Reviews from

in the past

You shoot monkeys, kind of too hard.

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Fun diversion from main games.

Serious Sam Double D (XXL) is a fun little game and parody to give you a break from all the remasters and remakes of the original games. It’s a short side scrolling indie game, taking place after the events of the First Encounter and Second encounter. It is one of the many “bonus games” like Serious Sam: The Random Encounter and Serious Sam Classics: Revolution.

Story wise, the game has not much to offer. It is the same story as the other games, fight the hordes of Mental and save the universe. Classic stuff.

In terms of graphics, the original version did not offer anything special. The XXL version of the game polished the graphics and effects somewhat but for a game this simple, it is not that big of a deal.

The sounds and music are quite nice. They use battle music from the original games, as well as some new tracks. It gives the game its Serious Sam atmosphere.

I like the gun stacking mechanic, it makes the game fun and easier when progressing. The search for all the weapons keeps the game going. The secrets in the game are fun and have that distinct Croteam feeling.

A few things I do not like about Serious Sam Double D (XXL) is the player stat screen. For the unlocking of the golden guns, you need to deal a certain amount of damage with each weapon. To check your progress, you go to the player stats in the menu. But when there, it scrolls every piece of information without you being able to pause it or scroll back.

Also, the menus are a little bit slow and confusing sometimes. Lastly, the textboxes in the beginning of a level are way to slow. You can set the game speed to Sonic the Hedgehog standards, but the textboxes are still slow as a snail.

The Challenges in the game are tough and need a few tries but are fun. The only downside is that the game does not offer anything for completing them, other then an achievement ultimately.

So, in short, fun diversion with plenty of content for what it is. I enjoyed it.

Double D got me very surprised, initially I though that the side games of serious sam would be very unpleasant
storywise/gameplay but doubting again made me realize how good it is.

A platform shooter with unique abilities and variety of levels in 3 acts of the game, I'm reviewing the remaster version of double d and to be honest I was very surprised that this game got a remaster from the same devs that made the original in 2011. A very unique mechanic is how you can upgrade your weapons and combining everything in a gun shack seems amazing to me, and also so many new enemies were added to change the classic ones to provide variety and the jump pad must be the most useful thing in the whole game, alongside with the CO-OP mode.

The gameplay is fine as heck, so what about the story?
Sam is being sent back in the ancient egypt being informed about mental's reinforcements operated by General Maxilla.
Netricsa was a bit in clouds thinking that sam already killed mental but that was a lie told by sam, in the first map your boss is a huge chimputee, after killing the boss sam finds a crystal that needs to be investigated by netricsa but it had to be destroyed by sam.
Sam was teleported to somewhere in canada (lol) but in a ancient time, after destroying the first crystal sam encounters with a huge female biomecha but upon destorying the crystal it does not teleport sam, weird enough another boss approaches that being a huge hamster known to be mental's one and again sam wins and gets teleported to pompeii, where a huge vulcano is about to start erupting and he finds out immediately that mental's force are there so there must be a plan there. While the vulcano is erupting huge fireballs are dropping from the air but sam is being saved from a large fly while being chased by lava golems. After that Netricsa tolds sam that mental's evil plan is about the vulcano and sam had to escape. After escaping and going to the surface he meets general maxilla the leader of mental's army. While he's being challanged by the general to fight him for the last time while the general sent his army to kill him, funny enough the general sucked in battle but he summoned double diva, a giant female with a big knife a large boots. Upon killing her sam gets the last crystal and the game ends.

Underrated, if you love platform shooters you gotta try this.
Currently as of writing this I'm trying to play all the non-canon SS games on steam so yeah this was a good discovery.

I wish the gimmick was more than just a dakka increaser.

It felt awkward, and was a bit silly, but bounced off fairly early.

It's that distinct type of shitty sidescroller you'd see in a flash Newgrounds game about killing Justin Bieber.