Reviews from

in the past

This review contains spoilers

this game is ass
in all seriousness it had incredibly high potential with a really good setup from the previous game, but it just fumbled. the "war" has what, 2 on screen casualties? despite multiple important NPCs and party members being directly involved in it. it also feels like the main party has a strange lack of agency, in that everything they do is pretty much at the behest of the imperial army (ur neutral tho). Also the amount of filler is appalling, I know SC had some too but the amount of unnecessarily long dungeons, or even dungeons that didn't need to exist at all, in this game is insane, especially when you get into side quests.
The cast is getting very bloated and few characters have really good moments in this game that don't feel like a forced "ah shit we gotta put ___ in the limelight once before the game ends" type deal. Crow and the soundtrack are the only real reasons this game isn't a 1

Its a bloaty mess with some of the messiest writing l feel but still a fun time

Civil war kind of sucks, but at least it's not Sen IV.

Solid game, very good ending, weird story pacing and lack of stakes make it feel funky tho




πŸ”² My grandma could play it
πŸ”² Easy
πŸ”² Normal
πŸ”² Hard
β˜‘οΈ Dark Souls


β˜‘οΈ MS Paint
πŸ”² Bad
πŸ”² Meh
πŸ”² Graphics dont matter in this game
πŸ”² Good
πŸ”² Beautiful
πŸ”² Masterpiece


πŸ”² Bad
πŸ”² Not special
β˜‘οΈ Good
πŸ”² Beautiful


πŸ”² This game has no story
πŸ”² It's there for the people who want it
πŸ”² Well written
πŸ”² You choose your fate


πŸ”² Free
πŸ”² Underpriced
πŸ”² Perfect Price
β˜‘οΈ Could be cheaper
πŸ”² Overpriced
πŸ”² Complete waste of money


πŸ”² You can run it on a microwave
πŸ”² High end
β˜‘οΈ NiSA computer, haha..


πŸ”² Very Short (0 - 3 hours)
πŸ”² Short (3 - 15 hours)
πŸ”² Average (15-50 hours)
πŸ”²Long (50-90 hours)
β˜‘οΈUmineko⁉(90-110 hours)
πŸ”² No ending

~ FUN ~

πŸ”² I'd rather watch paint dry
πŸ”² Hard to enjoy
πŸ”² Repetitive
πŸ”²Actually pretty amusing
β˜‘οΈ Ride of your life


πŸ”² It's a one-time experience
πŸ”² Only for achievements
β˜‘οΈ If you wait a few months/years
πŸ”² Definitely
πŸ”² Infinitely replayable


πŸ”² No
β˜‘οΈ Wait for sale
β˜‘οΈ Yes

Continuing my Cold Steel marathon, I enjoyed this game a lot and it improves from 1, picking after a very nice cliffhanger. I'd rank it a bit lower than 1 because its length made it more tedious.

Cold Steel 1 but interesting stuff actually happens, kinda, there's still peak fiction happening next door so yeah.

The only thing that can top this game is Azure. Other then that this is peak fiction.

if it weren't for the ending of this game, prolly 4/5. The fact that this game has 2.5 false endings back to back to back drove me up the wall and exacerbated issues i already had with the game and writing.

if you listen closely, you can hear the arduinos crying in unison

This review contains spoilers

crow ;_;
so that epilogue was great actually for me to give me time to gather my thoughts because if i had written this review at the time of watching the first set of credits then i would not have had my shit together. not at all

that was. an experience! i have a very very long and wordy note that ive been updating with the good and bad stuff as i played because oh boy did i have a lot to say about both over the course of the game. some of the high points and low points were consistent with 1 but not all. the combat was still enjoyable and hasnt gotten stale yet.. the delay system is really fun to work around and the expanded list of master quartzes meant that build options were great to play around with. cant really complain about slot upgrades since it seems to be a series staple having played one of the older ones. free access to spirit unification and valimar AND overdrive felt like a bit much, so i went the majority of the game not using them, but i appreciate the gameplay/ story integration of the first 2 and the options provided by overdrive. the other thing that id compare to 1 is the soundtrack and i definitely think the majority of the new tracks were a lot weaker. blue destination goes hard but the use of it seemed cheaper as it was used more than necessary (should have been v crow and v testarossa w/ ordine only, very disappointed to see it and not inevitable struggle for the v rean and altina in the divertissement :( crossbell innit), and my second favorite track was probably transcend beat, the trial shrine bgm or the new highway theme.

re: characters, it was nice to see rean's arc getting somewhat resolved with him getting over himself (heard this is reversed in 3, not holding my breath), some of the others had good moments (jusis and his father was good stuff) in the story, some of the other others had great bonding events (machias celdic, millium, laura roer, jusis again, etc), some of the OTHER other others were just... there. the sheer size of the reverie corridor party is character bloat if ive ever seen it, worst offenders being gaius and elliot who had so little impact on the plot that i wholeheartedly believe you could cut them from cold steel 2 and nobody would notice. however the new characters were excellent. so great. 10/10 i like duvalie and altina and mcburn a normal amount (lie).. actually all of the villains were great this time round, the pantagruel intermission was a high point of the story and kind of forced me forward through the sluggish pacing of the first half(?) of the game because my god was it really in need of a hype moment. just one. the high points of most of the game were fairly medium, which i dont think worked as well coming out of 1 seeing as that one had a lot more and the cs formula works best with them (especially as this time youre at war wtf guys), but the ones towards the end? chef kiss. the victor v mcburn fight was awesome capital a and the vermillion apocalypse? so cool. AND THEN THE END with crow dying and the osborne reveal. rent free in my brain. i feel so bad for rean.

another thing that was cool was the courageous. complaints about pacing aside there is nothing in a jrpg like the feeling of the world map opening out to you and oh boy did erebonia feel open. all highways connected up- you could get from one place to another in tons of ways, and travelling from town to town after being taken around them by the plot in 1 felt very refreshing. the horses and orbal bike were neat additions too! i liked flying around and helping people and building the crew up with thors students you collected. though on the topic of field studies in 1, i vastly preferred having set teams there because it meant that party building was a puzzle to solve, not just a "be tempted to pick your favs no matter how unbalanced" type of thing (especially with up to 3 locked characters at some points).

that's pretty much everything from the note i can link together into a cohesive review, some other points i couldn't really fit in go here i guess;
-left some interesting things open ended (more knights, zephyr guy, black records, rufus and xbell etc)
-backwards difficulty curve
-certain parts didnt generate as much intrigue because the plot witch was there to explain stuff
-infernal castle was boring and way too long
-shitty romance integration
-is it just me or does it feel like something MAJOR was changed about rean (or the protag at least) in development. hmm

Not as good as its prequel but amazing nonetheless.

trails of GOAT steel , amazing game, solid 8

rean finally got his 50 mira back


While I had my fair share of fun with this game, I found running errand after errand onboard the Courageous a bit tedious after awhile. You cover so many areas and events in a short period that it was hard for anything to really hold weight and meaning. It felt like everyone knew each other despite being so spread out across Erebonia. The huge amount of cast members certainly didn't help its case either, though I did like a good amount of Class VII members. I still wish Fie and Laura got explored more after their moment in CS1, as well as Jusis and Machias and their class differences that seemed to just become nonexistent after awhile.

I think what really took me out of the game on several occasions was the game's fascinations with unwinnable battles. I really disliked the amount of times you stomp the opponent in battle, only to see you straight up lose during the cutscene. I hope future Kiseki games abuse this kind of thing less.

Also, the epilogue final dungeon was way too much. I didn't really need to fight 4 cryptids AGAIN, as well as a copy pasted boss from CS1.


πŸ”² My grandma could play it
πŸ”² Easy
πŸ”² Normal
πŸ”² Hard
β˜‘οΈ Dark Souls


β˜‘οΈ MS Paint
πŸ”² Bad
πŸ”² Meh
πŸ”² Graphics dont matter in this game
πŸ”² Good
πŸ”² Beautiful
πŸ”² Masterpiece


πŸ”² Bad
πŸ”² Not special
β˜‘οΈ Good
πŸ”² Beautiful


πŸ”² This game has no story
πŸ”² It's there for the people who want it
πŸ”² Well written
πŸ”² You choose your fate


πŸ”² Free
πŸ”² Underpriced
πŸ”² Perfect Price
β˜‘οΈ Could be cheaper
πŸ”² Overpriced
πŸ”² Complete waste of money


πŸ”² You can run it on a microwave
πŸ”² High end
β˜‘οΈ NiSA computer, haha..


πŸ”² Very Short (0 - 3 hours)
πŸ”² Short (3 - 15 hours)
πŸ”² Average (15-50 hours)
πŸ”²Long (50-90 hours)
β˜‘οΈUmineko⁉(90-110 hours)
πŸ”² No ending

~ FUN ~

πŸ”² I'd rather watch paint dry
πŸ”² Hard to enjoy
πŸ”² Repetitive
πŸ”²Actually pretty amusing
β˜‘οΈ Ride of your life


πŸ”² It's a one-time experience
πŸ”² Only for achievements
β˜‘οΈ If you wait a few months/years
πŸ”² Definitely
πŸ”² Infinitely replayable


πŸ”² No
β˜‘οΈ Wait for sale
β˜‘οΈ Yes

I wish Crow made me lunch.

Really fun game. Heard some had issues with pacing on the first act and some on the second but honestly I didn't feel any of it, was enjoying it the whole way, a lot more than CS1 since it didn't take years to get going (though I still respect and like it because without it then its predecessors wouldn't have nearly as much ground to be built on)

Still not my favourite Trails game, it loses to the Crossbell games and SC, but still like I said a fun and engaging journey. Only things that really hold it back for me are that I don't like C7 as much as the SSS and Sky cast. No one's really bad there's just a lot more "yeah you're alright" characters here, along with some I find annoying/need to never speak again

Thank god I could enjoy ACT 2 unlike many people.

Trails Of Cold Steel 2 is what I would consider an upgrade from Cold Steel 1. With Cold Steel 1 it is an introduction to the whole state that we are in the first game (and the cast of Cold Steel in general) with that done Cold Steel 2 gets into the meat of this arc in trails, and it holds no punches. The story of this game is gripping, even though the pacing can be meh at points when trails do side quests well they do them well. The battle system saw an improvement with some unique stuff that only in this game (like overdrive), that makes me sad that they were not brought back for future installments but it makes the system unique with being able to just have one of the series have the mechanic. Overall though the end to the first part of the Cold Steel series, and shows the strength of this arc.

Kino, started pretty slow and has Cr*w but aside from that it was as goat as everyone said it was
Plus the ending made me shed a tear

An improvement on it’s predecessor in every way even if it still suffers from it’s cast issues.

Rean gayest man alive fr