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I had so much freaking fun with this game. It was such an interesting concept that I just had to get it. Everything from the cult building to the roguelike combat was addicting. I beat this game in only 5 sittings but mind you, I think one day I played for 9 hours straight. I only have 2 minor complaints about this game but they don't effect the score at all. One being, I hate building on diagonal grids, just a personal preference of mine but I found it very hard to picture where I wanted things. I feel like if there was normal grid placement, I would have utilized aesthetics a lot more and made use of more of the items this game has to offer. My other complaint was I was kind of expecting a fifth cracked-out environment with the final door only to find out that the boss was right behind it. But for the environments that we did get, they were all aesthetically gorgeous and generous with materials. The combat was challenging enough but kind of simplified, I found with a lot of the bosses, just spamming attacks was enough to kill it most of the time. I love the idea of the bosses turning into recruitable followers. I liked most of the weapons except the 'gun' type weapons, but I think that's just personal playstyle because I never seem to like guns in video games where close-combat is the norm, it just feels hindering to me.
While roguelikes aren't usually my style, it was done very well here, it was also very forgiving and let you advance your way while still holding the elements of what keeps it in the roguelike genre. The story itself was very simple but interesting enough to leave me wanting to find out more. You can tell a lot of love went into the dialogue and a lot of love went into all the characters with the breathtaking boss
and NPC design.
The art style is stunning and charming in every way, it sometimes made me forget that I'm literally running a satanic cult. I was pretty kind to my followers in general and found it pretty easy to keep everyone happy. But if I went on a two-day long crusade, they were not happy with me when I got back. I loved that it gave you a reason to come back in between crusades because if they didn't, I could totally see some people ignoring that aspect of the gameplay. For me it wasn't a problem because I wanted to grow my cult as big as I could before the end of the game so I worked really hard to keep everyone happy and thriving. I think I had 35 followers by the end. The rituals were incredibly useful in this too since you can lock your devotion for two days, making it easier to go on crusades and have a feast that caps off everyone's hunger level. This part of the gameplay was so addicting to me (probably because I'm a control freak).
This is certainly a new comfort game for me, I can definitely see going back and messing around with growing my cult even larger, I didn't get to mess around with the mating tent too much but I loved that concept. If this game ever gets a sequel I'm jumping on it immediately.

I feel like this game had SO MUCH wasted potential, I feel like it wanted really badly to be Three Houses. While it had the heavily politically focused plot, it lacked the heart of what makes these type of games addicting. While this games real-time combat had a chokehold on me for the first half, it got repetitive real quickly. This game had absolutely no likeable characters, everyone felt very surface level and their designs were lacking any type of uniqueness, a lot of the characters even looked the same (Light almost white hair and pale complexion).
The plot was moving too quickly to even fully understand what was going on and what I did understand, I just found bland and uninteresting. While the characters seemed to have different opinions about the political side of things, there were no branching paths or choices to be made, a lot of the dialogue just left like "I morally don't agree with you but I'll follow whatever you say because I'm loyal to the Blue Foxes", why have differing opinions if we don't do anything about it? I feel like the game wanted to have all these features but it just fell short in the long run.
I ran into a difficulty curve around chapter 5, I think the fight was called 'Waltaquin in Purgatory" where I was getting my ass kicked, and I reluctantly decided to grind, after about a dozen or so mid-level fights, I was able to complete the mission but after that, I felt like I was over-leveled and all of the fights felt way too easy, mind you, I only gained about 3-5 levels per character, I think I was around 37 or 38 for every character.
This game has a ton of upgrade systems (perhaps one too many) and offers some game-breaking items late-game, including a Sages Hat that gives 2 EP for any damage taken which is absolutely ridiculous but incredibly helpful and it also gave legendary weapons for a pretty penny, but especially late-game, money is not hard to come by.
I felt pretty lukewarm about this game overall, I felt like it had so many elements missing, if a sequel ever does come out, I'm sure I'll try it, but I'm going to hope its executed better.

I love this game so much. Luigi's mansion had me hooked from the start, I absolutely love the satisfying gameplay and clever use of mechanics. This game was charming all the way through. While part of me was expecting more traditionally hotel themed floors, every floor was more clever than the last, and all my floor predictions came true but not in the way I was expecting if that makes sense. For example, I was thinking "there definitely has to be a swimming pool floor" and yes there was, accompanied by a whole fitness center to go along with it. While there were a lot of bosses, none of them were boring or bullshitty (gimmicky). They were all fun in their own ways and extremely satisfying to beat. I must say though, I enjoyed Hellen Gravely's fight more than King Boo's, it was challenging and definitely took a few times but it really made you utilize every mechanic in the game. The only complaint I have is Polterkitty was just extremely annoying (though I think that's the point) and gimmicky to fight, the window for stunning him was extremely short and didn't always work? But that's seriously the only complaint I have about this game. It was a super fun experience overall, I can definitely see myself going back to it as a comfort game.