Reviews from

in the past

I like playing this in the morning when I wake up. It's a really clever idea from the makers of some of the best competitive Tetris games.

Got to rank 9 but controls were finicky at first.

Somehow successfully answered the question "how can we make a Battle Royale game out of Tetris?"

Marking as complete because I finally won/got Tetris Maximus and that was the requirement I set for marking this as “beaten”. I never thought it was going to happen. What a rush.

Will be spending a ton of time still, it's probably my favorite Switch game other than Animal Crossing.

The best battle royale game

probably the best way to play tetris

did you guys know this game absolute fucking owns?

It’s Tetris, but will Battle Royale, that’s a formula for a really fun game.

I've gotten all of the hot gamer sex from this because I'm so good at Tetris all the hot sexy gamer girls come running after me wet pussy in hand

I like tetris to chill, not to be competitive but this game kinda snaps. I remembers one day my housemate sees me playing this and he asks me to play. First time he plays he gets 3rd place. wtf?

It's free*, it's multiplayer, and it's Tetris. A battle royal Tetris sounds like a joke but works surprisingly well.

i'm bad at the game therefore it's not good

I suck ass at tetris but this game made me way better at it. it also just whips ass. good themes and great ui/sfx work to just makes this game a delight

the DLC literally makes this complete for me :)

this tetris isnt fun because i have no idea how to play it and they dont tell you how to play it and no im not looking it up on youtube

"Tetris but Battle Royale" is not a concept I thought could be remotely good or even work but not only it works, it's also immensely fun and addictive.

I thought I wrote something about this but looking at my list I apparently didnt. So yeah, noting this one.

I love it k bye

The base Tetris gameplay present is good as ever but I am not really into the battle royale stuff, I don't think it works with Tetris personally.

i have not won once, but it's like a drug.