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Este corto juego hecho en 7 días está mejor que casi todos los horror-fps que hay por ahí, tito David demuestra una vez más que sabe lo que hace. Posicionamiento de enemigos malintencionado, buen uso de la oscuridad/luz y atmósfera muy buena con 4 assets.

why is this on this site but not squirrel stapler

When your brother forced you to make a "survival-horror")
There's no shortage of ammo here, but you can't shoot and hold a flashlight in your hands at the same time, not that it's a completely unique idea, but it's quite difficult to predict where the monster will move, they're fast and often dash when your flashlight is off, which creates a bit of a "scp" effect "(well, or it seemed to me).
Checkpoint when moving to a new room, a first aid kit will only protect you from 1-2 hits, you won’t be able to return to the previous location, you can’t get through with 10hp? - start the game again, and you can save a couple of points to make the backtracking escape from this place easier, although there will still be enough new items.
There are 2 types of enemies + stronger ones, good design of encounters with enemies (although the use of traps is not enough) There is a replayable mode “without a flashlight”, where each cartridge will be useful to you for lighting the room,
Of course, this looks like a less complete game than the relatively recent "Chop Goblins", but conceptually cool as always, Zimansky continues to deliver good indie-content.

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Good game, just think it needed a bit more oomph.

Leshoid Aproved
Beat on the: 22/01/24

this game is actually kinda funny??? ik its supposed to be, but I really didn't think it would be lmaoooo. and the ambiance is amazing, so even tho its goofy in concept, this game is still pretty spooky. and i love concept of -your only light source is the muzzle flash of your gun- like, thats SUCH a cool concept that works really well here.

idk i think just think this whole thing weirdly works. combat is simple and kinda poo but does it really matter? enemy long-range attacks feel weird, but again... who cares lol. overall i had a good time playing this, and would absolutely recommend for a short, fun, unserious, and spooky experience (when its on sale)

This was alright. David Szymanski has garnered a nice little following for himself after some bite-sized horror game hits. The Pony Factory is an improved iteration off something he made in 7 days and then spiffed up for this full release. The vibes are memorably creepy and off-putting as you make your way through this cursed locale and blast your way through some hideous horse-like monsters. The story is told through collectible papers that you find throughout the environment (not really my favorite way to do a narrative but it's fine for something like this). You'll pick up ammo and face off against increasingly difficult monsters until a final boss that took me a good bit to get the better of, and it's all over pretty quickly. This game isn't going to be for everyone but it's not too bad for a quick horror pick that you can get through in 30-60 minute session.

We need short little games like this, I love me a unique, quality game I can finish in under an hour. Funny, spooky, intense, maybe a bit too easy and simple, but well worth your time if you're into creepy or interesting experiences.

I've been following David Szymanski's work since Dusk, and have since bought pretty much all of his games on or around release day. Looking at his work, it quickly becomes apparent that he has a knack for both horror and shooter design. The Pony Factory leans more into the horror side, although it still includes fps elements.

Pony Factory feels like a love letter to Doom 3. Back when Doom 3 first released, players could not equip a weapon and a flashlight at the same time, meaning they had to choose between being able to see or being able to shoot. The BFG re-release would eventually change that, but Szymanski seemingly enjoyed this dynamic so much that he made it the core mechanic of Pony Factory. The game's sharp shadows and heavily stylized lighting lend themselves well to this sort of gameplay, and some of the scares definitely caught me off guard.

However, it's important to remember that Pony Factory is not a big release. This is a 4€ game that regularly goes on sale and can be completed in less than an hour. There are some alternative gameplay modes, but nothing to keep players hooked for hours on end. The game reusing some of its levels has been criticized but I personally didn't mind it, especially since making a level that works well no matter from what direction you approach it is incredibly impressive. Ultimately, Pony Factory is a very good bite sized horror fps, and a must play for every fan of Doom 3.

Short, sweet, and surprisingly funny

The Pony Factory is short and not-so-sweet. You will slowly walk through a dilapidated factory killing three enemies repeatedly while a somewhat annoying song loops. In under twenty minutes, you too can steal the heart of The Pony Factory and kill some idiotic boss on your way out.

There isn't much to see, especially since the whole factory is extremely dark. You also literally retread your footsteps as you walk back the way you came, which for a twenty minute game feels extremely lazy. You get one uninteresting gun that gets a nearly useless upgrade. There are a few scattered writings to read that are somewhat funny, especially the one about the factory dumping tangible sin into the forest's water supply, which believe it or not is seemingly having consequences; but our “hero” Winston has been assured by Hell itself, who helps manage the factory, that these two things are not actually linked and he can stop worrying about it.

Its full price is $4 but honestly? I think that's asking for too much. This is a demo or experiment and it shouldn't be for sale. I do not recommend The Pony Factory.

I like Szymanski's short form games but this is definitely the weakest.

Would be twice as good if it didn't had this void trollface sigma tiktok filter.

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this game definitely feels like a demo, and that doesn't mean it's bad or anything! but i was sort of hoping for more from this. no jumpscares, repetitive gameplay, and an ending that just ends. i would love to see this fleshed out one day, but i doubt it. also, this is pretty much a scary demo of chop goblins and i kind of love it. i think the joke would be way funnier if i played this first though. a pretty solid demo that def needs refining, but that's the entire point of this collection

[Played the Dread X Collection version years ago]

Brisk but enjoyable. I really like the way lighting is used. Inspired by Doom 3 you have to put your flashlight away to fire your gun so sometimes the only way to traverse it is to fire your gun and use either the muzzle flash or the small glint of bullets hitting a wall.

Initially tried this in the first Dread X Collection and finished it now that it has a solo release, neat little experiment in Doom 3 flashlight-or-gun mechanics. Striking look and a good lesson in how thought-out lighting can make very rudimentary textures look atmospheric. Very clearly made in a week and the additions the Szymanskis made for full release don't change that much, even though they are still very welcome.

Another David Szymanski gem. Short and sweet like most of his titles. Effective sound design and atmosphere. Great use of light and color. Some cool bonus modes as well to add some value. An entertaining hour!

Cute, short game that was actually kinda scary. I enjoy the idea of only being able to have your gun or flashlight active at any given time. The atmosphere is also pretty spooky and well crafted, makes good use of the light mechanic. It was fun and allowed for some "natural" jumpscares that didn't feel super cheap. Gunplay is fine enough, though a bit basic and repetitive. The little notes you find giving story tidbits can be humorous, but don't offer anything too excitingly deep. It doesn't overstay its welcome, but it would be hard to as it's really only about an hour in length. There are alternate game modes like perma-death, no flashlight, and a slightly higher difficulty. However, aside from the idea of relying entirely on the environment or using your muzzle flash for sight, the challenge modes don't really appeal to me. I hardly struggled with the game as-is, and I don't think they would really do enough to spice up the gameplay. It's pretty decent for what it is, not bad by any means, but even on sale it feels a bit overpriced for what you ultimately get.

Terrifying, A bit annoying enemies, Short, Truly a game made by the dusk dev

Not the best, but as a 30 minute game, it's pretty entertaining. It plays like DOOM 3 (the non-BFG version), so if you don't like the flashlight-weapon switching gameplay in that, you probably should skip this one. Not as good as other games by the same developer imo, but I don't regret buying this. I enjoyed the experience despite how short it was, it was more comical than I expected but the visuals were a good creepy contrast to that.

Also, I think it's funny how some people are pointing out that this might be related to/referencing an old MLP fanfiction called "Rainbow Factory"; if David Szymanski can answer whether or not this is the case that would be nice

I really truly adore these micro-games David Szymanski makes. Squirrel Stapler is still his apex but this is fun. Incredibly well thought out for a game made in a week.

As always, check out the Local Files for some fun surprises

Typically love these types of PSX indie horror games and David Szymanski has a pretty good library, but this isn't great. Story was going for silly and it fell flat; music was nothing but a theremin making alien noises; enemy variety was lacking; and the gameplay was walking down a hallway and then back again.

Not great. Not even really worth the small price.

Offbeat horror goodness. I appreciated the way this game explores lighting as a resource of sorts for the player, like Doom 3 before the BFG edition stapled your flashlight to your gun. Scout areas with your light-emitting bullets and keep track of enemies in the dark, or die. It's thrilling, but shorter than the concept deserves, I think.

What the fuck was David Szymanski cooking with this?

ışıklandırmalar atmosfer falan güzel de oynanış çok yavan bir iki tane an dışında germedi bile

A short spooky game where people turned monster ponies roam an abandoned factory as you search for the hell power to make more ponies

It's a dark place and you can't hold both your flashlight and your bolt gun at the same time making for some good moments. Worth trying out!

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It's definitely not bad, the atmosphere is there. The audio is there, the game is there. It's all there, but it's just kinda not quite there for me. It definitely needed a lil bit more meat to it and not be a 20 minute minute game that's essentially the same game, but twice when you have to go back through it at the end.