Reviews from

in the past

Yet another free CoD clone trying to capitalize on the popularity of it, however this is something that can be labeled as a AA game, it isn't the most top of the line type of quality but it is definitely above the usual standard even if it is slightly.

Decent gameplay, a considerable progression system to keep you entertained in a healthy way unlike most live service games do nowadays trying to squeeze every bit of playtime with unrewarding systems, PvE has a lot of potential and replayability thanks to the roguelike elements.

Balance is questionable, blueprint variants shouldn't be a thing at all even if they aren't obtainable via microtransactions, servers are on par with Apex on how bad they are, this could have its audience that can coexist with others on the genre but it is up to fraglab to make the right choices on how they maintain this game.

shuffles in..i think this is a fun cod clone! few players + it has a learning curve but i rlly do like it. i'll like play more and after it's out of early access

very fun shooter. I like the PVP and the PVE.
The game obviously has a lot of flaws as I am writing this in early access, but hopefully that will improve as this game continues its growth

Im not going to list every complaint I have with this game, but here are the major things I would like to see changed:

- Better gun animations, it feels really clunky at times
- More PVP maps
- Better PVP maps
- more fleshed out PVE "roguelike" perks
- more fleshed out PVE enemies
- kill cams in PVP are super scuffed
- better dodge, it dosen't feel good to use
- some characters abilities feel redundant, I would like to see some of the characters get reworked
-its not really a problem, but this game should have more characters if its going to be a 6v6 game

Things I think this game does very well:

- I really like the battlepass, If you buy it, (10USD,) and max it out, you can get the next season for free, you can also accumulate premium currency (albiet slowly) for free by leveling the free battlepass every season. Its similar to apex legends' battlepass.
-the concept of a rogue like pve mode is super fun, even though it still needs work.
- weapon variants and mods seem super fun, I cant wait to get them
-tasks are generous in rewards (which is good)

[EDIT] the game died :(

good take to mash cod and valorant together, played the beta and it's fine, good gameplay sometimes janky, buggy

Liked it kinda, was a hodge podge, my friend who got me to play it lost interest so i'll leave it with the pile of forgotten games.

A hero shooter where the abilities feel underwhelming to use and annoying to be on the other side of. The weapons feel weak and the deployables feel extremely unresponsive. Oh, and the classic: the only people who get the best weapons and character perks are the ones who've been playing the longest? Why does every F2P FPS do this expecting a steady income of new players?

Fun for awhile, gets boring very fast after.

seems alright but i aint feeling the gunplay... can't even tell if i'm hitting enemies or not. not a lag issue cuz my ping was like 60, either. maybe i have to "get used to it", but my short time with it made me want to just play any other FPS

this had a lot of potential but fell off completely. dont recommend it.

really cool idea, but this just didnt feel that great to play
game also died in like a week or so which didnt help at all.

Super "meh" shooter with the most egregious progression system I've seen in recent years. Cosmetic skins literally come with stat upgrades to guns (faster reload speeds, increased accuracy, etc.) and you need to play literally hundreds upon hundreds of matches to unlock the actually strong weapons.

The PvE mode is incredibly weak and janky with it mainly being, "run to this place and shoot a couple generic bad guys" over and over.

It feels like the game version of a "100 GAMES IN 1 CONSOLE"

when john shatterline shatterlined all over the place... holy fuck....

more people need to give this game a try. BO4 but good

- Gameplay extremely unclear to what is going on
- Terrible hit reg and servers making gunfights super inconsistent
- PvE mode used to get better weapons for PvP mode. (guns will be half as good as opponents unless you play pve)
- Poor map design
- Extremely over-tuned aim assist

- Nice movement

Vous n'avez pas honte monsieur Sarkozy ?

fun for 30 minutes and got bored

A very interesting and fun concept at first but it gets really boring and souless in the next few games you find.

Didn't actually manage to get into a multiplayer game which is like, the whole point? Easy 100% since it just has one achievement though lmao