish this game came to modern hardware. This game is a great game and I enjoyed almost every second of it (fuck the herding missions).

Just couldnt get into it. story was interesting but the game was buggy and the controls on horse just felt off.

Ich weiß gar nicht, was ich hier alles schreiben soll, so viel macht dieses legendäre Spiel richtig.

Also ganz einfach angefangen mit der Welt und Geschichte, diese spielt im Wilden Westen – genauer gesagt an Amerikas Grenze zu Mexiko. Nicht nur grafisch zeigt Rockstar, dass sie anderen Open-World-Titeln schon immer einen Schritt voraus waren – man sehe sich nur mal das ein Jahr später erschienene Skyrim mit seinen statischen Schatten und den matschigen Texturen an, von den Bugs ganz zu schweigen.

Apropos Bugs, davon konnte ich in meinem gesamten Spieldurchgang keinen einzigen finden, der mir bis jetzt noch im Gedächtnis geblieben wäre. Sowieso ist absolut alles so glatt poliert, dass man sich darin spiegeln könnte, genau wie Sonne es in den zahlreichen Gewässern im Land tut. Jede Animation und beinahe jede Gameplay-Mechanik ist so unglaublich flüssig umgesetzt, dass einen nur die in die Jahre gekommene Grafik an ein Spiel von 2010 denken lässt.

Oho, und das abwechslungsreiche und genial gelöste Ende der langen Reise hat es wirklich in sich, an einem vernünftigen Ende scheitert selbst so manch großartiges Spiel, dieses jedoch bei weitem nicht. Mehr möchte ich auch nicht verraten, den halben Stern Abzug gibt es lediglich für den viel zu seltenen Einsatz erinnernswerter Musik sowie für die stellenweise existierenden Durststrecken zwischen wirklich spannenden Quests.

Eine ganz klare Spielempfehlung geht an alle (angehenden) Western-Fans. Ich war vorher jedenfalls noch keiner, nun muss ich aber unbedingt wissen, wie es im zweiten Teil weitergeht.

Vervollständigung: 88,5 %

While i loved the 2nd game more, this is still a must play when it comes to 3rd person shooting, or in general a solid enough story

This game holds up so well, one of rockstars best games without a doubt. With friends, the multiplayer still feels like it has endless opportunities for shooting all kinds of shit, literally and metaphorically. With a single-player campaign that had me hooked for days on end, I could not set it down at any point!

Even though i grew up on this game, subsequent playthroughs were not diminished. Rockstar is a master at open world titles, and this is one of the best. John Marston is a perfect protagonist and the story serves to highlight the world in all the best ways

Gran juego de parte de rockstart, la verdad es muy solido hasta en el dia de hoy y aunque su secuala le gana en todo, no mentire y dire que este es mi favorito