Reviews from

in the past

i mained ashley how did i not think i was trans

quantity over quality but still fun

Tal como uma review que uma pessoa fez no próprio backloggd, eles escolheram quantidade em vez de qualidade mas ainda assim é divertido

melhor que smash ultimate porque tem maioria dos chars que eu queria pro jogo da forma que eu gostaria

Unironically the best Smash Game Any game that allows me to play as Rock howard beating up persona characters is a Good game In my book

M.U.G.E.N but Smash Bros.
Crazy to me that this is still getting updates.

The games claim to fame is its immense roster of characters, ranging from highly requested newcomers like Crash Bandicoot, to interesting picks like Heracross, to straight up memes like a Tetris block.

The amount of new stages are something to applaud too. And I'm glad they didn't just go full "competitive only", there's a big variety of weird layouts.

The game runs and controls fairly well, though certain actions felt very off or stiff to me.

Unfortunately there's not really much to actually do with all these characters. You can play classic mode, which is set up the exact same as the original Smash Bros, complete with the same bonus rounds (though there's only 2 or 3 target practice and board the platform stages, rather than each character having their own). There's versus mode (called crusade mode here) and online, which I think is friends vs friends only?

It's worth playing just to see how they implemented all these characters and their movesets, but once that novelty wears off you're not left with much else to do. Apparently characters used to be locked until a later update made everyone available from the start. I can understand the thought process behind it, but having stuff to unlock would have helped just a little in making you feel like you had some kind of goal.

controls a bit worse than SSF2 but there's more characters & stages

When I was a little baby boy I played this with my friends all the time and I only picked Geno and Ashley, good memories also Geno has that one trick where if you press the button after his geno whirl hits it gives you extra damage

y pensar que una de mis últimos momentos de romance cuando aún iba a la secundaria fue jugar a este smash en el salón de informática con la chica que me gustaba

I don't know what this fangame has but it didn't hit me as much as I expected.
I mean, it's not bad, but there is something that makes it not get as much attention compared to Flash 2 (I'm getting into the competitive game on this lol)
Okay, I guess, I just didn't click on my

Very fun! Lots of characters and im pissed because crash moveset is ass!

Has a lot of characters that you normally wouldn't see in Smash.

Literally the best smash game ever

Malum rakibi kadar iyi değil bence ama göz atmaya değer.

Melhor que o Flash, tem a Haruhi

i don't like the most recent updates as now it's even more mashed up than ever. basically, they approach to make it different from smash flash was: quantity > quality

it wasn't always like this. it used to have a minimum consistente at least (especially in terms of visuals and balance, which have never been its strong points)

It's Not as Polished as flash But it Has more Characters And more Stages And You Can Play With 6 People, That's just a lot.

I Remember playing this awhile back and having fun with it, Also can you stop making Marth the only Fire emblem character on the Roster, thank you!

4☆ - Basically a Smash game with Rivals level modding, but the characters feel balanced and more realistic.

Really well made for what it is