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My video review is probably going to get demonetized, but what better way to start off Spooktober than to play a super questionable horror game

Graphics and ...content:
Succubus starts out strong. I was thrown into this hellish setting with demons everywhere, people being tortured all around me, and a whole lotta pixels censoring the more inappropriate stuff. Don’t worry though – the censorship is optional, I just had to do so to get footage for YouTube. I also tested the uncensored mode and yeah... it’s pretty much the same thing, but with no pixels.

I will definitely give the studio credit for going all out on the production values. There’s a ton of detail to the game world, tons of options to customize your character, and really, the visuals are surprisingly good – better than I was expecting.

I ran the game at 1440p on a mix of high and some medium settings – hovering anywhere between 70 and 120 or so. It fluctuates a bit, but with some tinkering – I did manage to get it to a point where it did not drop below 60. Once I did that – it was smooth sailing outside of the occasional hitch when loading new areas. The game looks good and runs better than I was expecting on my aging 1070 Ti.

The combat is a mix of some good ideas, but not so great execution. The different weapon types, attacks, and special abilities are cool, but the core combat is just boring and repetitive. Hits don’t have any weight behind them, enemies are not varied enough, and the hitboxes can be a bit wonky too. The movement is at least responsive, but the rest unfortunately does not compare.

Crashing & Save Corrupting:
Now, I would normally comment on the story by this point – but unfortunately, I was unable to finish the game. Not because I didn’t want to, but because the game would not let me. Hours into my first playthrough, it crashed on me during a loading screen and would not boot back up again without crashing.

I tried: restarting my computer, verifying integrity of the game files, running the game as an administrator, completely reinstalling the thing (60GB mind you), and even analyzing my own crash dump file. What ultimately fixed it though was a complete wipe of my save file and settings.

I figured – okay, that’s pretty bad, but I still want to give a complete review for the game – so I started up another playthrough and began speedrunning to get back to where I left off. Unfortunately, the game had other plans and shut down that playthrough too – giving me another crash in a completely different area and preventing itself from opening again. Once again, I solved the problem by wiping my save, but at that point – I had given up on finishing the game. My save got corrupted not just once, but twice and my interest in playing it completely vanished with that second save.

Putting aside the whole save corrupting issue – it’s still just a mediocre experience at best, with clunky combat and all. I’ll give the studio some credit for going all out on the setting and really selling the game’s demonic theme, but that is unfortunately not enough to save the experience. Of course, the save corrupting and crashing issue makes it an automatic no to begin with (although that is something that will probably be patched).

Devs: "Let's make a horror game whose setting is in Hell. We'll call it Agony."
Post-Agony release
Devs: "Darn, Agony didn't work. Let's now make DOOM-like except with tits and repetitive content. And let's call it in the name of sex demons and give Protagonist the most annoying voice. Who cares if we only learned a bit from our past mistakes. It will work, right?"

There's absolutely zero chance a game with "Abortion minigames" option in the settings will be bad.
OK, this was mid, but it was fun. You can kill demons and look down to see your tits. I don't know what else I can expect from a game like this. (a lot, but let's leave it at that)

Succubus is a first person action game designed by Polish studio Madmind as a sequel in the universe of Agony. Players take control of the demonic Succubus, a female creature whose ruthless protagonist's goal is to use her magical powers to explore hell and battle demons. The story is that the bored queen Succubus explores hell but is captured by demons who serve Baphomet. The queen is wounded in the process but manages to escape, surviving their hands, and when she regains consciousness embarks on a bloody quest for revenge against her tormentors, a journey that will push the limits of the game's violence and sexuality.


Visually interesting, but ultimately shallow in execution - both in gameplay and thematic depth.

What I expected to be some kind of complex portrayal of a demon protagonist - especially a succubus, turns out to be a mostly gratuitous version of "dress up your naked lady and watch her crawl around". Nothing said this louder than the main hub area where there are various (pointless) interactions the player can do that are just there to sneak in some exploitative shots of the succubus for your pleasure. You even get to take your hands off of the controls while these animations loop! Very handy!
Now before you scream at me - yes, sexuality and nudity are not only expected for a game called "Succubus" but are also welcome! But at some point you gotta ask yourself who the real sex demon is, the player character, or the player who whacks it to the main character sprawling around in blood.

If that wasn't enough, the core gameplay is just poor-mans-DOOM2016, especially noticable with the glory kills, which are just as annoying and repetetive as they were in the supposed inspiration - except they now look cheap and you don't really see what's happening during the animations.
Feedback is also lacking, neither for the player recieving damage, nor the player dealing damage feels like it connects. At first I wasn't sure if I even got hit, but it turns out the game is just bad at communicating you getting hit at all. The only thing that feels sort of entertaining (in a hilarious way) is kicking enemies, since they immediately ragdoll and go flying with very bad physics.
The climbing sections are also an insultingly shallow way to try and change up the gameplay. As if these kind of sections weren't bad enough in any kind of action game, here it's just glorified buttonprompts. There is no actual gameplay here, it's just padding to waste your time. Some kind of free-roaming exploration would have been more welcome, especially since the art in the environment design is top notch.

I've glossed over a few things, like the tasteless and needlessly gratuitous way "healing stations" work (by ripping a fetus out of a pregnant woman or ripping off a man's penis and stomping on it), or the cringey one-liners our main protagonist keeps saying (silent protags are better sometimes) since they're more my personal distaste for these kinds of things, but in the end I don't see a lot in this game that I feel is worth investing time in. The moment I opened the armor and weapon menu I rolled my eyes at how superficial the supposed "adjusting your playstyle" was and how little impact that decision really made, except for playing dress-up and choosing which skimpy outfit to wear.

Play this if you really want to look at tits, ass and blood, maybe, but for me it's a hard pass.

Honestly, I was having some fun at first, but the repetitive gameplay, boring glory kills and unfun enemies really make this a slog to play through. It's got some decent graphics and the design of hell is suitably hell-ish, but I got about halfway through the story before I realized I wasn't even having fun anymore, so I just turned it off and uninstalled it.

don't ask me idk why did i play this game . but bro 120 gb what the ..

Succubus gostosa do inferno que chupa pau, buceta, mata demonio, mata criança e mata o baphomet, gostei da jogabilidade, cenários bem feitos representando o inferno, progressão simples que dar pra passar o tempo jogando pra fazer 100% de boa, recomendo na promo bem barato