Reviews from

in the past

When playing Rogue Trooper I kept asking myself “Why?” to everything. Why is there no plot? Why was this game even considered good enough to remaster? Why did this game exist in the first place? It’s not all bad, definitely playable and has some challenging gameplay, but it could have been so much more, right? Well, meet Rebellion! Famous for some of the most mediocre games in the early to mid-2000’s that weren’t horrible, but barely passable and very forgettable. I played the original on PC back in 2009 and it wasn’t all that great back then either.

You play as a GI named Rogue (how original) who is a blue alien dude stuck in the middle of a war with a race called the Norts. There’s your story, have a nice day! I’m not kidding at all. This game has more plot holes than a screen door and it boggles my mind as to why they even bothered. These GIs are immune to every poison known to exist, okay…but why? Then there is a single poison that was found to work and the Norts want to mass produce it to wipe out the GIs, again, why? There are no answers just lines of dialog that needs a lot of back story to explain what is even going on. The characters are paper thin, don’t have much screen time, and the voice acting is atrocious. So the only reason to play Rogue Trooper is for the shooting and that’s average at best.

Rogue has a gun that is “smart” as well as his backpack and helmet. He installs chips that are cut out from dead comrades and it gives his equipment an AI. That’s a pretty neat idea and it’s the only thing in this game that seemed to have been fully fleshed out. Rogue gathers salvage from dead bodies and piles and uses these to craft ammo, new weapons, and upgrades. You don’t pick up any ammo in the game as you can only craft it. You do have a pistol on hand that has infinite ammo in case you run out, but there’s a constant challenge of keeping your supply up and looting dead bodies. There are a few on-rails levels to mix things up, so the game isn’t boring ever, and the challenge is quite nice as standing out in the open for too long will get you dead and there’s a halfway decent cover system in place.

Rogue can also equip a silencer to his machine gun and sniper rifle as well as use a decoy and attraction tool, but I never actually used these. The game even has a stealth mechanic in place, but after I got the silencer I didn’t bother sneaking around as sniper shots are one hit kills. You can also place your Gunnar as a turret so it can cover doors that get unlocked, but again, this seemed like a wasted mechanic as the game isn’t quite sure if it wanted to be a tactical stealth game or a run and gun shooter. This game is a living breathing embodiment of early to mid-2000’s third-person shooters and it hasn’t aged very well. Extremely linear level design, awkward animations, barely manageable aiming, and lots of on rails and scripted events.

At least the game had a marginal graphics update and looks decent enough but you can still see the age of the game behind the shiny new surface. There’s also a multiplayer mode that is basically pointless since no one is playing this online, and never really did, and the entire game can be beaten in just 4 hours. There’s absolutely no reason to go back either. So I go back to my original question, why? Why should you play a dated 15-year-old game in 2019? Maybe to experience a type of shooter that was incredibly popular at the height of the PS2 era? Maybe you have curious memories of this game and want to relive them? The answer is, you’re not missing out on anything if you skip this, and you don’t gain anything from playing it. Thankfully it’s dirt cheap, and I can only recommend this to the curious.

weird ps2 era shooter remastered for some reason

Look I can see people back in the day renting the original game from block buster for a weekend but nowadays I don't see the point in this. Why remake a mediocre game and change nothing in it? Of course it's gonna be shit. If your not a fan of 2000 A.D or have never heard of it the plot makes absolutely no sense. You have to go into the encyclopedia in the main menu to get a taste of lore and that's only if you collect enough scraps. The original comic art looks really good but it translated horribly into 3d graphics. There are absolutely no stakes your just going on a 5 hour revenge hunt and the gunplay is just horrible. It gives you the illusion of having a bunch of weapons but you only use 2 of them, the gunner and the pistols as the other 5 weapons are only for certain situations and I'm not even counting the shotgun it sucks so bad. It tries to do a fun gimmick as you can only buy your ammo by salvage parts from dead enemies, but you'll just be buying med kits and ammo for your gunner so there's really no point in it.
My brother got this game from best buy for like 4 dollars and at that point just buy a big Mac you'll get much more enjoyment out of that than this game.

Not going to put too much effort into this review. Despite its about 5 hour campaign this slog exhausted me.

This game doesn’t really know what it wants to be. It’s set up to be a stealthy and methodical cover shooter using your silenced weapon, melee takedown and holograms to distract enemies. The problem is none of this comes together because the stealth is totally half-baked. Enemy sight lines are totally inconsistent and it becomes frustrating guessing if they’ll see you. There’s also not much incentive to play stealthy since it’s slow, janky and boring and it’s much easier to run and gun through each mission.
The problem then becomes run and gunning sucks too because every animation is sooo slow and if you accidentally cycle to switch to the incorrect weapon you have to sit through the laughably slow animation with no way to cancel. The guns are pretty standard and the shooting is fine but the game clearly doesnt want you to play fast paced. The grenade throwing animation is also painfully slow and jank. Also they couldn’t update to a weapon wheel or tighten up any of these animations in a remaster??
There are some good ideas with a turret you can put down to distract foes so you can flank but the AI is mostly retarded (they will see their comrade 2 feet in front of them get sniped and not react or won’t run away from grenades.)
The gameplay just feels like it’s being pulled in two directions with neither of them being fully developed which leaves the player in a weird middle ground that’s just mind numbing and unfun. Combine that with several extended horrible turret sections and the game just really doesn’t excel at anything.
The last thing I’ll touch on is the crafting which is broken. You get salvage from every enemy killed and the rest are marked on your mini map so you end up with an excessive amount to craft basically infinite medpacks and ammo so you can cheese your way through the game soaking up tons of damage. Unfortunately this is how I played the last couple hours because trying to play slow and methodically just didn’t work and was boring me to death.

I wanted to like this game and the goofy comic book adaptation has some charm but sadly I can’t recommend this unless you’re super curious or a fan of the comics. It’s just barely passable.

I had some nostalgia playing this title, not for Rogue Trooper itself but for the 5th console generation experience of the mid 2000's. Mostly the original Xbox.

It reminded me of playing games such as Brute Force, Star Wars: Republic Commando and Freedom Fighters. Rogue Trooper doesn't stand above the games I mentioned but more than likely stands beside them.

This remaster captured the raw essence of the 5th gen console experience. Stiff controls, sluggish movement, awkward camera controls. And yes, they are flaws in its design but it's to the point of being endearing.

The depth offered in the gameplay is quite surprising, there are a multitude of ways to approach combat. You can go in guns blazing or take a stealthy approach. But the best means of combat is using the unique effects of your equipment.

You can deploy your gun as a sentry turret to attack and distract the enemy whilst flanking them and firing a torrent of tactical mines on their position, flushing them out of cover and herding them directly into the line of fire of your sentry.

Overall, I enjoyed the brief time I had with this game. The experience was marred by the game design conventions found in a twenty year old game. But the remaster did enough to keep things interesting.

The experience was short and sweet, a nice palette cleanser from between all the JRPG's I usually frequent. Really, it's just something to play and finish over a weekend.