Reviews from

in the past

cool vn jrpg hybrid. you can play it if you know spanish.

Ranking every character from King of Fighters: Kyo from least to most homophobic:

S Rank (Salvation)

These characters not only were portrayed as not having prejudice against gay people, but are also implied to be active supporters of LGBT+ rights as a whole:

- Shingo
- King
- Terry
- Shermie
- Daimon

A Rank (Angel)

These characters were shown to not display any homophobia and seem to always treat gay people with due respect:

- Yuki
- Ralf
- Clark
- Leona
- Kim
- Benimaru
- Andy
- Yuri
- Mary

B Rank (Bearable)

These characters joke about sexuality likely more than they should, but when gay people who they don’t have intimacy with are around, they’ll stop making them entirely to not make the conversation uncomfortable:

- Saisyu
- Mai
- Heidern
- Ryo
- Robert
- Takuma
- Chang
- Yashiro

C Rank (Controversy)

These characters often make dubious jokes and comments regarding sexuality that are kinda hard to tell whether they were joking or not, likely hold some prejudice deep inside:

- Kyo
- Chizuru
- Chris
- Joe
- Choi
- Mr. Big
- Yamazaki
- Chin

D Rank (Despair)

These characters are plenty vocal about being homophobic and seem oddly proud about it when a gay person is around:

- Iori
- Geese
- Billy
- Kensou

The Athena Tier

This bitch will follow you around, stare at you like this and say shit like “I just don’t think it’s natural”:

- Athena