Reviews from

in the past

Charming little game with more mechanics and fewer levels than I was expecting

the third secret level made me want to kms but i got it eventually

I’ve collected everything and beat all the timers which is quite challenging, especially when you take secret level 3 into account. This level is also the biggest flaw of the game. Its challenge is way higher compared to the other levels to the point that I wasn’t sure I would be able to clear it. It mostly has to do with the laser that comes from the flying enemy while you’re not given a lot of room for making mistakes.

Other than that though, the game has been an absolute blast. The levels are well designed, there was often some new gameplay mechanic added, it sounds nice, looks cute and you can even unlock costumes. It took me 4.7 hours but it might take skilled players less time depending on how good they are. Either way, the normal price of €2,39 is worth it and the €1.43 I spent was a great decision. On to the sequel!

A cute little indie game centered around a skateboarding alligator going on rails. I'm not really a fan of the control scheme as the triggers in my controller aren't my cup of tea, more so when quick reaction is key.