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in the past

Mesmo depois da maior atualização do jogo, ele ainda tem sérios problemas de desempenho. Alguns momentos o jogo parece que roda a 10/FPS. Isso sem falar nos bugs onde algumas vezes eu furei o mapa, outras um inimigo forte (inquisidor) ficava teleportando atrás de mim em qualquer lugar do mapa (o certo é ele fazer isso em uma área específica do jogo).

O combate é um lixo, sério, a experiência do jogo melhora 100% quando você desativa o combate e foca só em resolver os puzzles e explorar.

Como um metroidvânia de puzzles é um bom jogo, a história é bem interessante, o mapa é bem conectado e enorme e a direção de arte é impressionante! Diria até que é um jogo 7/10, mas isso anularia toda a experiência merda que tive com o combate e o polimento do jogo.

lovecraftian atmosphere and aesthetic in addition to some solid puzzles go a long way to set this apart when starting earlier on. unfortunately once you get past those you're left which the rest which is decidedly less nice.

messing around with some settings made it a painless boring instead of a frustrating one but i can see why this had a bit of excitement before release and then nobody talks about it since.

This review contains spoilers

+ Visualmente es muy bueno y con una premisa bastante interesante combinando los puzzles de un detective con un metroidvania (Los cuales son un buen añadido al juego y queda perfecto con la temática)

- El juego es muy pesado y 0 intuitivo, el combate y jugabilidad son tediosos.
Las animaciones se bugean con el audio, el mismo audio del juego se pierde con el sonido de fondo de escenarios, el plataformeo no se disfruta, es 0 rejugable y ni hablar de lo mal hechos que estan los controles con teclado (obligatorio joystick) y la historia es de lo mas simple y ordinario (y ni mencionar el final...)

+ A wonderful idea, to blend the genres of a detective puzzle game with metroidvanias.
- It felt like the map design team, the movement team, and the combat teams were all locked away separately and not allowed to talk to each other.

- Красивая графика;
- Интересные загадки;
- Все элементы (прокачка, коллекционные предметы) взаимосвязаны и вплетены в мир игры;
- Удобная карта;
- Довольно разнообразная боевая система;
- Заметно, что авторы думали, как внести креатив в игру;

- Резкая концовка, победа над последним боссом - титры;
- Очень мало боссов;
- Сюжет не до конца раскрыт, какие-то события сложны для понимания (субъективно).

While an interesting game, the narrative didn’t grip me, and the game failed to explain mechanics well multiple times.

No puedo evitar sentir cierta decepción tras pasarme The Last Case of Benedict Fox y además con mucha pena. Tiene una premisa simple e interesante, unos escenarios geniales y el trasfondo que todo fan de dimensiones y seres de locura encontraría atractivo.

Sin embargo, hay muchas decisiones cuestionables que empiezan a empañar la experiencia poco a poco, aunque quizás sea totalmente intencionado para hacer que el viaje hacía la desazón más realista, je.

No, en serio, por un lado el combate como mecánica básica está bien, pero hay momentos en los que es terriblemente injusto sin avisar, enemigos justo al cruzar una puerta o que atraviesan parte de una pared y te pegan, jefes donde un golpe es muerte y empezar desde el principio, los enemigos voladores en general.

Vale que conforme vas mejorando al protagonista algunas se mitigan pero es frustrante cuando mejorar todo al máximo te sigue causando frustración para pelear contra ciertos enemigos normales porque siempre tienen algo para hacerlos molestos.

Y esta es la gran pega en general, que no da la sensación de que las decisiones hayan sido así, sino que, son fruto de no saber balancear los elementos del juego. No es poner a los enemigos en puntos estratégicos y dar algo de información y medios fáciles de entender para lidiar con ellos.

Tampoco es poner áreas enormes que explorar sin puntos de control porque moverse es tremendamente rápido y ágil. Ni pretender que algunas soluciones a puzles impliquen probar cosas completamente fuera de la intuición.

Los enemigos están ahí viéndote acercarte pero la pantalla no te los muestra y te llevas el golpe nada más llegar, la ubicación de algunos implica no poder esquivarlos o huir rápidamente para pensar una estrategia, por lo que morir y volver al mismo sitio puede ser un suplicio.

Además no siempre se puede usar el poder que te permite moverte más rápido o es un pelín puñetero y requiere estar en puntos concretos para sacarle partido.

Menos aún hacer que todo sea críptico para dar una falsa sensación de misterio y dificultad. No, todo esto son malas decisiones a la hora de hacer el juego que en conjunto lastran una experiencia cuyos bugs son la guinda que como te pille a contrapié puede ser caldo de cultivo de dejarlo a medias.

Aunque la premisa sea interesante, la manera de narrarla tampoco es gran cosa pero al mantener el rollo esotérico gana gracias a una ambientación y arte que le sienta como un guante.

No es que uno quiera ser agorero pero me parece bastante acertado que este sea el ÚLTIMO caso de Benedict Fox (a pesar de la escena final) porque o mejoran muchísimo o no se si alguien va a querer más.

A detective bound to a demonic entity uncovering a family mystery in metroidvania limbos of the deceased. I mean, it's dark. The world design is Burton-esque/Lovecraftian, warped and twisted with decent exploration. Collectibles are worth seeking out and are put towards needed upgrades. The puzzles, while obtuse, had that point-and-click mystery element to it which suited the vibe. Narratively thin but...ehhh.

The BIG problem here is just how clunky Benedict controls. It almost ruins the entire game. Precision platforming is frustrating. Basic combat is frustrating. Only being able to double-jump near grapple points is frustrating. Forced stealth segment...frustrating. Chapter where your abilities are taken away from you...f r u s t r a t i n g. Even the lack of enemy variety is FRUSTRATING!

There's a good game in here, but the controls (which are hella important for a metroidvania) need a complete overhaul. No doubt this really is the LAST case of Benedict Fox.

العاب اندي الضعيفة هي اسوء تجارب يمكن تمر عليك
توقعت مستوى جيد بما انها شبه مدعومة من اكس بوكس، بس طلع عكس ذلك
انا نبي افهم ليش المطور ليش يصعب في القتال بطريقة انه يخليك محدود في الحركات، الكومبات فيه سيء والاعداء ما تدعمش طريقة القتال، غير انه بدائية كثير
ثاني نقطة وهي تصميم الخريطة جدا، يظنوا ان الميترويدفينيا هي خريطة افقية وعمودية فققط، عشوائي بشكل كبير، التنقل فيها سيء لدرجة تقدر تعمل فاست ترافل في اي وقت
الخريطة فيها كثير مناطق كبير وما تقدم في المتعة، سواء من اعداء متنوعين او بلاتفورم، اللي هو بالمناسبة سيء
اللعبة تبي تدخل جانب التحقيق مع الميتدروفينيا، اتوقع هذه فكرة جيدة من اللعبة، في الاول حل الاحجية عن طريقة فك شفرة كان ممتع، بس بعدها صار نفس المفهوم، غير فك الشفرة يعتمد على البحث في العالم، اللي هو التنقل فيه ممل، القضية تتعلم طريقة فك شفرة الاحجيات تصير سهلة، فهي تعتمد على عناصر ضعيفة فيها
عناصر التحكم في كل جوانبه سيء، الجامب سيء، القتال سيء، القتال بعيد المدى ىسيء
في جانب من جوانب اشوف ضعف كبير، الجانب المشرق من اللعبة هي تصميم الشخصيات، كان تصميم ممتاز وايضا الخلفيات
القصة لم اهتم لها بس الواضح انها مثيرة للاهتمام
اتمنى تكون اخر لعبة اندي تدعمها اكس بوكس بهذا المستوى، لان اغلب اللي تدعمه يكونوا من افضل العاب مطورين الاندي

تكلمت على اللعبة كثير رغم اني لم اخلصها، هذا لاني لعبت جو 9 ساعات وهي مدتها حوالي 15 ساعة

оптимизация для такой игры - пиздец. Поиграю, когда поправят (или обновлю пеку).

I almost dropped this one multiple times. For a Metroidvania, some truly head scratching decisions were made regarding powerups and map design that made me genuinely frustrated.

I wouldn't be able to have finished it if it wasn't for the great art design and the story had me mildly interested. Hopefully their next game can be much better.

I got about halfway through the game, which felt like enough to warrant a review. Unfortunately, it just didn't do it for me.

The art style is genuinely outstanding and easily the best part of the game. Finding new items/clues and completing puzzles felt satisfying. Unfortunately, it just wasn't enough to make up for everything else. The navigation didn't feel right and was often frustrating, combat is god awful, and the story just didn't do enough to pull me in. Also, the extra voice in your head was really annoying

I finally quit after playing at least the half of it. Just couldn't force myself to continue anymore. Awful combat, uninspired enemies, clunky controls, awful platforming, bad map connections, TOO MANY puzzles, meaningless upgrades mostly, AWFUL voice acting. I especially hated how they implement the discovering new areas with puzzles instead of satisfying skill upgrades. I don't want to solve puzzles all the time! When I play a metroidvania I want to know that if I upgrade enough previous areas feel like a breeze and I can continue new ways. It's not like that in here. Also map is overwhelming and cryptic. Too hard to remember which thing was where and that's a really annoying thing for a metroidvania.
Sad thing is art design and lore has so much potential. Story is intriguing enough too.
Another wasted potential which I really come across a lot in recent years with indies.
I really want some Hollywood studio to buy this and turn it into a big budget series or movie. It could be great

Very good game, the problem are the people that had not hand.

El juego esta bastante bien, pero hay mucho manco.

Muito bonito e gostoso de resolver os Puzzles, mas a história não achei nada demais.

Benedict Fox is one of the prettiest 2.5D side-scrollers I've played to date, and the genre hybrid of Metroidvania and adventure game in a Lovecraftian setting is undeniably intriguing, but even with the various changes made to rebalance the game with the Definitive Edition upgrade, its various constituent elements just don't cohere together very well. In particular, there's just far too little sense of flow or coherence to the world design; despite the more recent addition of (optional) quest markers to the game, I'm still not really sure how you're meant to figure out where to go next without relying on a walkthrough, leading me to drop the game after a few hours with it. As for the story, it plunks you down in the middle of a poorly-defined supernatural mystery with key elements of its backstory and worldbuilding woefully underexplained, in a way that feels less like deliberate mystery or in media res storytelling and more like a crucial cutscene or two was cut out. I admire Plot Twist's ambition, but unfortunately, Benedict Fox falls well short of its potential.

Bom medroidvania com uma boa história. É um jogo com algumas rebarbas que acabam sendo ofuscado pelo grande charme da sua narrativa e direção de arte. A gameplay é balanceada e gostoso (menos o parry), os cenários são lindos e os coletaveis interessantes. Além disso, o jogo ainda possui puzzles desafiantes na medida certa. Minhas maiores ressalvas são a respeito do VA que é um tanto robótico e dos menus que são um baita ponto baixo, o hábito de sempre abrir o mapa em medroidvania vira um porre aqui. No mais, tive uma conquista bugada e recorrentes lags na versão de Xbox series s. Já quero uma sequência.

Benedict Fox is a Lovecraft-inspired metroidvania with combat and puzzles but the main focus seems to be more about the visuals and interesting world. Originally I was put off by the poor reviews of this game and almost didn't try it even though it was on Xbox Game Pass. I'm glad I did though, since there is a lot to love about this game, but sadly the overall experience is definitely flawed.

The graphics are something people praised but they didn't really draw me in from looking at the Steam store page. It was only after I actually started playing that I saw how impressive the environments look. The game is entirely 2D but features 3D graphics like in Bloodstained: RotN, only this game does it much, much better. I was consistently stunned at how detailed and expansive the environments are in this game.

The weird thing here is that I didn't feel like the amazing visuals really did much to aid the gameplay at all. Often I'd find myself running through a room that was barren of gameplay elements but had totally beautiful scenery in the background, it almost felt like a waste or rather that the detail here could be appreciated more in a different kind of game. Sure, it helped with the world building but a lot of the time it just felt like a bonus feature. It's not necessarily a bad thing but I guess it's like getting a world-reknowned artist to paint butter on your toast.

As for the gameplay itself, the combat is not terrible. It's fun enough but I'd say it presents itself as being a lot more complex than it actually is. There are quite a few mechanics but at the end of the day I was mostly just mashing the attack button. The puzzles are pretty good, particularly at the start as you are learning the game. Later on they become a bit more of a chore as you aren't really solving anything so much as just following instructions. The standard metroidvania gameplay loop of exploring the map is good once the ball gets rolling.

The main problem I had with this game is the obscurity of mechanics and direction. Many times I would find myself totally lost at how to solve a puzzle or where to go next, only to look at a guide and realise there was some tiny detail or intuition that I'd missed. This game also has the same issue a lot of metroidvanias do where it's unclear at times if progression is gated by player skill/knowledge or an actual ability that the player hasn't yet obtained. There are some map markers to show when you need a certain ability to progress but this isn't a complete solution nor a perfectly clear one, it also takes away from immersion. This summarises a lot of design choices in this game; they've clearly tried to add QOL features but generally the implementation seems flawed in that they try to be the jack of all trades but end up with a result that isn't complete in any area.

Overall it's a mixed bag, the world and atmosphere is great and it looks amazing, the gameplay is serviceable but playing this without a guide might take me a thousand years. I think if this game had another 6-12 months to cook then it could be great but as is, it's more of a half-baked experience. I would still recommend people try it though if they have Game Pass and like metroidvanias.

A good art style and interesting use of Resident Evil-like puzzles isn't enough to salvage what's otherwise an well below average metroidvania.

The animations are terrible, the movement is generic, combat is boring, exploration is standard, additional abilities aren't interesting, the story is kind of a mess, the soundtrack is forgettable...

Really, the only reason this isn't flat out the worst I've played is because this game really does make a great use of Lovecraftian aesthetics and I loved the idea of incorporating puzzles in a metroidvania. Because otherwise this game is just... One of the games ever made. It isn't even outright bad, it's just perfectly mediocre.

Kind of a disappointment with this game the more I think about it. I like a lot of the concepts and the world itself but once you get deeper into the story and mechanics, it all goes downhill.

The story and characters all on the surface are interesting and intriguing but the story itself is really difficult to follow.

The combat is easily the worst part of this game as well. It's standard melee and long range combat but It never feels good. Every enemy is a damage sponge. The gun has very limited ammunition. There are options to upgrade your weapons and other power ups (the game features a set of items you can use in combat. Some are great and useful, others are not) but in doing so, and upgrading everything I owned to its full potential, you just never feel like it's doing much to change things. Some of these increase the amount you can carry, so that is helpful but they never feel like they last that much longer or do that much more damage.

The combat controls also just feel clunky and cumbersome. Despite having a slide and jump and a nice range of motion, the game never strings it together in a fluid way that feels satisfying, often having enemies that can block or make movement difficult. Some enemies are difficult to slide underneath and knock down, others have a wider range of motion in the air and can knock you down. The biggest culprit to this issue is the hit detection is terrible in this game.

There are many bugs in this game but the hit detection is one of the more egregious and consistent issues I ran across. Often times I'd be seeing my character jumping well over an enemy, only to get hit by an attack that was visibly off the mark. It does work in your favor at times as well, so you can use this to your advantage as well, but because every enemy is a sponge, it doesn't really feel like a massive assistance.

On top of that, I had a handful of random crashes, some times when audio didn't load, another time where I loaded up on a save area, only to be met with a black screen (could still see my character luckily). It's fairly inconsistent.

There are some big annoyances this game has on top of this, the one worth mentioning over the rest is that the game will kick you out of some areas if you've died too many times in a row on an area. You'll randomly have this happen just because. It's so damn annoying.

This game sadly I don't think is worth your time. Maybe if you gel with the combat more you'll enjoy this but there are games just like this that are much better, much more stable and deserve your attention.

I don't want to be completely negative about this game though so I will add The vibes and art style are nice, the level design is pretty good, some of the world building and story beats are also interesting. It's just not enough to make up for the deep flaws that exist in this game.

Poor sound design, clunky controls, boring enemies, unattractive UI

jogo mais travado q eu já joguei na vida, cenários bonitos mas tudo pixelizado, congela a cada 5 segundos, fps ridículo, tudo bem q eu to num Xbox antigo mas nem o séries X roda essa merda direito

Thought I'd finally give this a try as it's had numerous patches.

Never uninstalled a Game Pass game so quickly, <20 minutes and I was done with the loose platforming and unresponsive combat controls.

This and Redfall are the sort of games that have left Game Pass requiring Starfield to be good because this is just so disappointing from a game hyped by Microsoft.

O visual é bonito, mas dropei pq a gameplay é uma bosta.

1 puan Lovecraft 1 puan da ayıp olmasın diye.

Güzel hikaye berbat kontroller.

+ Gorgeous art style and some really interesting environmental design

- Unfortunately, the rest of the experience is severely impacted by incredibly frustrating gameplay and exploration. A Metroidvania with wonky platforming, annoying combat and a lack of direction is simply doomed to fail.
- Occasional technical hiccups are annoying, but an end of game bug that almost made it impossible for me to finish the game destroyed any goodwill the game had left.

Benedict Fox certainly has interesting ideas with its mix of metroidvania exploration and escape-room style puzzles, however it needed a lot more work. The interesting 1920s Lovecraftian investigation setting is offset by clunky controls and movement, dreadful combat and poor player feedback almost as if there was no playtesting or QA. The performance is choppy and more worryingly the game is riddled with bugs - on multiple occasions I had a good hours worth of progress lost. A missed opportunity.

It's not an exaggeration when I say you and I probably could've done a better job than the extremely amateurish voice acting. The story is boring and confusing, with a shallow attempt at saying something meaningful. Worst of all, the gameplay is clunky and rigid, without much of any fun to be had. I turned on immortal mode cause I didn't want to deal with the jank combat, but it still found a way to be frustrating. The only redeeming quality this game has is its graphics.

Really don't know how to rate this. On the one hand, this is a wickedly smart twist on Metroidvanias on paper; instead of upgrades, you have investigation. Instead of doors, you have puzzles. It's a really cool twist and all of the puzzles are well thought out and genuinely make you feel like you've accomplished something. The art style is gorgeous at points, relishing the Lovecraftian vibes with purples and blacks that make the game pop.

Shame actually playing this thing is a puzzle in itself. I can forgive vagueness if in it's service of a greater story (i.e. Elden Ring) but there is really nothing here to latch onto. Who is Benedict Fox? We never actually find out, instead we are left watching the backstory of two people we don't know and lack a strong connection to. And then when you actually play it, you are constantly fighting with stiff controls, wonky physics, and combat that feels almost perfunctory rather then unique and engaging. I wish this was a lot better then it was cause I love the vibes but this is a misfire, sadly.