Reviews from

in the past

its almost unfair to the other video games

A game so infamous they named an effect after it.

Jogos nem sempre precisam de narrativas perfeitas, gráficos espetaculares ou gameplay inventiva para serem atemporais.
Tetris é o exemplo máximo disso, um jogo tão simples que até um macaco jogaria

Still play it in the browser sometimes

The first video game I ever remember playing, perfection right from the start.

Tetris is a perfect video game.

Ahh, Tetris. Giving people OCD since 1984.

not fun, never was fun, never will be fun, you grandmothers can fight me on this

El mejor juego de la historia.

good for nostalgia and long-time tetris fans, but with so many other versions of the game out, its better to play something else

A true classic and the very first game I played on my Game Boy, so it will always have a special place in my heart.

Tetris is the only perfect video game

This is my rating for Tetris as a concept more than any individual release. It's Tetris, you know?

yooo they got tetris on this shit?

Tetris AKA "Mom Stole My Game Boy Again"

Probably the best puzzle game ever. Definitely the best Tetris ever.

Somehow the knock-off Dr. Mario resonated much more with me, even though I owned Tetris as a little kid and played it a ton.

might sound a bit pretentious but i do think this is a pretty much perfect game, I cant see any way to improve the gameplay itself at all.
While i do enjoy spin-offs on the idea of Tetris such as Tricky Towers, they don't really IMPROVE the gameplay, only alter it.

Tetris may genuinely be a perfect game.

At a mechanical level, Tetris is literally a perfect that can't be taken or added anything else without breaking its balance.

probably the games ive sunk the most time into my whole life, and is one of the few games i can actually impress people with how i good i am at it


The complete insanity of tetris is that every time I start a new round of it, there are entirely new questions i have to ask myself, new problems to solve. As you play it more and more, and the skill ceiling gets higher and higher, your playstyle transforms over and over again, changing the rules and even entire challenge of tetris.

Most versions of tetris may seem quite similar, but the truth is they are all ENTIRELY different from one another. The version which in my opinion has the most infectious complexity is NES tetris, for a number of reasons often not even intended by its developers. The game becomes less about predicting where to best put pieces, and more so about which placement of pieces can give you the most freedom of movement, within the limits of how fast you can move a piece relative to how fast they fall down, which are imbalanced in this game.

High level NES tetris play involves compulsory use of at least one of two mechanics: hypertapping and DAS. Hypertapping is self descriptive; it is how you button mash your controller, and literally every single player i've seen has a different method for it, different ways of holding the controller, different hand positions. DAS, or Delayed Auto Shift, is a brief window of time after you've dropped a piece where you can 'charge up' the next piece, by holding down the directional key you want that piece to go in before it drops. In NES tetris the timing for DAS is very difficult and requires a lot of practise, but is incredibly satisfying if you can pull it off effectively.

Tetris is a game that is impossibly infinite, it is infinitely entertaining and challenging in ways more complex than even any scripted puzzle game i've played. The puzzles in Tetris function less as riddles, and more as exhilarating debates, fumbling to find the perfect word as questions are hailed onto you.

its fucking tetris, what do you want me to say