Reviews from

in the past

Eh, played for about 30 minutes, I don't like it. and ppl say it's going to get frustratingly hard, so nah.

A great challenging 2D platformer where you play as little kid Thor. It starts off easy but every few stages it adds a new mechanic that slowly leads to a very tough platforming experience. Controlling the infinitely bouncing hammer is a lot of fun and leads to great combat and puzzle platforming challenges. Toward the end I felt like the controls could be slightly more precise especially in the wall jumping and quick hammer tosses but ultimately I found this to be a very fun platformer.

Very cute little platformer, starts off incredibly easy, with a limited move set and quite simple levels and puzzles, but develops into something much more interesting and complex, if frustrating at times.
This really shines in it's bonus levels which are, sadly, locked behind secret collectables in the main game, but it's so little you're near enough guaranteed to have enough as long as you aren't blitzing through the levels. They are a lot faster paced and make full use of the entire games arsenal, in fact, the first is one of my favourite levels in the entire game just because of the effort put into designing a really engaging while challenging level on such a small moveset.
Arguably, the biggest issue the game has is it's main gimmick in the hammer, while it is cool and works throughout the majority of the game, fast paced sections requiring precise throws just aren't fun and they can happen a fair amount.
Still, worth giving a shot if you're into platformers and the concept looks fun; I enjoyed my time with it, although, admittedly, the games it takes inspiration from, celeste most notably, are some of my favourites.

Starts as a 90s mascot platformer and gradually morphs into a modern precision platformer over the course of the game. I think it pulls off both approaches adequately, but I can't deny I was left wanting a bit more than the game had to offer me.