Reviews from

in the past

its like the sims but mostly focused on the construction part, if you're into that kind of stuff its a good time
its also early access and there's still entire areas that have to be unlocked so that's cool

It was fun, but there's so little variety between clients and jobs that it gets very repetitive very quickly, especially with all the grinding it wants from you.

House Flipper'ın yayıncılarının elinden çıkan ve biraz benzeyen fakat tepeden bakışa sahip bir tasarım, tadilat, yönetim ve simülasyon oyunudur. oyunumuzda evleri kiraya veren ve daha sonrasında kiracılarla ilgilenen bir karakteri canlandırıyoruz. evleri istediğimiz şekilde ve müşterilerimizin kriterlerine uygun bir şekilde tasarlıyoruz. oyun az önce de bahsettiğim üzere house flipper'ın mekaniklerine benzer bir yapıda olmakla birlikte burada asıl olay sadece evi yapıp teslim etmek değil; devamında kiracıların şikayetleriyle de ilgileniyor ve hatta sıkıntılı kiracıları sabote edip evden çıkarttırabiliyoruz. bir yerden sonra tekrara düşmesi sebebiyle sıkıcılaşsa da eğlenceli bir oyun. arkada bir şeyler dinlerken güzel evler tasarlayıp sıkıntılı kiracılarla uğraşabilirsiniz. oyunun steam fiyatı normalde 40 tl olmakla birlikte indirim dönemlerinde 26 tl'ye düşmektedir. 26tl üzerinden düşünürsek bence pişman etmeyecek bir yapım ancak 40tl belki bi tık fazla olabilir. aradaki fark az dursa da indirimi kaçırırsanız bir sonraki indirimi beklemekte fayda var. Tabii bu sırada dolar kuru yüzünden oyuna zam da gelebilir.

The Tenants is a decent game with a clear and user-friendly UI. I particularly enjoyed the architectural aspect of the game, reminiscent of the building mechanics in the Sims franchise, which added to the overall enjoyment. The opportunity to renovate properties and interact with tenants is a great feature.

However, I must admit that the game has a noticeable amount of grinding, which personally wasn't to my liking. The excessive grind can sometimes feel like a hindrance, slowing down the overall pace of the gameplay and detracting from the fun experience.

Despite the grind, if you appreciate simulation games and have a penchant for property management and renovation challenges, The Tenants could still be a worthwhile addition to your gaming library. With a bit of patience, you can find satisfaction in creating and managing your properties while dealing with the diverse needs of the tenants.

Landlord simulator with morally dubious options like ways to harass your tenants out of their lease turned into cutesy animations. Game loop is dull, just cram required objects into space and client loves it always. Only way to find objects easily is to use a tiny little search bar. 'Babysitting' tenants offers few options and gets old even faster. Bleh.

The Game is good. Well Optimized. The cons is on the repetitive mission that make me bored

I went into this game with some hesitance, even though I've been eyeing it for quite sometime now. But when it popped up on my feed, being on sale, I went with the plunge, considering it it on full release now. It isn't as bad as I feared, and I do enjoy it enough.

You essentially play as a landlord, and have to clean, construct and even tend to houses you own as well as your tenants' problems. Some of the complaints can be really outrageous and makes you feel as if you're handling a bunch of toddlers! But otherwise, the game is interesting enough, and can keep you occupied for a few hours.

Repititve after playing a couple hours and not really new. Still fun though.

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