Reviews from

in the past

Un gran titulo de multijugador que aprovecha al máximo el concepto caricaturesco de la obra de Prohias para crear mapas extensos, con cierto grado de reto y estrategia, animaciones cómicas muy bien logradas y un esquema sencillo para comenzar rápido, combinado con un modo historia que varía un poco la formula del multijugador, gran opción para pasar la tarde con amigos.

What Cyberpunk should of been

most fun offline pvp game i've ever played,fun singleplayer mode.,it's a shame this game is locked to old platforms :(

Peak offline PvP, would've made it a 5 but the single player campaign is the DEFINITION of mid. Because of the PvP I can understand the hype.

Surprised this game wasn't more renown, the PvP is memorable and I had a lot of fun playing it with my sister back in the day. I remember reading all the Spy vs Spy segments in the Mad TV magazines.

A game of pure nostalgia, if only this game was more renown we'd still be 1v1'ing friends in it to this day

De los mejores juegos para picarse con los amigos de mi infancia

Fun game about collecting items while setting traps, killing and stealing from enemy spies. Enjoyable with friends, good at causing arguements.

Co-op gostosinho de jogar com os amigos

Played as a kid.

Peak offline PvP.

Campaign was short but entertaining. Game was pretty funny overall.

Need an expanded remaster.

Local versus multiplayer peaked here.

Has that distinct early-Saturday feel

This game probably isn't very good, but the hours of multiplayer I got with my siblings more than made up for it