Reviews from

in the past

lovecraftian atmosphere and aesthetic in addition to some solid puzzles go a long way to set this apart when starting earlier on. unfortunately once you get past those you're left which the rest which is decidedly less nice.

messing around with some settings made it a painless boring instead of a frustrating one but i can see why this had a bit of excitement before release and then nobody talks about it since.

Mesmo depois da maior atualização do jogo, ele ainda tem sérios problemas de desempenho. Alguns momentos o jogo parece que roda a 10/FPS. Isso sem falar nos bugs onde algumas vezes eu furei o mapa, outras um inimigo forte (inquisidor) ficava teleportando atrás de mim em qualquer lugar do mapa (o certo é ele fazer isso em uma área específica do jogo).

O combate é um lixo, sério, a experiência do jogo melhora 100% quando você desativa o combate e foca só em resolver os puzzles e explorar.

Como um metroidvânia de puzzles é um bom jogo, a história é bem interessante, o mapa é bem conectado e enorme e a direção de arte é impressionante! Diria até que é um jogo 7/10, mas isso anularia toda a experiência merda que tive com o combate e o polimento do jogo.

Benedict Fox is one of the prettiest 2.5D side-scrollers I've played to date, and the genre hybrid of Metroidvania and adventure game in a Lovecraftian setting is undeniably intriguing, but even with the various changes made to rebalance the game with the Definitive Edition upgrade, its various constituent elements just don't cohere together very well. In particular, there's just far too little sense of flow or coherence to the world design; despite the more recent addition of (optional) quest markers to the game, I'm still not really sure how you're meant to figure out where to go next without relying on a walkthrough, leading me to drop the game after a few hours with it. As for the story, it plunks you down in the middle of a poorly-defined supernatural mystery with key elements of its backstory and worldbuilding woefully underexplained, in a way that feels less like deliberate mystery or in media res storytelling and more like a crucial cutscene or two was cut out. I admire Plot Twist's ambition, but unfortunately, Benedict Fox falls well short of its potential.

Muito bonito e gostoso de resolver os Puzzles, mas a história não achei nada demais.