Reviews from

in the past

This game is full of SOUL.

+ Stellar art direction
+ Stellar vibes
+ Stellar combat
+ Stellar Bosses
+ Stellar Soundtrack
+ Stellar presentation
+ Stellar performance and optimization
+ Fun dress up game tbh
+ Puzzle Variety
+ Rule of Cool the whole way through

- Fairly mediocre storytelling and characters, but the actual world and story is still cool in concept.
- One of the final boss options is pretty lame compared to the other, its also the only boss in the game that felt slightly buggy. Kinda weird. The other boss is SUUUUPER rad though.

Unstellar Blade

A game so milquetoast that it literally crashed my PC in switching inputs from my PS5 to my main display so I could write this review, and thus I lost all of my notes I had carefully constructed over the past three days of playtime. What I pulled together is that this was an attempt at making Nier: Automata without actually making it fun and without Yoko Taro.

I remember Stellar Blade's Official Reveal as Project Eve, named after the game's main character, jumping out of an otherwise uneventful and boring Sony State of Play with its flashy combat, beautiful environments, and overwhelmingly attractive protagonist. Hot character bait aside, I was interested in this game because of the influences it was clearly wearing on its sleeve in the aforementioned Platinum Games magnum opus. Many have tried and few have succeeded in nailing hack and slash as well as Platinum or their cousins in Capcom have done with the plethora of impressive titles between the two. Did I think Stellar Blade was going to go one on one with Nier, DMCV, or Metal Gear Rising? Absolutely not, but I did think it was worth a try, to see if there was a company out there who could go to bat with the best of them and put an effort forward that would be worth paying attention to in the years to come. I was excited for Stellar Blade as the release date neared, because it meant that I could one quell the discourse over the design of Eve by providing actual input on how the game plays, and secondly because the need for a fast paced hack and slash was weighing heavily on me after playing slower burn titles like FF7R2 and P3R fairly recently. Within a day of playing my interest waned but I remained hopeful, however on the third complete day of playing and the day I ultimately completed the game... I came away fairly perturbed.

The good, lets start with that why don't we? This game is downright beautiful. I played it on my PS5 on my 4K display with HDR enabled and woah nelly, it looked great. One of the greatest aspects of this title was how great both characters and the world looked from a graphical standpoint. As you transition from dilapidated buildings and streets into destroyed railways and misgiving deserts, your eyes will feast at the eye candy abound in the backgrounds of the world. I found myself navigating the camera up and down constantly at the world I was interacting with as it was tremendously rich in flavour and care from a design standpoint. I felt like the developers put a great deal of effort into creating a visually striking game, which unfortunately seems to have accompanied a trade off in other aspects of the title. More to come on that shortly, as I do want to praise the team for putting some of the best facial and body design in gaming forward. As I've already experienced, much of the conversation about Stellar Blade has been lost in the perceived attractiveness of Eve, but every character you interact with truly looks incredible. Though their proportions and mannerisms may not be totally... human, they are indubitably crafted with an intricacy and care to look astonishing. Stellar Blade if nothing else is a journey of eye candy, but that's kind of... it.

While not exactly fast enough to be a Nier-like, and not fun punishing and explore heavy enough to be a Souls-like, Stellar Blade attempted to forge a path forward that played out like a middle ground between Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice and the Jedi: Fallen Order/Survivor games. Eve's combat relies on using a plethora of learned abilities and tech to parry and dodge her way through a litany of grotesque alien foes who have claimed Earth to be their own. Where this goes wrong is in quite a few places, but the most apparent and earliest was in the poor "janky" feel and lack of reliability in both parry and dodge timings. This can be sort-of remedied by investing in Eve's skill trees and upgrading Eve's exo-spine but never really feels... good. Even if I was a dissenter of Sekiro over all, I felt like it mostly gave the right kind of feedback and snap to the parry/dodge timings required to master such a difficult title. For a game as infuriatingly hard as Stellar Blade gets in its late game, I felt like I was at the whimsy of luck in my dodges not directly feeding into a followup attack by a boss and my perfect parries not being read by the game because of poor latency or buffer timing. Time after time I'd land a perfect dodge only to be hit by the boss moving faster than Eve could recover right after. Cheap is the way I'd put that and it proliferated throughout the entire runtime of the title.

Difficulty is something I've spoken about ad nauseum in action-rpg titles and I'll continue to do so as I have an affinity for these kinds of games. After grinding my teeth in the (generally) slower paced Fromsoft classics and the speedy Platinum/Capcom games of the last decade and change, I feel like I'm fairly qualified. Stellar Blade early on feels hard, but not in a way that cannot be conquered. If I was getting my tail kicked by a group of world enemies or a boss, I found that I could readjust my stratagems to craft a better gameplan, coming back smarter and using my abilities at optimized times to come out victorious. I found my confidence growing, something that did not happen this early in Sekiro, and I continued on to the later stages of the game. I opened up my Playstation menu to check my progress, a feature of the console that tracks how far you've made it through the main story, and saw I had notched at 89%. I labored on to the area boss on one of the last major quests of the game. It was here I through my face into a wall, stressing with every ability and item I had to make it through the three phases and effective six health bars that the boss had. I double this up because of the way shields work. See in Stellar Blade, simply doing damage and having fun taking down your enemy's health bar is simply not allowed, you must first deplete their shields before you can do any "meaningful" damage to their hitpoints. Meaningful in quotations because even then on a fully upgraded weapon, after laboriously taking away the superfluous shield bar, you are granted the ability to do slightly more damage to the bosses health per hit. I've played Dark Souls underleveled and with un-upgraded weapons enough to know torment when it comes to weapons doing very little damage to bosses... and even that does not compare to how insulting Stellar Blade's damage counter feels.

It wasn't even until a few bosses later that I truly came to terms with my disdain for the needlessly draconian difficulty that exists within Stellar Blade's late game boss fights. I threw everything together that I could into defeating the (name kept out of review due to spoiler) boss. I thought I could craft a winning effort of combining my ultimate abilities with my tertiary skills and burst maneuvers, but nothing was taking. I couldn't perfect dodge and parry any longer against the multi-faceted and multi-phase boss fight at hand. Visual clarity was completely nuked from orbit as I could barely tell what moves were hitting me, where certain objects were, or where my Eve's reactions would take me next. A greater qualm I have with games at large now, I wrote about these most notably in my FFXVI DLC reviews, is a complete lack of being able to actually see what's going on in boss fights because of the "ooh how cool" quality that moves need to have. Keeping this in mind, the bosses began to teleport away CONSTANTLY from Eve so as to reposition their efforts while tarnishing any offensive effort I had put forth. This was rhythm breaking and tore any motivation I had towards chasing the enemy down, I felt discouraged and unmotivated to capitalize on optimized windows because I knew the boss would simply teleport away at any given moment. After being unable to keep up with this, the visuals going on, and the randomly included DPS checks, I put the game on "story mode" (reminder this is in the last hour or so of a medium length title) and kept chugging. I'm not actually sure this did anything to make the game easier. What it does in theory is give you windows to dodge and parry, popping up with on screen prompts of what button to press to not be hit by the enemies maneuvers. Does this work? Absolutely not. Most of the time these move to fast to even parse what move you're supposed to use, and half the bosses moves don't even populate your screen with a prompt at all. Through the next couple bosses and into the final boss I became increasingly confused if this was actually a difficulty slider at all or simply an effort to make you "feel" better by putting a semblance of choice of difficulty in front of you.

A best in class soundtrack (potentially one of the best of the year) and impressive visuals couldn't prop Stellar Blade up enough to go against its resoundingly poor English VA (I eventually played in Korean,) drab narrative heavily borrowed from Nier: Automata, and impressively frustrating and unrewarding combat. This is absolutely not a title worthy of purchasing at a $70 price tag, maybe half of that at best. I commend Sony and SHIFT UP for putting together a brand new IP and throwing some serious marketing at making this game stick out, but it felt like a great value Sekiro meets Nier at best. I would not recommend Stellar Blade to anyone with a PS5.

+ :
- gameplay
- Open world ok à explorer
- c'est beau

- :
- Trop d'éléments fait pour rendre le jeu à rallonge (objets à amener à un endroit X, platforming...)
- Beaucoup trop d'allers-retours dans les menus pour aller entre les zones
- les maps open world: un désert, et un autre désert x)

Before I start, I want to preface with I'm currently doing a New Game + run of the game, since I missed the secret area and true ending of the game, if it changes my opinion on the game, I'll update this later.

Stellar Blade was a game I had my eye on in since Project Eve's announcement in 2022, and for the most part I was not let down! I have a lot to say about this game, so please bear with me as I ramble on about this games strengths and shortcomings.

First and foremost, the combat was absolutely the best part of the game. Flashy, challenging, and rewarding, Stellar Blades combat never had a dull moment, from all the unique specials, abilities, combos, and everything in-between, each battle with the Naytiba was as tense as could be and I wouldn't have it any other way. The enemy design was for the most part great as well, and the variety of enemies makes the combat remain fresh, and will help in subsequent playthroughs. The parrying and dodging felt so satisfying to pull off, and the overall structure just flowed so well together, even with the difficulty spike of late game bosses. Only gripe here is in some cases being swarmed by enemies was annoying, but otherwise it's a flawless system.

The level design was overall pretty good too! They are fairly linear but still give you enough room to explore and find hidden rewards here and there, and the open world levels were pretty fun to mess around in too! That being said, I do wish the open worlds weren't both deserts, any other biome would've been nice just for variety. Also I do wish there were more surfing opportunities because that is SO much fun.

The game itself was gorgeous too. The graphics were what you'd expect from a next gen game, and the setting was genuinely stunning, the city biomes were usually my favorite but the world was always breathtaking, I caught myself just vibing in the camps just taking in the scenery a bit more than I probably should've. This is also probably because the music is non pun intended, stellar. Not a single bad track in the game and it just gets you in the perfect mood, whether it be for battle or exploration.

All these positives being said, I did have a few issues with the game, the biggest being its story. While the worldbuilding is interesting enough, the story is bare-bones, I really didn't want to compare this game to NieR at all, but admittedly, the story does take numerous beats from both replicant and automata, and fails at understanding what made those stories so good. It's an almost painful 2D story that's plot twist and ending could've ben predicted miles away, which is a shame because once again, the lore and worldbuilding were pretty unique! But it feels like shift-up was too afraid to take risks and played it safe, sadly leading to a generic story. The pacing at times (the very odd point of no return felt wayyyyy too soon, a couple more levels could have helped a lot) did not help this dry narrative either. The cast isn't better either. Eve seemingly has no personality and is incredibly boring as a protagonist, and her companions aren't great either. Adam felt like a robot at times and Lily at least had a personality, but not much else going for. The English also could've been heavily improved upon but that may just be me. ALSO locking a additional area and the supposed true ending beyond a system never discussed in game, and one that you can't check manually and gets locked around a little over halfway through the game is incredibly frustrating.

All in All, for shift-up's first console game, this is a incredible entry point for them and I'm excited to see what they do next(If were lucky, a sequel with improved pacing and storytelling could be peak). This game was absolute blast, and the gameplay combat and music more than make up for the dull narrative.

Even as someone who was very excited for the game since the demo dropped, I didn't expect to be THIS in love with the final product. It's genuinely unbelievable that it's Shift Up's first console project. This is a technical marvel packed with eyecandy environments, models and effects that still runs at 60fps the whole time at a 30GB file size. In a lot of ways it feels like the first true 9th generation game I've experienced, and finally not a remake or sequel of anything else. So many moments where I was genuinely blown away by what I was seeing and experiencing, like arriving in the main city for the first time. Still shocking that SIE decided to back this so hard in publishing and promotion as it seems to go against everything the company is about in recent years but it's a move I'm thankful for.

Stellar Blade harks back to the PS2 era, unashamed of being a video game and prioritising gameplay above all else, with a ton of unlockable outfits and new game+ free on day one. Not to say that its design is primitive in any way as it incorporates all the best parts of modern gaming too. Areas are a mix of linear setpiece based levels and more open exploration. I liked how the side missions took you to new locations and had actually great rewards, and in general it's not a ridiculous time sink like a lot of modern games. Combat is an absolute blast, a fusion of other great actions like Sekiro, Bayonetta, even Resident Evil at times. Very reflex heavy swordplay wth a variety of different ranged firearms as well. With the amount of skills and specialized equipment you can collect you'd think it would get too easy after a point, but you will still get put in your place by the brutal boss fights at the end of the story. The grotesque monster designs and the elaborate animations for dismembering them are just on another level, every encounter sticks out in my memory. And I've seen criticism of it but I personally loved the parkour and Uncharted style climbing around the world. I felt like there was such a huge variety to what I was doing for my whole 40 hours played and it was mixing multiple genres I love perfectly. Finally if this game doesn't at least take nominations for best OST of the year it will be an absolute crime because it's constantly hitting your ears with objectively heavenly sounds, the most atmospheric emotional vocal songs seamlessly switching to more intense versions when fighting. Combined with the landscapes and art design you just gotta stop and take it all in sometimes.

This achievement has been overshadowed by some REALLY braindead controversies over the last few months and I've also seen a lot of hate from fans of the other series that clearly inspired it. It's a new IP so harsh critics are to be expected but I look forward to more people warming to it and realizing how it's actually a love letter to those things and an amazing game in its own right, and I hope EVE will be respected one day like Bayonetta, 2B etc have come to be. This singlehandedly made me feel less doomer about the game industry, if we can still get stuff like this every once in a while we may be alright. I will be eagerly awaiting whatever these devs make next on console

le goon session material? ? ? ?? gooba gooba gooba waaaow wooooaooaoaw aw yyeyeaowza wwwwwwhaaaaaaaaaaaaart the freaking hell??????????????????????? porn addict """ahh""" ohio game :sob: :joy: what the flippin heck?????? uhhhh P*GGERS???? aaaauuuhhhh hwhat the deuce? ? ? ?? vide o game hjas hot girlie? ? ?? the woke,. ?

so far, stellar blade might be game of the year for me. the combat, once upgraded and refined with the five different skill trees, feels surreal. one of the most fun combat systems i’ve experienced in quite a while. i get vibes from a few different games, ranging from nier, soulsborne titles, tomb raider and a bit of resident evil with some of the infected areas and secret research labs. the soundtrack is phenomenal and has become one of my favorites in gaming as well. eve herself is an entertaining character to watch grow and develop— even if i was a bit uninterested in her at first. the customization is really unique and the outfits are gorgeous, and as a girl, its clothing consists of styles i could see myself cosplaying in the future. the exploration alongside can/outfit collecting is never dull and feels so rewarding.

please consider playing this game, and don’t listen to the coomers on twitter that ruin the experience for casual gamers looking for a fun, new experience. there’s quite a bit of fan service but never does it in a distasteful way.

If there was one way to describe Stellar Blade it would be HOT ASS. Why? Because the story sucks balls and the main character has a fat donk. It's a game that truly embodies both meanings of the term.

All jokes aside though, I was actually impressed with this game in many areas. The gameplay is straight up awesome, it's like I was playing Sekiro with all the benefits of controlling a hot android girl. Boss fights were nice aswell, I did beat them all first try besides the last two though. Visually it was stunning. In a market that's now oversaturated with poorly optimized garbage Stellar Blade was a breath of fresh air for sure. Also the soundtrack has to be one of my favorites, I will now be waiting for it come out on spotify and I only just finished waiting for the P3R OST. I have mixed feelings on the level design, Eidos 7 was really nice in particular however it started getting repetitive and for some reason the only two open world sections are both deserts, like what's up with that??? Anyway, now we get to objectively the best part of the game, the costumes. Seriously, I don't think I've had this much fun with a games cosmetics since Ghost of Tsushima. Almost every single outfit is an absolute banger and Eve's just so good looking that you can't help but want to make her look as good as possible. If you want to feel like a 6 year old girl dressing up her barbie doll, then Stellar Blade is the game for you.

Now that we've covered the good stuff, let's get into the part of the game that's kinda bad. The story. To put it simply, it's just a cheap ripoff of NieR. If you've played either NieR you will already know how the entire story unfolds. I pretty much predicted every single plot point except the very last one. Not to mention the characters, oh my god the characters are abysmal. Adam has to be one of my least favorite characters in recent memory. He spends the entire game being a boring dipshit and at the end just turns into an absolute cuck. Like yeah, Eve is boring, annoying, and the complete definition of a mary sue too but atleast she's hot. It really is a shame. Stellar Blade does so many things right it just makes me think Shift Up should've gone the DMC route and prioritized style over attempting substance.

All in all, I enjoyed my time with this game. I just wish it had a better story.

ChatGPT takes over the world, but you're lead to believe humanity is locked in a struggle against a hostile race of monsters who made the planet inhospitable. While I can't give it any points for originality, I do like the story overall.

As you set off to eliminate the really big evil monsters to get the cores which actually combine into a bigger core for some reason, you start to uncover the truth behind your mission and who you really are, and throughout the game Eve is a very consistent character. She has a mild tone, but she's not boring either, I quite liked her. However, pretty much every other character is completely forgettable and a lot of the dialogue is just out of place or awkward. Definitely the weakest part of the game. There's only three characters worth mentioning and those are Eve, Tachy and Raven.

The gameplay is not quite hack and slash, but as you become more powerful and unlock more abilities, it does become increasingly easier to deal with groups of enemies. It starts out as more of a challenge where you try to play carefully, balancing combos between perfect parries and dodges, sometimes chaining them into other moves. They flow together well, like the blink dodge into a stun, which lets you charge up your beta moves or do a full combo. You eventually get a gun too, which has a separate dodge mechanic which exposes a ranged weakness. Further on from that, they utilise the gun in some boss fights to interrupt them using an instant kill move, so you can tell they had a clear vision for how combat should work and flow in this game. Not that it's perfect, you could just spam block and get a perfect parry most of the time, or constantly use burst skills to deal with everything until the game feels completely repetitive.

My favourite use of the gun though is the two sections where all melee combat is disabled and you're sent through human experimentation facilities because apparently you're play Dead Space now, complete with exploding body bag enemies.

What I enjoyed most in this game was just exploring the world, because you never knew when you were going to find a new outfit for Eve. That's right, the true purpose of the game is to dress the main character up, and the amount of nanosuits available is impressive. Some are more revealing that others, so if you want to be a degenerate then you can, but if you're not into that then you can wear the bear suit which covers you up completely. The devs have got you covered. There's also New Game Plus on launch which added even more suits, even if they are just alternative colours.

We know it's a certified RPG too because there's fishing involved. They had to make use of that PS5 controller tech somehow.

One of the best games I played this year, combat is fluid, soundtrack is really good and the story is also pretty good.

Real fun and solid combat, beautiful environment, somewhat predictable but fun story. Definitely glad i didnt skip it

pretty good some combat fucks ups keep it from being the best but for every bad part there's something amazing
whoever thought of the devil trigger changing the music to the best shit ever deserves a promotion

Loved the scene in this where a dying robot screams "PLEASE. KILL ME. JUST KILL ME. PLEASE." And the main character's like, huh, I wonder what that means???

I dunno man, I think the robot wants you to kill it. Can't be sure though.

Tetas, culos y sexualización aparte. Stellar Blade es una auténtica joya. Fusiona dos géneros como son el Hack and Slash y el Soulslike como creo que hasta ahora no habíamos visto. Su combate es todo un espectaculo. Parrys, esquives perfectos, combos, habilidades Beta, habilidades Estallido, disparos... Quizás piensas que son demasiadas cosas a tener en cuenta y razón no te falta; sin embargo, cuando tu cabeza asimila toda la información y hace "clic" todo se transforma en un baile perfectamente coreografiado del que te aseguro no querrás parar de disfrutarlo.

Donde por desgracia no destaca tanto es por su historia. No es mala, pero toca temas muy interesantes y profundos como el nihilismo, que significa ser humano y la evolución de nuestra especie que necesitan extenderse más de lo que Stellar Blade lo hace. Sin embargo, el Lore y su mundo están muy bien construidos. Recorrerlo junto a una de las bandas sonoras que más me han gustado en los últimos años ha sido todo un disfrute. Temas como el de Eidos 7, Atelier o Wasteland entre otros no es que me hayan gustado, sino que me han encantado, al igual que Stellar Blade en general.

‎| ‎Historia:‎★★★✩✩ | Jugabilidad:★★★★✩ | Gráficos:★★★★✩ | Música:★★★★★ | IMPRESCINDIBLE

This game is REALLY good. I was actually nervous about it because when it was first revealed everyone basically called it a Nier knockoff and I... do not like Nier. But this game isn't a Nier knockoff. It's Nier improved. Almost every complaint I had with Nier is either not present in this game, or not a big enough complaint to hamper it. The combat is immaculate and only gets better the longer you play. The side quests are wonderful and cover a large amount of repeat NPCs who you'll grow a bond with the longer you're around. The world is gorgeous (even if I do wish there were more area "archetypes"). The level layouts are wonderful and really encourage exploration, while not feeling like a checklist of menial tasks. The lore of the world is superb. The boss fights are REALLY fun, especially in the back half of the game. The customization is phenomenal. The story is... fine? I don't think it's one of the best, most compelling stories I've experienced but I was invested enough, and the twists left me pleasantly surprised. I think my biggest gripe is the characters. Our playable character and two supporting cast members are unfortunately pretty flat. They do sort of have an "arc" but it always feels more like it's happening in the background. It's something that gets brought up on occasion and the characters sort of talk about it, then drop it, over and over until the climax. I do think EVE, your player character, is still the best characterized after seeing her interact with a lot of the side content, but in the main plot she feels like... well.... like a slightly more expressive 2B.

Usually, for me, a game is carried by its characters. This is the rare exception where everything else about the game is just SO damn good that I can overlook our main cast being a bit flavorless.

If you want a game that's sort of a blend of Sekiro and DMC, get this game. But just expect the story and characters to also sort of fall in line with those games, too.

the liberals are trying to stop me from stroking my shit the west has fallen


I remember when this game was revealed as project eve and I took an interest in it all the way since then. Despite the years worth of expectations and all the controversy this game lived up for me. Some of the most fun and satisfying combat I’ve experienced in a game

Um jogo absurdamente lindo.
Stellar Blade tem de perfeição a direção de arte, trilha sonora, protagonista e o ambiente. Achei o visual do jogo absurdo de bonito. Boss fights bem legais e os boss sao styles demais.

Porem acho q ele peca um pouco no ritmo no final (minha opinião), acho q fica frenético demais, boss atras de boss (literalmente), com uma maneira de contar a lore não tão interessante na maioria das partes.

Mas acho que muito do que eu "nao curti" é por conta de ser um estudio relativamente novo (pois eles so faziam jogos de celular) e sua primeira IP em um console.

One thing I like about video games?Unlockable costumes. What makes that better? Sexy costumes. If you want me to 100% your game that has dull quests and horrible fast travel. This is the way to do it.

The goal of achieving all of the costumes really carries the game. If you aren't into that there isn't much to love outside of it being another soulslike.

It's not perfect. But damn........ I love it.

I'm slightly torn. On the one hand, some of the best action game combat I've seen period, maybe only behind DmC 5, with some stellar (hah) bosses in the second half. On the other hand, a really forgettable, very badly written story accompanied by stilted voice work that really brings down the experience and often some boring art design.

I'd probably say this is overall on par with Jedi Survivor from last year, with Stellar Blade having much better combat and Jedi Survivor having a much more enjoyable story.

That being said, with Lies of P last year and this now, Korean development teams are on an absolute winning streak. Very eagerly anticipating ShiftUp's next crack at an action game.

Despite my complaints I can't deny I had an absolute blast getting through this,

If this game had a better story and iron out some of the bosses damage then it would be a 10/10 game

Once I started Hard mode I came to the realization that the combat really isn't that great. You perfect dodge or parry to gain meter and then use that meter to deal damage. You pretty much can drop using the weak and strong attack buttons entirely because they deal practically zero damage to bosses or the bosses have such tight combo strings that you'll never even get a chance to use the buttons. It just doesn't feel very balanced or great after the halfway point. If you still get massive amounts of dopamine from parrying or dodging, then I think Stellar Blade will satisfy you. If you go in thinking this is going to be the next Great Action Game I think you'll be sorely disappointed.

Stellar Blade does excel with its sharp presentation, level design(for the most part), and excellent music. I had enough fun with the game to play through Hard Mode New Game + and got all the endings, but I firmly disagree that the combat is anything but mid. Its not going to be sitting at the table with Devil May Cry 5, Bayonetta, Ninja Gaiden, or Nier Automata but its I guess passable for a first attempt. I hope Shift Up reworks the combat for the inevitable sequel.

I have no clue if this is still the last bastion of our culture war or if it’s too woke now so I’m giving it a 5/10 to average those two possibilities out

Não só compensa a sua história e caracterização do mundo porcamente executados com um combate estratégico, expressivo e que consegue misturar muito bem alguns gêneros diferentes, como também desenvolve vários tipos de level design com muita competência.

The combat is electric (if a little too easy). The side quests are uniformly dull and rote. The story is ok but the characters have no chemistry and talk really slowly.

Overall, I wish you could skip the cutscenes from the beginning.

This review contains spoilers

Stellar blade is absolutely amazing, the combat is fun and addicting the OST's are absolute bangers The visuals are absolutely stunning and the side quest were also fun to do.

and the fishing game was the first one i ever had fun with.

Sadly, it lacks in the story and character departments, Eve and Adam could have been better characters.
But that makes the game not less fun and as amazing as it is.


Now this was a real treat. I felt like I was being reminded of some classics such as Nightshade and P.N.0.3. This game surpassed my expectations of what I assumed was going to be a semi-decent Soulsborne game but the combat and exploration made the game stand out more in the genre.

The narrative for the game was generously well put, although it was rather too linear and easily predictable especially towards the end. Most of the side quests are very forgettable and not as interesting aside from maybe a few.

Most of the characters were rather one dimensional with some notable characters could've benefited more with actual development since there was some writing potential. Everyone's designs however are superb though.

OST is a banger.

The overall experience was great nonetheless. I'm really glad SHIFT UP managed to pull off such a well made single player game considering South Korea studios are more interested in mobile or MMO games instead, so this was a nice change of pace. Here's hoping more studios (Including International) will follow their example by creating actual games and not the usual AAA shovelware.

Story is shaky but the whole game dope as hell.

Had a lot of fun with Stellar Blade and I'm currently going through NG+ for the plat. The game has very clear strengths as well as weaknesses. Overall though I'm pretty surprised by how well made it is.

It goes without saying that the most fun part about Stellar Blade is its combat and while it falls short to something like Sekiro, it is still damn good. You get sick ass moves with Combo Attacks, Beta and Burst skills that will not only make you look cool but also do hella damage. Some of these can even cancel out annoying moves or strings, really useful against bosses. The defensive options like Perfect Parrying and Dodging feel very nice too even though I suck at dodging the yellow attacks. You also get access to follow-up attacks when you land these, making it even more satisfying. Also having a dash that basically teleports you to the enemy is convenient if you wanna close the gap and be aggressive.

The Naytiba's have great looking designs and there's a hefty amount of them so you never really get bored fighting these enemies. Boss fights are solid and I'm glad they were because I got hooked on the demo, fighting the Boss Challenge over and over again. Unfortunately didn't get a no damage run but the Stalker fight gave me hope for what's to come and majority of the bosses in the full game actually did deliver.

Paired with an exceptional soundtrack that could very well be the best one this year, it is a fire recipe they have here. Not a single bad track in the entire game and the list has a ton of range too, keeping it refreshing. It also made exploring so much more enjoyable especially since I was doing all the side content.

Oh yeah, the graphics are good.

And I almost forgot to mention but there wasn't enough sword surfing.. sad!

Now this is where it gets bad because while I really liked doing the side stuff, there are so many things that just drag down the experience. First of all, the fast travel and map. Why is it so annoying to get from Point A to Point B? There's just too many steps and when you have to backtrack constantly like it's a metroidvania or something but then you're also met with multiple loading screens, it's just terrible. You can't fast travel to every camp nor can you open the map and look at a different location, not to mention you only have an actual map for only half of the locations. Another thing I noticed when exploring is that there are lots of spots where it looks like you can make a jump or a climb but you literally can not. Is it designed this way to piss off the player? I don't know.

I haven't gotten to the story and characters yet but simply put, it is bland. The main trio of EVE, Adam and Lily have no synergy at all. I simply didn't care for any of them, or the rest of the cast but I guess at least Lily has some personality. EVE just has cool outfits and a ponytail so long it reaches her heel, so swag!

Despite all of that, majority of my time spent with Stellar Blade was fun and that's what matters the most in my humble opinion. Looking forward to the DLC with the Boss Rush mode so I can attempt some no damage runs. Anyways I'm giving it a 7.5/10.