Reviews from

in the past

the premise of a dating reality show (with monsters and gods!!!) sounds amazing and i think it's what makes this game unique, so i wish there was more focus on that, i didn't really like how the eliminations worked, i wish we could see the reaction of the person eliminated, and other contestants, such a small change would take the game up a notch i think. i went in with low expectations, but the dialogue surprised me in a nice way, every character had a clear personality to them which was nice. i didn't like the horror elements (meeting lulu) and there was a jumpscare at one point which really killed my mood and made me uneasy when i was just chilling (if you enter the library before inviting fenton) :(
another thing i wish is more versatile characters, the options we had were fine, above average but none of them really stood out for me. even if i really liked a character, they all had a bad trait that stopped them from becoming "the one"

now i will go a bit into some character's details and what stopped them from becoming the obvious choice, it's not major spoilers or anything but if you want to play the game with a fresh eye then don't read this part:

example: vess was my number one at first but i didn't want to wait around 100 years for her when drac was already sad about wasting a lot of time on her ex
another example: i liked fenton and even ended up choosing him because he loved books and cozy things (like me) but he also had a bad side and no self confidence and way too sophisticated for my taste
another one: p.s. elle, i loved how cheerful and optimistic she was and she would be a good partner for me if she didn't want to sleep with EVERYTHING she saw
i can go on and on, every character sadly had something that stopped them from becoming my perfect match.
and finally, i loved the exploration, i was surprised to see how many hidden locations there were and it felt rewarding to find them. ultimately, i'd recommend the game if you're into dating / metroidvania games

One of the bosses made me laugh out loud but then soon after I got soft locked and lost an hour of progress

SPOILERS if you care about spoilers for this but when you first meet the unicorn and go to the candy land area you can get stuck between falling blow pops

I really should have saved before heading back into the tavern but lol this ruined my night and made me binge on jelly beans and cheap tv dinners irl so there’s that

Disappointing. Probably the clunkiest and least fun Metroidvania I've played.

I backed this on Kickstarter because I love Metroidvanias, visual novels, and trashy reality TV.

Sadly, this seems to be a case where the team was probably spread too thin, and the overall design suffers.

The story is really cringey and is too busy trying to be ironic and meta. The game is consistently so dark you can't see your character or the enemies. There's a complete lack of movement abilities which makes combat very frustrating. The camera is jumpy. The attack animations feel bad.

I only beat the first chapter (66 minutes) because I was in shock. I really wish this game was better.