Reviews from

in the past

this game is not good. however i did have fun playing it with friends back in the day. like most things related to roosterteeth, it didn't age well and hindsight is 20/20.

was a bit harsh on this game upon first review so i've decided to take this from a .5 to a 1 star, mostly because Qrow is hot.

I played this with my ex several years back when I was still deeply invested into RWBY and it was dull back then and it's still dull as hell now.

I truly don't know where to start with this game. The game itself is simply ok. The animations aren't bad and attacks can be sort of cool. The fact that you have regenerative health makes the game pretty easy, as you can simply run away until it's back since you get pretty fast dashes. All 4 of the characters have different move sets with various strengths and weaknesses which is cool but when you realize that there are only 4 characters you can play base game, unless you want to pay 5 more dollars. There is a big issue with the progression and level up system however, the fact that you never get anything new to your kit. You do receive various upgrades to moves in your kit but they never change how and when you use them in an interesting way. In most modern beat em ups like the remade double dragon or River City Girls they give you some variety by having the characters learn new moves because if they didn't it would get stale no matter how good other parts of the game were. This game of course doesn't care. You will be using the same moveset for the entirety of the game, but thankfully you won't have to see those moves that much anyways! This is because the game is about 2 hours and 30 minutes in length. That's right for 20 whole dollars you can get 2 hours of gameplay which never changes and isn't super fun. The movesets themselves aren't that bad but the repetitive nature of the game makes it so you won't be having fun by the end of the game. Also because you become unable to level up by the 8th stage out of 10 stages. Yeah, they put a level cap in this game despite the fact that even when you have max level you won't have nearly enough points to upgrade everything. Thankfully, won't have even unlocked anything because this game has skills which require you to kill someone with some of your worst moves 300 times minimum. There is only one boss in this game by the way, and it is just unfun cause he's invincible 70% of the time.
At the very least the music is good because it just takes songs from the show, and the visuals are just bog standard. Completely harmless. Despite making it known this game is canon, the story if you can call it that is literally nothing. Bad old guy who was exiled is working on even evil-er evil guys, you kill them and then go home. Well at the very least despite all this I'm sure it's fun with friends right? Well I hope your friends have 20$ ready cause there is no local play in this game that is literally made for multiplayer. There is actually an attack which can only be done when another player knocks down an enemy so you know they wanted this game to be played with friends. It truly feels as if they made this game simply to rip the money out of your pockets and then proceed to spit on it. For 20$ you get 2 hours of never changing boring gameplay without any incentive for replay ability besides other characters, with 5 extra dollars to make it so that the roster expand from a whopping 4 to an 8. Thankfully they didn't stop there though, for real die hard fans they have skins which you have to PAY for instead of it being a reward for beating the game which doesn't exist of course. Not that I have a large pool of experience but this is the first game in a while which I can confidently say was made to squeeze money out of people. Great Game!

Couldn't of spared just a cent more to make this game better? It somehow looks worse than the show. If they just spent a couple more months on this game it could've been something.

Not even my strange love for RWBY could save my opinion of this game

Had some potential, but it was abandoned by Rooster Teeth in its development.

A simple and fun game. His biggest plus point is being RWBY. Honestly this game is more for fans of the franchise than anything else, if you're not a fan you'll probably hate it.

shout outs to when i was super into rwby i guess. i feel like this game is otherwise completely unremarkable. blake call me back

Subpar co op beat’em up at best. Only reason people played this was because of the RWBY skin plastered over a mediocre game. The online works fine and was fun with friends for maybe a few hours.
Bland environment.
Nothing special about the combat.
Fighting the same waves of the same enemies over and over.
Sure there’s a story but it’s barely thought out. You would only want to play this game if you’re a big fan of the show. Otherwise, you have better options to choose from.

I dangled this game over my friends head like a giant cartoon anvil, knowing that it would be a boring mess of a game to play through even with friends. Joke was on me because it was actually so much worse than I thought it could have been.

It reeks of student fan project and if it was I'd be more forgiving but it's not and it sucks and I'm putting in more effort writing about it here than anyone managing this did.

Esse foi meu primeiro contato com o universo de RWBY... N foi bom.

Alright look. I didn't finish this game. I put a bit over an hour into it. I think that's enough though. This game was clearly made with care for the IP but the developers were very inexperienced. All 8 (Yes, 8. I bought the DLC. For the bit, of course.) characters feel super weak. Very few attacks are actually any good. Nora and Pyrrha are okay. But other than that no one feels particularly satisfying. The game looks nice though. The graphics do a nice job of replicating the visuals of the show, so it gets extra points for that. The animations are stiff and not very good which also looks like the show.

RWBY May Cry this is not. If you're looking for a new action game to play, stay away from this one. Even if you just want a RWBY game, it's really not worth it either. The charm of the show isn't present here and the game is barren of features. Your time is much better spent on other games in the genre. Honestly there's probably some mods for DMC5 you could use and get a much better experience than this.

Also, 20 dollars? Really? I'm glad I got this in a Humble Bundle. It's insane that this game costs that much when it's so barren of content.

If u ever go insane, this game is a great way to go EVEN more insane!

I wanted to like this game but damn it blows.

I love this series, but the gameplay is so dull and long. Props to the person who started making this, but once they got backing from Rooster Teeth, RT should have put in more effort to make it fun.

Man... I used to be really into RWBY around the same time this came out, and my love for the first few seasons of the show could not save this for me. Boring, barren, janky... it feels incomplete and then some. They released a beta test. Don't play it. Not even if you're a fan.

Thought a RWBY action game with an emphasis on co-op was gonna be the coolest shit in the world back in 2016.

Then I played it, and realised just how little there is to the combat system, the bad enemy design, impactless sound design, garbage overall game feel, and a forgettable soundtrack to top it off. Even by indie action game standards, this shit isn't worth even the time it takes to play through once.

Even playing this game in 4 player co-op isn't enough to make the experience fun.
Levels drag on. There's very little variety in enemy types and environments. The combat feels incredibly lacking -- very limited combos, no juggling of any kind, and air attacks do significantly less damage.

There's not enough here for RWBY fans to get a lot of enjoyment out of the game. There's not enough here for RWBY haters to riff on. Everyone losses.

I have had this game in my steam library since 2016 and today I decided to play this game for the first time, from start to finish in one sitting.

I played this game for 7 straight hours. For 98% of the game, I was mainly dicking around and beating up Grimm. The Grimm were not that interesting. There are three types of Grimm: lizards, bears, and wolves and there are mutant versions of all 3 of them. There are also two types of robots, a red and a white version where the red is more aggressive/fast and the white one fires projectiles. The lack of enemy variety makes for repetitive and boring gameplay, and this is for a very simple reason. Their attack patterns are not that distinctive from one another. Sure the Ursa Major enemy has an attack that has an AOE dirt attack, but the majority of the fight will still be it chasing after you and taking a swipe at you. Same for the lizards and wolves and their exploding varieties. The white robot is a joke because you can just dash and run away from the singular grenade it throws and dodge the bullet spray. The red robot was the one actual enemy I felt was a challenge and that’s because it’s attack range is far longer than any other enemy and one hit takes out half your health. The final boss was unique but in a terrible way, which I will discuss later.

Outside of the enemies, the combat is nothing. Each character has an ultra, a “super” move and a long ranged move. I played as Ruby so my critique will be about Ruby. Close combat in this game is absolutely useless, half because your character will be so squishy due to aura only taking about 3 hits, and half because the amount of time it takes to combine a normal attack with a super move leaves you open to hits and the Grimm can attack much faster than you can. The long ranged attack has absolutely no limits to how far you can shoot and hit a target, and with auto aim the gameplay ends up becoming sniping your enemies from long distances and running to avoid them chasing after you. The auto aim can get annoying at times though, as it will also select breakable items, enemies behind you, the corners of the arena, etc.

The stats system is also nothing. The way stats work in this game is that for every level you gain, you get 1 skill point that you can spend on levelling up your special moves or delegating it to health/meter bars. Since the level cap is at 10, I found out the hard way that there are more upgrade options than skill points to earn. There is an option to get back your skillpoints and reassign, but since there really isn’t much variety in how you can upgrade (you get 4 tiers in total, 2 of which you can choose from options), it wasn’t worth it to me. I leveled up Ruby’s long ranged move so that she had a shock ability, leveled up her ultimate to the final level and the super move to the 2nd level. I also increased her aurau, had her aurau regenerate faster, and a second bar for the ultimate meter. This had practically no/slim effect to the gameplay. The upgraded ultimate helped a bit but the amount of time it takes to get it ends up makes it relatively useless until you get to the final boss.

What about the art? Well, I did like the landscape and set design of this game. I personally don’t care for the HD graphics movement, so if I can make out whats on screen and an effort to try an illustrate a world to the best of their ability, I will take it. The 5th (?) level being a completely red forest and running around the grass and flowers made me relax and genuinely enjoy my time there. I liked the icky dampness of the cave levels and appreciated the texturing done to the labs that make them feel sterile and clean.

However, while I do like the visual appearance of the levels, I don’t personally like how empty the levels are and how a lot of the earlier levels lacked any creative design philosophy. I understand that the game was made incrementally over the years, and it does clearly show as the jump in quality from level 3 to the levels after it is vast. However I’m still taking points off for there being huge swathes of space to run around in during locked arena battles that made it feel a bit of a joke.

The music was…… Well I do like a lot of the music made in Volume 1 and 2 but the fact that there’s not really any new songs except for the credits song, and the majority of the sound track is just the instrumental version left me a bit disappointed. They work fine for what they are, but hearing the food fight battle theme being used in a fight against 5 beowolves is a choice that they sure made. Also they really made me hate Red Like Roses Part 2 because of its use in the final boss fight. I consider that a sin.

Speaking of the final boss fight, it was complete bullshit. I timed myself, and due to the issues I described above (not being able to do close combat, being squishy) , it took me around 40~ minutes to beat it. And that was on my 4th try, having lost several times at the midway point. Not only does the final boss have a health bar that’s about 4 times bigger than any boss that you fight in the entire game, but it also spawns in around 4 beowolves and 2 robots at the 75% and 25% mark.

Why is this infuriating you ask? Usually, it isn’t! I relish when bosses add in a little flavor and shake things up, but it’s the fact that the 2 robots persist even after you kill them. Yes, you heard that right! While you’re trying to avoid a huge fuck all boss with a health wall, there’s additional enemies that will not die! The first iteration was the white robot who would die and respawn, which isn’t bad because it’s just easy projectiles to dodge. However, after a while, a red robot will take its place and it is fucking hellish. To add to the misery, around the 25% mark is where a red and white robot will be there. Add in the auto aim issues where it doesn’t get the right target a lot of the time, and it is amazing how fast you can learn how to use the dash button. My hands hurt playing this fucking boss and I would not recommend trying. It’s a shame honestly because the scorpion boss actually looked cool by itself but the health wall and the dumb robot respawning bullshit made my 3 star review to 1 and a half.

To conclude my review, I’m going to wrap up by talking about the story and the miscellaneous thoughts that can’t be put elsewhere. The story is barebones but I can appreciate that the team was trying something different and new. Unfortunately, the lore was shoved in the last 2 levels and you could be forgiven for forgetting about it. Outside of that, the voice acting was bare bones. Ruby will say the same 3-4 lines after beating a wave and they’re all taken straight from the show. The audio mixing is also really weird because I could hear Oobleck clearly but for some reason they made some of Ruby’s lines very soft so I could barely hear it with headphones on. There also wasn’t much flavor text or worldbuilding added outside of the plot which is a shame considering I liked Mountain Glenn in the show. The UI was also very minimal and there was no way to pause the game, even in single-player. You can check the settings but still get hurt which really sucked when I wanted to take a break to eat.

Despite my harsh review of this game, it really isn’t the most horrible game to exist. I have played other games with worse controls, unclear objectives, and offensive storytelling. This game was made during a time when RT fans believed that they could contribute to the stories being told and Steam Greenlight was an actual useful tool to support developers. It’s something made in 2016 and everything about it shows. The fact this was made as a potential multiplayer co-op game and had people streaming and playing it during the early years, the fact that there are 4 different dlc packs with alternate costumes, the fact that people still post in the Steam Community forums of this game illustrates that there is (was?) a fanbase for this game.

While writing this review, I searched up the actual game programmer who worked on the first demo of the game and was planning to quit making fan games after he was done. As a game developer myself, I understand the joy of making games for yourself and the arduous process of having ideas that you want to be cool, look cool, and feel cool for your audience. So I can see the potential this game was hoping to have, and I respect Jordan Scott tremendously for trying to make something for a show he loved and getting a job with RT to fulfill that. But between RT continuing the game and the servers getting shut down in 2019, I wonder what went wrong here. Was everyone working on this game aware of the issues it had? Did they hope to expand it beyond what we see now? Was there publisher mandates and a limited budget, a common occurrence in game companies? Or did they simply finish the story they set out to write and call it a day? I will never get these answers, nor do I want to ask as I have other games to play and everyone has moved on with their lives onto greener pastures. I’ll be keeping an eye out on Jordan’s new game “Arbiter” but for this game, I think I’ll put it in the grave and not look back.

I don't take much joy in saying this but this game is not good.

It's not very fun or satisfying to play, the story doesn't really do anything for me nor does it add anything to the greater world of RWBY, it doesn't look great visually, and it's really only tolerable in multiplayer.

The 'Ant-Man And The Wasp: Quantamania' of video games.

If u ever go insane, this game is a great way to go EVEN more insane!

they stopped updating it 4yrs ago and it lacked content in general

one of the most gruelling game experiences ive ever had, not for difficulty but for lack of anything interesting to do. story is bland, level designs are okay at best, and the final boss is Shockingly bad. it takes so long to beat even if you know what you're doing because you deal that little damage... dont even get me started on the other game modes