Reviews from

in the past

decided i would revisit this, seeing as it was a game fondly remembered from childhood.

i can firmly say it was undeserving- not only does it have abysmally janky controls, it's just straight up not fun either.

you pick up squirrel, put it on a plant. then put it on a plant. then put it on another plant. now he'll let you pet him! one pet later, he trusts you and have moved in. then you feed him to a weasel, and watch as the game plays a sad little jingle for the animal you just sent to slaughter. rinse and repeat.

this game made me feel like an asshole, bored me, made my wrist hurt from having to shake the wii remote so much. at least the animals were cute?

Way better than it ever deserves to be. But 5100 hours does that to a game.

i remember once i named all the squirrels after undertale characters. I thought I was real funny.

I remember picking up animals and throwing them around but that’s about it.

its was fun, back in the day

Avis simple et court , sympa par-ci par-là avec des animaux tout aussi mignons pour des yeux d'enfants , à l'inverse le jeu nous paraît lassant et très répétitif , il y a quelques idées assez originales comme la pluie pour arroser ou prendre l'eau de la rivière .

C'est un que je conseille pour des enfants ou des amoureux de la nature mais sans plus pour d'autres types de personnes .

I have very few memories of this but I remember it being fun? Again, as a kid, I could get entertained watching paint dry so it doesn't say much, but looking at it now... it doesn't look THAT good.

i abused the shit out of these creatures when i was a child

got this on my birthday one year and was dissapointed

You play as a disembodied hand that can literally pick up a grizzly bear, 4 stars

i was 9 and idk what i was doing so i never got the chance to do much but it was fun still

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never finished this game as a kid cause the toxic waste subplot terrified me and we ended up returning it to blockbuster (man... remember blockbuster) but now here i am and i have finally played it again and finished it. it's just an ok game, had a decent amount of fun getting to pet animals that you never get to pet in real life, but also got frustrated trying to prevent the animals from eating each other or eating the plants i was trying to grow for the goals. also MAN the bears love to destroy everything you hold dear

I was more of a SimAnimals Africa kid so whenever I played this one I wouldn't get much further than the first few hours-

Played this as a child but revisted and man this is boring.

Beloved childhood game but that's about it
Doesn't really hold up to today's standards