Reviews from

in the past

I like this game a lot. It feels a lot like Commissioner Gordon's story in Batman Year One. Not related genuinely but it makes me think of it.

If this was 5, maybe 6 hours long I would have liked it. It's way too long and simply ran out of patience for it. I will say it has a really nice atmosphere and it pulls off its style beautifully; the voice-acting is great and I will never not love having an in-game radio to listen to music with.

Parts of this are so fun and unique it creates an experience you could always remember, commanding your fleet of cops and detectives is engaging and intense even though you're just looking at a map the whole time basically. However as much as I like the gameplay it is also the ultimate downfall for this game imo. It becomes so ridiculously difficult near the end and solving the detective cases nearly impossible that it completely ruins the experience and doesn't inspire me to go back and play it again. Way too much RNG and that can't be understated

The management aspect is very monotonous and all the developments that occur are cheap and don't improve the loop, some events or game rules are just silly and arbitrary.
Payoff is very weak and i'm not even critiquing the narrative here, in fact the narrative is the only thing that I might praise.
Recap and get into the sequel if you're intrigued, because you won't find value for time sunk here.

I've always been torn on how actually good this game is because its story is incredibly interesting while at the same time being extremely stupid soemtimes. Its gameplay is fun but at the same time gets incredibly boring very fast.

In This is the Police you play as Jack Boyd, a police chief in a city called "Freeburg" and if that doesn't tell you what kind of message the game is trying to get across then the first few events in the story certainly will, with your first choice basically being how hard you want to sell out to the Mafia, which is inevitable either way.

Even though I kinda made fun of it there it's actually a really interesting story. It's essentially about how the institution of the police turns even the most well-intentioned cops into horrible people some way or another. How the position of Police Chief is always going to ripe with corruption in one way or another. And how Jack's ambitions of power and bitterness turn him into an increasingly horrible person, as well as showing that he may never have been as a good of a person as he thought he was.

I think compared to its sequel it definitely has a huge leg-up narrative and storywise. The second game is almost completely character focused, set in a smaller town in Minnesota. This is fine, the story is good enough in that game, but it just doesn't manage to match this games experience imo.

The main reason I feel this way is because the city is really well made, it feels like through the calls and investigations you can feel the issues the city is facing without it actually being explained to you. It paints a picture of the city without you ever having to actually see it for the most part. It's an experience which you realy don't get in the second game.

That being said, the dialogue doesn't always land too well, it obviously takes influence from a lot of movies and such, but every once in a while it feels like Jack Boyd is a bit too much like a movie character. Also cutscenes feel a bit slow sometimes, either the amount of dialogue or simply the pacing of the cutscene.

The main problem with this game is that its gameplay is kinda boring, especially for how long it is, something the second game definitely improved on dramatically. In this game you send cops out on calls, sometimes you need to help them, sometimes they'll need to call in the SWAT team, but every time it's pretty much the same. It's fun for a while, definitely not for the many hours long this game is.

tbh I only wrote a review on this game at all because it's a game I think about a lot for some reason, it's definitely worht checking out if it sounds interesting to you

This game contains multiple digs at Jaden Smith. It's a mixed bag with some of the game design elements being deceptively complex, but the base gameplay loop gets old long before the conclusion and there are far too many annoyances. For a game that's primarily text I would have hoped for less typos and better animation in the few cut scenes scattered throughout.

By the way, ACAB

This review contains spoilers

I initially became curious to play Weappy Studio’s This is the Police when I realized that my opinion of law enforcement was tanking. Maybe it was because of everything I would see on r/badcopnodonut. Maybe it was a result of my changing political beliefs. Or Maybe I was going through a second adolescence and developing a renewed distrust of authority. Whatever the case, I didn’t like cops. But that’s not fair right? Somebody has to enforce the law? After all, I had no qualms with cops from other countries. The system is the problem. Maybe if I understood the system, I would know how to change the system. Most logical individuals when faced with this dilemma would read a book or maybe look at some news article. I decided to play a video game.

The game’s core loop (and one you will repeat many, many times) is as such. A 911 call appears, you assess the situation, and you dispatch the necessary forces. The game throws a myriad of other challenges your way, but this is what you’ll be doing the whole time.
But the game piles on complication after complication, gangs you have the indulge, business-people who need favors, outrageous demands from city hall, more crimes than you could ever solve, special investigations, and a serial killer that I barely tried to catch. Each complication comes with new rules, a new system to follow, and each system juts up against one another vying for your attention and more importantly, your resources, your officers.
And on top of that, half your officers are alcoholics
There’s a visual novel that plays occasionally where you get to watch your character, disgraced police chief Jack Boyd as he stumbles his way through his last half year on the job before a forced retirement. The mayor is a corrupt jackass and Jack really needs the money so he cozies up with some characters and engages in some...extra-legal activities just to make ends meet. The voice acting in the whole thing is first-rate, and I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t intrigued by the whole thing, but for me, the real story was found working the streets. It doesn’t help that the choices you make during the story cut-scenes barely have an effect on how you play the game. It doesn’t matter who’s side you take in the gang war, or who you support in the next mayoral election, it’s the same song and dance and all paths offer the same resistance.
The only way out is to leave your scruples behind. This isn’t one of those, “try to get the good ending” games. There’s no other way, corruption is not a choice, it is your fate. Maybe you make enough money, maybe you don’t. It doesn’t change much. You’re still addicted to pain meds, your wife still left you, and the city is still probably screwed no matter who your predecessor is.
Around 80% of my way through the game I was very short of my cash goal, and desperate for wealth, I took a shady deal from a shady fellow. He offered me a large sum of money to test out his experimental new auto fuel on our patrol cars, aware that this too-good-to-be-true, monkey's paw offer would backfire eventually, and backfire it did. The patrol cars started crashing, daily, officers were dying left and right when something mysteriously misfired and they lost control. The faulty cars did not discriminate, they killed new hires at the same frequency as they killed my seasoned professionals, even those cops who had been with me from the beginning. I would hire more just to watch them die. My personnel issues made it impossible for me to answer most calls, and my approval rating tanked on all ends only leading to more budget cuts, escaped criminals, and civilian deaths. I was hurling towards the climax, and somebody had cut my breaks. That was just the system consuming me.
This Is The Police has consistent and evocative sound effects. Nothing gets me in the mood to do police work like some radio chatter, blazing sirens, and the clinking of handcuffs on a perp’s wrists. Each occurrence in the game has its own sound, and, since the core loop is very repetitive, each sound cue will be branded in your mind by the end of the game. In that final stretch where I lacked to resources to respond to a lion's share of the calls, I would hear the same two sound cues over and over again—the sound of quickend footsteps signaling that the perp got away, followed by two gunshots: bang, bang: signalling that a civilian had died. That same symphony ringing again and again in my ears cemented the weary despair that had been building day after day of thankless policing. My city was falling apart, there was nothing I could do to save anyone, and it was entirely my fault.
Not that I cared, but at the end of the game lead a military style raid on either city hall (to kill the mayor) or the manor of the populist candidate for the same office (who happens to be the aforementioned serial killer). Neither choice was good and my character would probably not benefit from either. I despised the game for making my choose. There was an extra hard puzzle to top off the game that I realized too late I had failed to collect the correct information for (not that I had the resources to do so). I googled the answer and ended the game.

Police dramas, and Noirs, and pulp fiction will frame the world as a cold and uncaring place. Oftentimes it matters less that you have an ethic, and more that you know how to play the game. But there’s something about being there, entering the world and seeing it as both a story and a system, that’s just deadening. And I can’t decide if it’s savage or profound. I know that right now I’m seeking out art that reveals the light at the end of the tunnel, but this ain't it Chief.

And that’s when I started to think in actual depth about the way I understood my place as the head of the Freeburg Police Department. Because my agency was trapped in the digital space of the police force, I began to see the world through their eyes. The game kept saying to me “look at all the crime you can’t stop” look at

In the real world though, the budget is not dire. Most cities could cut officers. Most cities could cut back on their purchasing of riot gear, tear gas, and military-grade armored vehicles. That tension does not exist in TITP. You have a swat team but it’s just a small buff. There’s no way to inventory your firearms or shields or gas-masks.

There’s one mechanic in the game that I repeatedly saw criticized online. A few times during the game, there is a protest downtown. First it’s about racial justice, then feminism, then [the environment]. The purpose of the protests are of little consequence as your player character never expresses an opinion on pressing social issues and the mechanics of every encounter function the same, but in each and ever situation, City Hall sees the protests as a threat. You are given the same choice every time. Let the activist protest, or suppress with force. It’s a binary decision and there are negative consequences to both choices, but it didn’t seem like and accident when every time I was asked to make the choice it felt that I would get off easier if I sent in my boys to break a few faces. Most of the critics I read saw this moment as insensitive and blase. I think it’s blunt.

I haven't played this game too much but that's for a reason. It has so much potential, the soundtrack is amazing, I like the story to an extent (Although some things fall flat). The whole point of the game (or at least what it seems to be when you first play the game) is that you manage police officers and send them out on calls to stop criminals and such, along with variations of crimes (both serious and funny in tone depending) and political figures you can use to your advantage (like the Mafia, City Hall, etc). But theres one major problem I have with this game. After you're done there isn't much to do or much left, I mean sure you could replay the story again and there's also sandbox mode but I mean sandbox mode feels like a tacked on thing with less effort than the story. It's not like others where you can choose which ties you have or what special crimes you have to solve or anything, it just kinda starts you out and that's it. Some more customization would have added to the replayability of sandbox mode, then you have the problem where they add extra difficulty to the game per week or something. When I play sandbox mode, I want to be able to choose what I can do and my difficulty, not have to go on some pre set challenge mode. With all of those complaints aside I do love this game, and I would highly recommend anyone try it, at least for the single player. But just be aware there are a lot of great ideas but some execution missteps.

From Steam Reviews:

I wanted to like this game so much more. If it were cut in half, this would be a fantastic game. The story could be considered cliche, but still, I liked Jack quite a bit, and his life slowly spiraling even more out of his control is an intriguing ride. The voice actors gave a solid performance, especially Jack’s voice actor. The soundtrack is enjoyable plus giving the option to pick your songs for each day is a nice touch.
The gameplay is compelling at the beginning. Trying to optimize which people to send, how many and to try and catch false alarms so you don’t waste your time is intriguing, but for the first 50-60 days. After that, it quickly gets monotonous. And while I like the story, the story moments are so far away from each other that you could be playing day after day, with nothing changing, in the meantime. By the end of it, I was going as fast as possible through the days so I could get it over with. I had an army of officers not caring if they died or not.
If you want a police management game, that you can play and do something else simultaneously (that’s what I started doing from the middle of the game) I recommend it, especially if it’s on sale.

Como uma pessoa que ama a área policial, iniciei This is the police com uma certa expectativa do que poderia diferenciar o tema corrupção do jogo com os outros conteúdos amplamente divulgados e apesar dos erros, é necessário dizer que a Weappy conseguiu mudar a ótica e aprofundar de uma forma bem mais interessante do que imaginei.

O enredo do jogo é bem mais complexo do que apenas “um chefe de policia que sonha em ganhar dinheiro” é algo sobre moralidade, duvidas, a falsa sensação de justiça e perfeição ao mesmo tempo que adiciona uma grande interferência pessoal, pois no fim do dia é impossível separar toda a sua vida em áreas e esquecer uma ou outra assim que chegamos a um local. Somos pessoas, humanos imperfeitos que julgam e são julgados diariamente, temos a necessidade egoísta de elogios, amor, expectativas e acreditamos muitas vezes na sensação de necessidade e altruísmo, coisas que já estão corrompidas socialmente.

“Você não é como eles porque só está roubando meio milhão?”

Mesmo com uma parte gráfica considerada inferior, This is the police entrega bem mais do que jogos com gráficos realistas, o trabalho de voz e a própria utilização do som ambiente são elementos que conseguem captar a atenção do jogador a todo momento, chegando até mesmo ao nível de captar o sentimento de raiva, ódio, tristeza e felicidade. Inclusive, quero deixar meus parabéns para os responsáveis de dar a vida a Lana e Jack, o sentimento afetuoso e livre é bem difícil de alcançar somente com a narração, mas quando existe um trabalho impecável é um caminho sem volta.

Infelizmente, a narrativa intensa quase não consegue segurar a gameplay decadente. O sistema de gerenciamento não é ruim, as notificações e telefonemas são muito bem escritos, porém, imagine repetir a mesma coisa por 180 dias, com 10 dias sendo em média 1 (uma) hora... Já deu pra perceber que o maior problema de Police é algo bem recorrente em gerenciadores não é mesmo?

A repetição nas primeiras 5 horas de campanha não é tão óbvia, mas acaba se tornando um ponto de virada na reta final e tudo o que faz o jogador continuar se prendendo é a dúvida do que acontecerá com o protagonista, coisa que também não chega a ser uma surpresa, pois só temos duas certezas na vida e a principal se encontra bem representada na obra.

“Você ficou quieta por um tempo, depois riu e disse que eu seria o seu herói...”

No fim, This is the police representa com louvor um tema extremamente comum na sociedade e ao mesmo tempo mostra que a nossa redoma de justiça social não passa de um sistema em apodrecimento que vai voltar para nos pegar em algum momento da vida. Além disso, ele também consegue mostrar como a nossa existência é insignificante e em como somos facilmente manipulados pelo sentimento, seja ele qual for.

Ļoti labi spēle par policistu. Viegli aizrauj. Bija interesanti spēlēt.

A true joy of a game. Slow, methodical, but shifting and engaging. I would play this game indefinitely if only the story campaign hadn't closed with such finality. That be the true only negative I can say, that there was no way to play a campaign and control the police forever, if only that was an option. Somehow, such a simple game created such a fun atmosphere and gameplay, and yet the story does not fall off a cliff as it so easily could have. I'll play again, I'm sure of it, but I have no idea when that could be.

Awesome game, enjoyed it from start to finish. Interesting enough story about a cop going down a path of corruption or honesty. Good gameplay loop, felt rewarded when I invested in my low number officers (Sadano and Austin <3) Involves a bit of strategy since you won’t have your cops work for you everyday, sometimes they have to attend some personal errands or just not work at all, which is nice since it helps the player be more engaged since they can’t just send cops to a call and turn off their brain. Nothing bad I can really say about this game. There’s a second game of This is the Police, which i personally enjoy more but a lot of people don’t. In summary 8.5/10, worth the time if you like management games and a nice cop story.

I used the mafia to destroy the mafia

Great core gameplay loop, funny and surprisingly fun strategy. Not really anything special though, and they didn't randomize the events for some strange reason so every playthrough is the same. Fun to stream.

A really cool idea, and being able to buy a bunch of classical and jazz records is really awesome, but most of the rest of the game is kinda slow and tedious with a little too much of a reliance on rng for my tastes

Game has a nice idea and an easy but interesting crime system to get you hooked through the story.

However it gets repetitive way too quickly, and it demands you do the cycle for around 100 days which is a tad too much for my taste.

A nice strategy game with a really in depth and intriguing storyline. Though the gameplay needs some tweaking, it's still very engaging and sometimes even stressful to decided who goes to do what.

It's only bogged down by how long it is, it seriously doesn't need to be nearly 20-30 hours long, and the lack of a free-play mode (IE a mode that's just the gameplay without worrying about the overarching story) kind of hurts but that's just me.

it's an overall 8/10 despite it's flaws.

This is the Police é um game indie policial onde seguimos a história de um chefe de policia que foi renunciado do seu cargo pelo prefeito da cidade e apenas lhe restam 180 dias para gerenciar essa delegacia da sua maneira, o game tem uma gameplay bem arriscada onde temos que gerencia-la contratando gente nova, tendo que reconhecer quais chamados são trotes e quais não, tentando não se afundar em toda a corrupção que a cidade te oferece e entre outros elementos que no começo são muito imersivos e interessantes mas com o tempo sua base de gameplay se torna enjoativa e repetitiva mas como a história é contada com competência e te entrega uma história imersiva e realista da cidade de Freeburg nós ficamos a mercê de zera-lo para poder ver todo o fechamento do enredo principal, concluindo, numa primeira jogatina é interessante de se jogar pela história porém para quem for comprar saiba que o fator replay desse jogo deixa muito a desejar pelos motivos ditos acima.

I liked the game. I am not disappointed by it, but I have to say that the game is way too long. Up to day 100 it was interesting and I was invested. After that it was a grind and constant replays of levels to get a better random drops. The last part may be my fault because I did not manage to keep the good relationship with the mayor's office, but the game doesn't tell you many important things about how to run things.
I liked the story and the choices that you have to make. The puzzles are decent up to the day 100, after that they become impossible to figure out without internet, as you don't get enough clues to correctly place the frames.
There is also poker in this game, which I don't know how to play, but this time I said that I will not skip poker again and I actually learnt how to play, and it was quite fun, except the last guy who drags the game for way too long.
The ending is underwhelming. After all, I got 1066000$ which was like twice the target and the ending was still bad (there is no good ending).

So very slow to play
Would NEVER RECOMMEND ANYONE, it felt such a slog to get through and I'm glad it's over

Um simulador de chefe de policia bem enfadonho, que todavia se justifica pelo seu final justo e mesquinho. Nem todas as historias tem finais felizes e nem todos os jogos são feitos para serem vencidos, esse é um deles.

Bom, então, eu gostei, mas fiquei muito na dúvida se recomendava o jogo ou não.

Vamos lá; o jogo de início é legal, divertido, porém a parte mais forte da gameplay é como se fosse um simcity só que só de polícia. Claro que tem várias outras mecânicas no jogo, e eu achei todas bem divertidas - inclusive tem um plot por trás de tudo - mas nada disso é muito presente; o que me fez pensar muito se eu recomendava o jogo ou não.

Alguns pontos positivos: a arte é lindíssima, eu amei muito; a atuação dos dubladores é impecável MENOS a do personagem principal, achei a atuação dele péssima; as músicas são muito boas, é muito gostosinho colocar as músicas e beber um cafézinho junto. De início o jogo é legal, a história e as mecânicas são bem divertidas.

Pontos negativos: depois de um tempo o jogo fica MUITO repetitivo. A história demora pra desenrolar, vc fica dias e dias jogando o mesmo sim city de policial, até que a história evolui um pouquinho (bem pouco mesmo) e depois volta pra mesma coisa. As outras mecânicas também são divertidas, mas mal acontecem. O que predomina no jogo é o que eu já disse, e depois de um tempo fica muuiito chato. Além de que colocam muitos empecilhos, vários dos seus policiais morrem nas missões do nada, tem muitas ligações falsas, etc., e isso vai desmotivando cada vez mais.

Agora uma crítica ao plot: até um certo ponto do jogo a história vai evoluindo de uma maneira okay, te da vontade de continuar jogando pra ver o que acontece, mas depois de um tempo as coisas se perdem um pouco. A história passa a ficar sem nexo, coisas muito importantes que aconteceram são simplesmente esquecidas de uma hora pra outra; várias coisas acontecem ao mesmo tempo e acabam sem ter uma conclusão muito clara.
Esse jogo também é daqueles que escolhas importam, se vc fizer uma escolha a história se desenrola de uma maneira totalmente diferente, só que, sinceramente? essas escolhas não mudam quase nada na gameplay. O jogo continua naquela mesmice com algumas cenas esporádicas do plot. Não me deu vontade nenhuma de voltar e jogar de novo pra ver o que aconteceria se eu tivesse feito outra escolha.

Resumindo: no início o jogo é legal, e quando eu digo início quero dizer algumas horas. Eu gostei, mas depois de um tempo ficou muito cansativo e repetitivo; as coisas demoravam para acontecer; o plot foi se perdendo e não era interessante o suficiente pra te instigar a continuar jogando. Poderiam ter feito algo muito melhor, um jogo mais curto quem sabe, com as outras mecânicas aparecendo mais vezes, com a história se desenrolando com mais frequência ao invés de ter que esperar muito tempo pra algo acontecer. Dava pra ter aproveitado muito melhor isso aí.

Eu joguei até o fim, porque, como eu disse, eu até que tava gostando. Pensei "vai que no final acontece alguma coisa que me surpreende", mas não, continuou nisso.

Minha dica é, se vc tiver bastante dinheiro sobrando, realmente, sem precisar se preocupar em guardar, e tiver bastante tempo livre nos próximos dias, compre o jogo, de resto, não.

This game is criminally underrated. Great concept, great execution, great story, great characters. Albeit slow-burn and not for people who like repetition.

I had fun with this
Story is pretty cool too

I still don't really understand how the crime scene investigations are supposed to work but I like the deck-building nature of the officers

1) Затянуто, причем очень сильно. Под конец игры следить за происходящим просто невозможно из-за духоты;
2) Со второй половины игры часто встречаются многократные повторения различных событий и реплик;
3) Игра не предлагает ничего нового из механик по ходу продвижения;
4) Перегруз текстом, который опять же со 2 половины игры повторяется;
5) Система расследований интересная;
6) Какая никакая вариативность присутствует;
7) Сюжет - база.