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Tadpole Tales is like playing a classic Saturday Morning Cartoon. The hand drawn art and animations are staggering for a free release, and the 'clean-em-up' environmental spin on the genre allows for that art to comfortably shine without compromising its lighthearted optimistic tone.

While it only takes about 10 minutes to see through to completion if you survive til the end, don't let the charm fool you, this is a deceptively challenging little shmup. Weaving through projectiles as well as learning the movesets and strategies for the game's three bosses will take you a few attempts, so while the length is short on paper you can expect to spend a bit more time learning the ropes. There are a few instances where I think your hitboxes aren't quite defined well enough, and a couple times where I got cornered into taking a hit that seemed avoidable, but those complaints are minor in the grand scheme of things.

Tadpole Tales also includes an Expert mode after you complete the game, but aside from a graphical change (that I do think is worth seeing!) the enemy patterns and boss difficulty stays exactly the same, leaving me to think 'Marathon' mode might've been a more apt title than Expert.

I can't believe this is free, and I hope and pray that there are Indie Publishers already getting their ducks (or tadpoles) in a row in an effort to court this team into making something more substantial. If Tadpole Tales is their proof of concept, they absolutely deserve the funding to take a crack at a full length title.

And did I mention it's free?! Why are you even reading this, just play it for yourself!

Nice little cute game! Tadpole Tales is a pretty simple horizontal shmup that exudes a lot of charm and straightforward mechanics that are easy to grasp but fun to master.

The game is all one continuous stage, separated by 3 checkpoints with each capping off with a boss fight. The game gets progressively difficult where it throws more enemies at you after each boss fight. I feel like this setup does a good job in creating a difficulty curve that warms up and familiarizes the player quickly while not being afraid to show its teeth just shortly after.

This also extends to the movement and shooting mechanics themselves, where it only takes a few seconds to learn, where you just have 4 buttons of movement and a single shot button to worry about. Shooting slows your character down a bit, which does add a small amount of decision-making as you have to be mindful of when to let go and be faster in navigating through enemy projectiles. There are no bombs and other weapon types to worry about, and instead, it ties your lives to your power and speed. This feels fine, with the starting 2 hearts being more than optimal already to deal with everything, and 3 hearts allowing you to move and shoot faster. I do find the maximum 4 hearts mode somewhat annoying, as while it does grant you a wider spread shot, it also increases your hitbox and lessens your movement speed again. Having a trade-off like this for such a linear progression system feels a bit unsatisfying.

Enemy variety is also nice, where each is distinct and have their own style of attack patterns. This extends to the 3 bosses throughout, where each feels completely unique from the other and employs different strategies that make each fight feel fresh.

I'm not a fan however of the game opting for completely randomized enemy spawns and placements, as I feel like it undermines the potential for the enemies themselves, where sometimes patterns can feel a little too empty or really messy when you get bad luck on certain runs.

The main highlight of the game definitely comes from the presentation. The visuals are lovely and the music really compliments its adorable atmosphere. Every character looks great, from the little tadpole the player controls to all the enemies and bosses. Despite only having two tracks, they all serve the game well with the final boss track, in particular, fitting the intensity of the fight nicely.

There's not a lot of extra content, but there is a surprising amount of room for mastery and replay value in the form of an unlockable expert mode after beating the game. The expert mode in particular I feel improves the base game itself, with a faster pace and just enough enemy tweaking that feels challenging but fair.

Overall Tadpole Tales is an enjoyable and charming shmup, and for a free one to boot, it exhibits some nice production values.

MMM DAY 12: Tadpole Tales
Cute little game. It seemed like my hurtbox was a little inconsistent, but that's my only real complaint. perfectly serviceable overall

El juego es muy bonito gráficamente y esto te podría hacer pensar que es un juego para niños, pero la verdad es un juego bien retador de esos que te sacan canas. Es entretenido y si quieres vencer tienes que aprenderte muy bien las mecánicas y estar muy concentrado debido a su dificultad. El juego es corto pero en realidad depende de ti y de cuantas veces estás dispuesto a intentarlo. Lo recomiendo mucho, es un juego gratuito y tiene un mensaje muy importante: “Cuidemos los ríos para que los animales puedan vivir en armonía”.
Lo vencí en normal y en experto llegué al jefe final, que se pudra esa rana gorda otaku.

They need to give you hearts after you beat bosses.
Also I do not like the hitbox.

Great art and music. Occasionally wack hitboxes and scenarios. Could definitely be more liberal with heart distribution aside from the final boss. It's very generous of them to make this free despite its high quality.

It's a really cute and simple game and it was just simple shoot em up joy! Sadly I was not good enough to beat it.

Very fun gameplay with some nice graphics to back it